RIP Bob Eucker

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Well damn. My first exposure to him was through the beer commercials when I was maybe 7 or 8. Another good thing gone. RIP.
Used to play the card game all the time...R I P Bob!

Now, remember this
When the horizon is at the bottom, it's interesting.
When the horizon is at the top, it's interesting.
When the horizon is in the middle, it's boring as shit.


He was one of those "I love to smoke" old school guys and unfortunately ended up on oxygen and couldn't leave his home. Once I heard that, I knew it wouldn't be too long.
Shit man I thought the Dokken guitarist died at first. Here’s a picture of him.

Damn RIP.

Gotta say though, not much of a fan of his work. Most of his films were just too weird for my liking. Everything seemed to be in an ambiguous dream state where you don't know what's real and what isn't. But I guess that's the point..
Ugh. What a legend and such an interesting dude.

Twin Peaks was so unique. I came across some long-form video on Youtube a couple of years ago that gave a really interesting analysis with a main premise that a lot of the show was a commentary on the TV/sitcom medium itself, which I tend to agree with although Lynch's stuff was so surreal it's hard to prove definite meanings.

The return with the even weirder third season had an episode (episode 8, or "Gotta Light?") that is the wildest episode of television I've ever seen. Just the craziest, most insane, visually stunning, terrifying episode of TV I've seen or will likely ever see again. Just as a piece of art it's something I'd recommend anyone watch.

Eraserhead is in my Top 10 "wtf movies". Weird but somehow I still watch it.

Who killed Laura Palmer? Good TV back then.
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Bob Uecker was a funny dude. Back in the day I used to watch the Wacky World of Sports on Saturdays mornings. Good times.