Reacher (Amazon series) love interests: Willa Fitzgerald or Serinda Swan?


Oct 29, 2004
I wouldn't quibble with either, of course. WF is more 'girl next door' but very sexy. SS has a >> body. Like WF's character better. Difficult choice. And, I'm a Philistine when it comes to being able to post pics but easy (for someone else) to Google. WF is blond, SS is brunette if that matters to anyone.

Really like season 2 thus far. Hate having to wait a week to get the next episode but that's life.

Willa Fitzgerald (Roscoe)


Serinda Swan

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Roscoe all day every day, and for me it isn't even close. Both in looks and personality of the character.
I like Roscoe a lot, too, but have you seen the body on SS? Yikes, that is 'Dangerous Curve Ahead' to the max! Roscoe is sexier for some reason, though.
Praise God Almighty! I figured out how to post pics. I have accomplished something today. I'm so proud.
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I have no idea why I have noticed this and I don't know if it's something she's doing character wise or just a thing she does but SS always seems to be standing with her arms crossed. Every scene where they are talking she does it. 🤷‍♂️
Was that show any good? I have it saved to watch but have not gotten around to it yet.

I liked it. But I love horror and anything that Mike Flanagan does. Solid acting, intriguing story and each episode is a little bit isolated in its own storyline that relates to the larger story.
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There's actually a few characters in both. Watching episode 1 of teacher and the black public defender is also a main character in House of Usher.