Rupp Arena floor


Gold Member
Feb 5, 2007
Sellersburg, IN
Will we be seeing a new floor in Rupp Arena next season with the new UK logo? Wonder if there will be any more design changes if so. Or just replace the mid court logo.
If I had to guess, I'd say we won't see a new floor until they have a permanent decision made on where the Cats will play going forward. No sense in having a new floor if they are going to build an on-campus arena (which has been mentioned before) and we may only be in Rupp for 2-3 more seasons.
Yes, there will be a new floor. With the new logo, it will be necessary. Where they play has no bearing considering they can easily just move the floor.
Yes, there will be a new floor. With the new logo, it will be necessary. Where they play has no bearing considering they can easily just move the floor.

I highly doubt there will be a new floor. Schools change floor designs all the time without putting a new floor in. They will most likely sand it down and put the new logo in.
They aren't going to make the ends checkerboard are they? Might as well since the end zones on the football field will be.