I’ll take mediocre football in a sunny coastal port city all day everyday and twice on Sunday…over mediocre football in college basketball town.
Yall ever been to LA as a younger man who has a spotlight job and makes good money?
NFL coaching has fewer headaches and less red tape. You don’t have to recruit or impress the talent, the talent comes to you and has to earn a spot. You don’t have to worry about selling seats to bank roll the athletic department. Dont have to put up with entertaining boosters who think they know shit. Ya work for a multi billionaire who has other businesses and interests worth multibillions. Some sub par football here n their isn’t even going to register on their radar. Win or lose these folks are rich and can sell anytime for a gain because sports franchises only go up in value.
Specifically with the Rams, not only is their owner one of the richest in the league, he’s also married to a wal-mart heiress...yeah they’re gonna be okay…fans pissed off at a QB situation, style of play, or bad play call can’t threaten Kroenke‘s bottom line by not showing up…he’ll pack up and go to another city and leave LA stuck with the stadium bill.
Seriously, how great would it be to be able to tell your customer base “f**k off or I’ll move and leave you with the tab”