Robinson Cano headed to Mariners: 10 years, $240 million

'[Jay Z] got [Cano] a big raise, but he got him an extra 30-day vacation -- and it's called October." - Pete Rose XD
These mega dollars/years contracts so rarely work out. By the time someone gets one of these, they are usually much more injury-prone and their skills start to noticeably decline within a couple of years.

This post was edited on 12/22 12:40 AM by UNIVKY
When will teams learn to wrap up the Trouts, Stanton's, Kershaw's, Machado's and Harper's (20-24 yr olds) for 8-10 years instead of the 30 yr olds who are already halfway through their prime. You want to pay for future performance instead of past performance.

This post was edited on 12/27 2:54 PM by JonathanW
Big Money