Rupp Arena - Where Opponent Career Highs Happen


Jul 17, 2003
Add Tazarien White to the list of players who have a career game in the most overrated basketball arena in the country. As I have said before, you do not see this in Cameron; you do not see this in the Phog; you do not see this at the O-dome; you do not see this in Breslin; you do not see this at Assembly Hall; you do not see this at the Dean Dome, etc. It's almost like a make-a-wish - you get to be a lotto pick for a day at Rupp.
Cal ain't kidding when he says to 'come to Kentucky' and he can get you drafted. Just showing how serious he is about helping to end generational poverty.
True that but it’s crazy how much confidence these dudes play with in Rupp. It’s old and we have to start intimidating them a bit or at least play some defense. They iso’ed the hell of us late second half and we couldn’t get a stop.
True that but it’s crazy how much confidence these dudes play with in Rupp. It’s old and we have to start intimidating them a bit or at least play some defense. They iso’ed the hell of us late second half and we couldn’t get a stop.
ESPECIALLY Edwards! Why in the hell was Cal insisting on him guarding that dude?! He didn’t stop him. Not one damn time! Unbelievable. Cal’s a fvcking dipshit!
ESPECIALLY Edwards! Why in the hell was Cal insisting on him guarding that dude?! He didn’t stop him. Not one damn time! Unbelievable. Cal’s a fvcking dipshit!
Yeah but we were in so much foul trouble, which is dumb AF because we drove all game and weren’t in the bonus until the very end. They were in the bonus after 7 minutes of the half.
Great post and spot on. Rupp sucks majorly.
I have had some opportunities to go to Rupp (work tickets) and I turned them down. I hate going to UK games anymore. I used to go to almost every one of them in college. I hate going to football games, although, I went to the Alabama game because my friend is a Bama fan, bought some tickets, and decided not to go (free tickets), and gave them to me, so I felt wrong to NOT go. The environment is so stale; the students don't care, and the pep band, as mediocre as it is, plays incessantly, and if by some miracle, the pep band isn't playing, they have some garbage music blaring through the speakers. It's just too much for me anymore. I have been going to Women's bball games (they had the Alumni Band - played much less, and it was enjoyable), soccer games, and baseball games, and those are so much more enjoyable.
Cal ain't kidding when he says to 'come to Kentucky' and he can get you drafted. Just showing how serious he is about helping to end generational poverty.
Yes. He markets the program well. Better than any other coach in our history. Shame we have a few entitled fans that use this to demean the program by misquoting and twisting the marketing commentary out of context. Embarrassing to the rest of the fanbase.
It's not a new phenomenon. I remember some dude from UNC Charlotte in like '88. Torched us. The Crispin Brothers. That dude from VMI. I'm missing a lot.
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A simple google search would prove you’re incorrect. It occurs at those venues as well. Here are a couple. One should sound very familiar:

•Nick Fazekas of Nevada scored 35 points against Kansas at the Phog (career high)
•Keion Brooks of Kentucky scored 27 points against Kansas at the Phog (career high at the time)

You're missing the point; I am glad that you took the time to do research to call out my post, even though, the point was that opponent career highs are rare in other arenas. Some dude from Rhode Island went off at Cameron some years ago. Some dude from FAMU went off at the O-Dome (not looking it up; this is strictly from memory). I never said that it NEVER happens at other places, but it does not happen as often as it does in Rupp. I cannot believe that I had to explain this.
You're missing the point; I am glad that you took the time to do research to call out my post, even though, the point was that opponent career highs are rare in other arenas. Some dude from Rhode Island went off at Cameron some years ago. Some dude from FAMU went off at the O-Dome (not looking it up; this is strictly from memory). I never said that it NEVER happens at other places, but it does not happen as often as it does in Rupp. I cannot believe that I had to explain this.
I mean, you kind of did:

"As I have said before, you do not see this in Cameron; you do not see this in the Phog; you do not see this at the O-dome; you do not see this in Breslin; you do not see this at Assembly Hall; you do not see this at the Dean Dome, etc."
Looks like every team has at least one or two guys that are capable of going off in Rupp, we've got great athletes and can't stop it.
Add Tazarien White to the list of players who have a career game in the most overrated basketball arena in the country. As I have said before, you do not see this in Cameron; you do not see this in the Phog; you do not see this at the O-dome; you do not see this in Breslin; you do not see this at Assembly Hall; you do not see this at the Dean Dome, etc. It's almost like a make-a-wish - you get to be a lotto pick for a day at Rupp.

Your Curry takes might be horrific but this is spot on.

When will we actually look into this? We do shoot-arounds and practices in other gyms, and we wonder why our opponents seem to shoot better at our own home.

Sadly, the only way this changes is if UK were to go back to an on Campus 15k seat arena, where we can practice and have our shoot arounds, not have to compete with Rupps ither events they have scheduled, and create a legit student section that would frighten other teams, just like AFH or Cameron.

But that will never happen, because the current setup makes far more money.
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Playing vs a blue blood is going get the juices flowing for lesser teams, and with the new world of the portal you got guys who already have some experience with it.

The problem is we can rarely match the opening energy, and let other teams/guys get into a groove. Then there is a lack of gameplan vs the hot hand. Why we kept Edwards on White is beyond me.

Rupp is what it is at this point, we aren’t all the sudden going turn it into a 24/7 rowdy arena. But we can at least let our guys do shoot arounds there and force other teams to do it not at Rupp. And at the very least have the staff get the team prepared and motivated for EVERY game at Rupp.
The problem isn't the arena. UNC-W was specifically getting White into ISO situations against Edwards. So why not put Mitchell or Thiero on him? Same with the guards in the first half. They were having their way with our pick-n-roll defense, but we didn't change anything. It's just 'PLAY HARDER'....
I mean, you kind of did:

"As I have said before, you do not see this in Cameron; you do not see this in the Phog; you do not see this at the O-dome; you do not see this in Breslin; you do not see this at Assembly Hall; you do not see this at the Dean Dome, etc."
Not sure if serious. So it happens once or twice a decade at those places, and it happens at least once or twice a year in Rupp. Regardless, my point still stands. We can argue semantics all you want, but a little critical thinking goes a long way.
Not sure if serious. So it happens once or twice a decade at those places, and it happens at least once or twice a year in Rupp. Regardless, my point still stands. We can argue semantics all you want, but a little critical thinking goes a long way.
My point is we don't watch those other programs nearly as close as we watch UK, so of course we think it happens more here. What we can probably agree on is that losing to teams like UNCW and Evansville is unacceptable.
Add Tazarien White to the list of players who have a career game in the most overrated basketball arena in the country. As I have said before, you do not see this in Cameron; you do not see this in the Phog; you do not see this at the O-dome; you do not see this in Breslin; you do not see this at Assembly Hall; you do not see this at the Dean Dome, etc. It's almost like a make-a-wish - you get to be a lotto pick for a day at Rupp.
Despite coming off the bench, he averages just under 20 a game and that was his 4th game in 8 tries getting more than 20. No difference in Reed for us. His play should not be a surprise but cal likely had no clue who he was.
Every game I watch on tv features MANY visibly open seats in the first 15 rows. And it's quiet, unless it's that once or twice per year concerted effort to force fans to be rowdy. Used to mock Chapel Hill's "wine and cheese" crowd but honestly, having been to Mackey, Phog, Assembly Hall, Hinkle Fieldhouse, even some second-tier SEC gyms, Rupp Arena is easily one of the worst college basketball environments I've been in. Yes, it was a *thing* in the 90's and very intimidating .... it's 2023. Try something new, start over, don't care.

My non-UK friends call it an NBA arena. That's not a compliment. But it's true. Those places are rowdy for playoff games, but otherwise, just a social gathering. Rupp is a social gathering for most games these days.
“Every game I watch on TV”….So you don’t go to the games but felt compelled to criticize? Got it.
I've been to a handful. I used to travel to every post-season game and conference tourney, including some road games. I live in another state. I'm not allowed to have an opinion based on what is blatantly obvious to a viewer? I could hear shoes squeaking and coaches calling out to players at one point during the UNCW game.

Go eff yourself, bub.
Your Curry takes might be horrific but this is spot on.

When will we actually look into this? We do shoot-arounds and practices in other gyms, and we wonder why our opponents seem to shoot better at our own home.

Sadly, the only way this changes is if UK were to go back to an on Campus 15k seat arena, where we can practice and have our shoot arounds, not have to compete with Rupps ither events they have scheduled, and create a legit student section that would frighten other teams, just like AFH or Cameron.

But that will never happen, because the current setup makes far more money.
I wish we could play in memorial .
I wish we could play in memorial .

It sucks. And it appears Kentucky is one of the few schools in D1 that favored ticket sales for families and soft-serve ice cream, over creating an absolute gauntlet of an on-campus arena. By doing this, we inherently hurt our team. We allow the opponent to get shoot arounds in Rupp and we go to a practice facility. We can't spend time at Rupp because of Jack Harlow concerts or antique car shows.

I swear, I've never seen another team in any sport, tie it's own arms behind it's back in some weird stance to be "above" other schools. It's just weird to me. And honestly, the next coach will still have to deal with this. We're inherently shooting ourselves in the foot with this setup.
Your Curry takes might be horrific but this is spot on.

When will we actually look into this? We do shoot-arounds and practices in other gyms, and we wonder why our opponents seem to shoot better at our own home.

Sadly, the only way this changes is if UK were to go back to an on Campus 15k seat arena, where we can practice and have our shoot arounds, not have to compete with Rupps ither events they have scheduled, and create a legit student section that would frighten other teams, just like AFH or Cameron.

But that will never happen, because the current setup makes far more money.
This is of course ignoring UK's astonishing record at Rupp. Better than all these other schools and gyms you so envy. 88.4% at Rupp 88.9% at Memorial, Cameron 84.7%, Phog 87.4%, Assembly Hall 83.2%, Smith Center 84.4%, Breslin 86.8%, O dome78.4%
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This is of course ignoring UK's astonishing record at Rupp. Better than all these other schools and gyms you so envy.

I think one of the dumbest stances I read here from time to time.. is comparing basketball in 2023 to basketball in the 1950s. There really isn't a more simplistically derp'ed take around here. It's such low hanging fruit. If Rupp did it 70 years ago then it must be able to be applied 100% today.

You can't even compare today's college basketball landscape to Cals FIRST year here, when players like Wall and Bledsoe didn't need a 3pt shot to torch teams almost every time they stepped in the court.
I think one of the dumbest stances I read here from time to time.. is comparing basketball in 2023 to basketball in the 1950s. There really isn't a more simplistically derp'ed take around here. It's such low hanging fruit. If Rupp did it 70 years ago then it must be able to be applied 100% today.

You can't even compare today's college basketball landscape to Cals FIRST year here, when players like Wall and Bledsoe didn't need a 3pt shot to torch teams almost every time they stepped in the court.
Rupp wasn't open in the 50's. Your post really makes no sense on any level. Have the conditions of winning at home or Rupp itself changed that much? If you wish to be selective you can start at 2015-2016 and UK has won 87.4 % at Rupp since then. If you include 2015 we are back up to the historical standard.
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Not sure if serious. So it happens once or twice a decade at those places, and it happens at least once or twice a year in Rupp. Regardless, my point still stands. We can argue semantics all you want, but a little critical thinking goes a long way.
No one is arguing semantics, they're arguing you have no data to support those other sites (or even ours, really).

If you came in here with non-anecdotal statistics of the frequency that opposing teams go to those schools and have career days, you'd get a totally different response. However, you are just going off of gut feel with no data.

However, we can all agree it happens way too much (anecdotally) at Rupp than we'd like to see. I don't care about the frequency (data or anecdotes) at other schools.
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Cal ain't kidding when he says to 'come to Kentucky' and he can get you drafted. Just showing how serious he is about helping to end generational poverty.
And how freakin sad is it when the only way that blacks can end this so called generational poverty is to play a child’s game and not do anything meaningful with their lives

Not build anything. Not invent something. Nothing. Cal is worse than scum man
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And how freakin sad is it when the only way that blacks can end this so called generational poverty is to play a child’s game and not do anything meaningful with their lives

Not build anything. Not invent something. Nothing. Cal is worse than scum man
This may be the most racist thing I’ve seen on here, and that’s saying something.
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Rupp does not intimidate and create fear.
Rupp invites lesser teams and players to go off on career nights, unfortunately.
The problem isn't the arena. UNC-W was specifically getting White into ISO situations against Edwards. So why not put Mitchell or Thiero on him? Same with the guards in the first half. They were having their way with our pick-n-roll defense, but we didn't change anything. It's just 'PLAY HARDER'....
That is a factor. That’s one of the reasons that Allen Field House and Cameron are so hard to play in.