Rupp, Hall, Sutton, Pitino, Tubby, Calipari. Give each coach equal talent over 10 years. which coach has the most success to least success

Just say you don’t like Calipari. I don’t know why people intentionally like to create chaos on here.
Cal is a great salesman. He just sucks as a coach. And I think last year's team proves that point. It was a group of good, experienced college players and they looked like a monkey humping a football most of the year, especially if Reeves wasn't hitting shots. Cal can't win with just good college players. He has to have several NBA picks on his team to make some noise.
If you give Calipari 3-4 years with the same great players he would have 5 titles by now.

It’s funny how much credit Pitino gets. He was at a top 5 program with the best facilities for 17 years and Calipari smoked him non stop with 6 week freshman teams going up against Pitino’s 3 year roster teams.
If you give Calipari 3-4 years with the same great players he would have 5 titles by now.

It’s funny how much credit Pitino gets. He was at a top 5 program with the best facilities for 17 years and Calipari smoked him non stop with 6 week freshman teams going up against Pitino’s 3 year roster teams.

Pitino turns 3 stars into studs...

Calipari rolls the ball out and luckily his talent usually won out. Pitino with these same players would of won multiple championships hell we may of been past UCLA by now.
Cal was really good in his prime.

I think people are comparing current Cal, who is a shell of his former self, with prime Pitino, Hall, Rupp, Tubby etc.

In their primes…

Rupp(and i’m assuming some things here because i was lot alive)
As others have said, people are picking times during a coaches regime to compare and not the body of work. If I picked a body of work, it would be:

Joe B
That's like saying if every nation in the world had a military exactly like the United States, who would win a round-robin global war?

Who the hell knows. It's a goofy premise. And having the skill, energy and charisma to recruit elite talent is central to being Kentucky's basketball coach. Wins and losses are the result and consequence of all a coach does. Praise or criticize any Ketnucky coach for that result. Period.

These procrustean fallacies -- torturing logic in any way possible to make it fit an attack on Calipari are childish.
That's like saying if every nation in the world had a military exactly like the United States, who would win a round-robin global war?

Who the hell knows. It's a goofy premise. And having the skill, energy and charisma to recruit elite talent is central to being Kentucky's basketball coach. Wins and losses are the result and consequence of all a coach does. Praise or criticize any Ketnucky coach for that result. Period.

These procrustean fallacies -- torturing logic in any way possible to make it fit an attack on Calipari are childish.
I see most people are just answering the question.

And others are getting angry at the question.

We all know what that means.
If you give Calipari 3-4 years with the same great players he would have 5 titles by now.

It’s funny how much credit Pitino gets. He was at a top 5 program with the best facilities for 17 years and Calipari smoked him non stop with 6 week freshman teams going up against Pitino’s 3 year roster teams.
2015 says hi.
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Some people have Joe B way too high. He probably had the most talent, year in and year out, of any coach at UK. He regularly had 6+ McDonalds All Americans on the roster.
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It depends on what kind of talent each of them gets. I understand Cal had Pitino's number for a few years there but I still like Pitino over Cal. Pitino can make kids believe they're great no matter who they are. I wasn't yet available for the Rupp or Hall eras 😂 so I don't like to comment on stuff I don't know for sure about, but I know out of the coaches I've been alive for I'd say Pitino, Sutton, Cal, Clyde.

I'd possibly pick Clyde ahead of Cal if I knew I was getting the guy who turned A&M and UTEP around but if he just gonna take a job so he has media members and college kids to mistreat then I'd take Cal. No way though I could ever sit through 10 years of that shit Clyde did while here in Kentucky though. Most in this state don't like Eddie, and I get why, but he did alright everywhere he went and had Oklahoma State playing in the FF. Shit hit the fan at UK so I get why folks dont like him but he had 800 wins.
If you give Calipari 3-4 years with the same great players he would have 5 titles by now.

It’s funny how much credit Pitino gets. He was at a top 5 program with the best facilities for 17 years and Calipari smoked him non stop with 6 week freshman teams going up against Pitino’s 3 year roster teams.

How relevant has uofl been since Pitino left? Pitino would kill it at UK like he did in the 90s.
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How relevant has uofl been since Pitino left? Pitino would kill it at UK like he did in the 90s.
UL hasn’t been relevant since Pitino left because Pitino ruined the program and left them in shambles. The reason he was cheating so much and so blatantly is he couldn’t keep up with Calipari and got smoked every year by a bunch of 18 year olds who were 6 weeks into their college careers.

The amazing thing about this list is that the top 6 guys all made a Final Four somewhere (with Sutton doing it at OSU) and the first 5 all won titles here.

We've had some incredible coaches.
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These are kind of dumb to me. Cal focuses on talent acquisition and player development. Who is to say that Pitino or Tubby are the same in-game coaches when they spend time recruiting and have constant roster turnover?

IDK, just feels like this topic comes up once a month and it's clear what the angle is. It's trying to take away what Cal is good at. So let's ask the question differently: all coaches have the same schemes and plays to use, with the rosters they have. Who is a distant #2 after Cal now?

By the way, that's an equally dumb scenario. Every coach has things they are good at and not good at, to make a composite score of how successful they are. It's kind of silly to remove a coaches best weapon and try and size him up with others.
These are kind of dumb to me. Cal focuses on talent acquisition and player development. Who is to say that Pitino or Tubby are the same in-game coaches when they spend time recruiting and have constant roster turnover?

IDK, just feels like this topic comes up once a month and it's clear what the angle is. It's trying to take away what Cal is good at. So let's ask the question differently: all coaches have the same schemes and plays to use, with the rosters they have. Who is a distant #2 after Cal now?

By the way, that's an equally dumb scenario. Every coach has things they are good at and not good at, to make a composite score of how successful they are. It's kind of silly to remove a coaches best weapon and try and size him up with others.
It's a good point. But Cal doesn't coach plays or schemes, so he wouldn't use them. He's a recruiter and not a coach at this point. And it's debatable whether he does any player development as well.
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It's a good point. But Cal doesn't coach plays or schemes, so he wouldn't use them. He's a recruiter and not a coach at this point. And it's debatable whether he does any player development as well.

Cal is the best player development coach in the country. Every NBA GM will tell you that.

And just because you don’t see plays being run doesn’t mean they aren’t. Cal actually runs too many sets for my taste.

As for what one would do with talent, Cal beat our ‘96 team with one player and 4 ball boys.

Cal has taken every school he’s coached to the FF.

He’s the only coach on that list you can say that about except Rupp.

Rupp is without question the best coach ever at UK and possibly the best coach to ever coach college basketball. The game today is what it is because of Rupp. And Rupp has the highest winning percentage ever.