Ref group cuts ties

Ball claims, with a straight face, that the female ref was "trying to make a name for herself off of him." What an idiotic statement, but that's par for the course with Ball.

He honestly thinks he's the s**t, and everyone should bow down to him. Nevertheless, Adidas screwed up here, and by virtue are supporting an apparent sexist, IMHO.

The sooner Lavar Ball falls off the face of the Earth the better.
Ball claims, with a straight face, that the female ref was "trying to make a name for herself off of him." What an idiotic statement, but that's par for the course with Ball.

He honestly thinks he's the s**t, and everyone should bow down to him. Nevertheless, Adidas screwed up here, and by virtue are supporting an apparent sexist, IMHO.

The sooner Lavar Ball falls off the face of the Earth the better.
Lavar Ball is THE LAST person that should be talking about making a name for themselves off of someone else.
Here's a thought- why doesn't everyone just try to ignore this overblown sob and hopefully he will dry up and go away- all the pub he gets is obviously making his situation much worse.
He makes it easy to dislike his kids. Unfortunately, there are 2 more that are going to be going to college so this likely isn't going to end any time soon...
You know if you didn't know the back story with him and didnt have the sound on and you saw this Video he looks like they Have a basketball version of radio.
This dude could have popped off at the mouth for all time and nothing would happen.. but the second he disparaged a female official it was a wrap.