Rock Album of the Year

Such a shame Beyonce didn't win I mean she's is saucy and creative and I'm not high on Molly but I GET where Kanye is coming from and why he's so emotional about Beyonce, ya digg?
When I listen to XM on the 'new' rock radio stations, what I hear is U2's (and Pink Floyd before them) influence. Atmospheric guitars and synths with a pretty standard drum track. While U2 certainly has a rock sound to many of their best songs, today's music seems sorely lacking in the sound of an electric guitar through an amp without a bunch of digital processing. I hear some new music on Little Steven's show that has 'real' guitar but, for the most part, much of what I hear on other stations is very trippy, for lack of a better word. I don't like metal but a little blues-tinged dirty guitar on a rock 'n roll record is not too much to ask, is it? And, preferably, a man who doesn't sing falsetto all the freaking time. It worked for Smokey Robinson. It doesn't work for the vast, vast majority of music I hear.
Originally posted by DSmith21:
Beck??? Wow the rock genre of music is truly in the crapper.
at anyone who takes the Grammys seriously. I mean one recent year they gave the album of the year to Bob Dylan, whose best music was recorded when Arnold Palmer was still winning the Masters.
Originally posted by Mashburned:
Such a shame Beyonce didn't win I mean she's is saucy and creative and I'm not high on Molly but I GET where Kanye is coming from and why he's so emotional about Beyonce, ya digg?
Shut up. Beyoncé is crap. She has a good voice and is relatively attractive in 8 pounds of makeup, but when Kanye comes on after the awards trying to insinuate that these awards are "de-blackified" because they pick one very good album over another very good album, it's a joke. When your label mate doesn't win an award, it's not a conspiracy or racism.

Some people just need to be towed 854 miles into the Atlantic and left with nothing but a revolver containing one bullet and a raw steak.
1. Bey's butt doesn't wear makeup.
2. Ye is too cultured for you, obviously
3. Do bullets even work in the ocean?
I would pay good money to see that f'n racist bastard Kanye get his shi$ knocked down just once.
good god man its not like he's brian williams or something. just a creative artist fighting for creativity. no need to push his ish down.
Just because he doesn't like the racist Grammys HE is a racist???? hmmmmm, i smell a racist......................
Impossible to take anyone in the music industry seriously anymore.
you're misunderstanding the centuries of systemic and non systemic racism that the Grammys have portrayed upon not just the music industry but the people of the whole wide world and its obvious to anybody who is at least a little bit creative that The Grammys are not for creavity or black people, imho.
Originally posted by Mashburned:
Just because he doesn't like the racist Grammys HE is a racist???? hmmmmm, i smell a racist......................
Sorry, Kanye is racist and a POS in general. His comments about George Bush hating black people at a Katrina fundraiser are just one example. His disrespect of biracial women is well known calling them mutts and dogs. He also bitches about "white people" in his songs. Can you imagine the uproar if a white rapper bitched about black people in his songs? Any time he doesn't get his way, he blames racism and has even threatened to leave the country. I say please do us the favor and take your ho-bag fat ass wife with you.

This post was edited on 2/9 11:23 AM by DSmith21

1. That was on TRL not some fancy schmancy fundraiser. TRL is known for bringing edgy and real issues to the lime light
2. He respects mutts to the highest degree as evident by his wifing of that Karashain Tramp
3. White people need to get their ish together, respectfuly speaking
4. Yes, he would get got and deservedly so if he was white and wanted to talk bad about black people
Originally posted by crazyqx83:

Some people just need to be towed 854 miles into the Atlantic and left with nothing but a revolver containing one bullet and a raw steak.
People who make remarks like the one above need to be the first ones tied to the tow line.

Music is art, and like all art its acceptance and appreciation is subjective. There are many forms of art that we may not particularly like but we should respectful and recognize the talents of those who are at the very top echelon of their craft.
Calling anyone "crap" who has been infinitely more successful at their career than whatever it is you do only makes you appear infinitely crap-ier.

It is obvious to anyone who looks at the history of the Grammy Awards that the voters at the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences are a rather eclectic group with both the nominees and winners often being head-scratchers. If Beck is Rock then I guess that Rock has followed Country on the path to being a genre that time traveler would never recognize as today's Country is much closer to Rock than anything that Beck's style would represent...but then again if someone offered me a million $$ to name just one Beck song, I couldn't do it.

Grammy trivia...the 1961 Album of the Year was won by Bob Newhart...The Button-Down Mind of Bob Newhart. It was a comedy album. I couldn't find another year that a comedy album was even nominated!
Originally posted by fuzz77:

Calling anyone "crap" who has been infinitely more successful at their career than whatever it is you do only makes you appear infinitely crap-ier.
That was beautiful.
Here is his beef. Out of all the Grammy's he has won, guess what ? He is 0'fer when up against a white artist. I can see some problems with that. He can win when up against other black artist, but when a white person is up for the award, he lost every time ?? True or not, it would make you wonder, and the thought would probably enter my mind after it happened that many times. I can not stand Kayne West or what he is about (always using social platforms to express his feelings), but I can see where he is coming from.
Yeah, but they give the Rap Album of the Year to a black artist every year.