Question for Our Posters


Jan 5, 2010
Anytown, USA
I've seen visitors from other fanbases join in here on the board (welcome) in the past, because we exhibit "a good understanding of bball", and seem "reasonable" when it comes to our knowledge of bball and subsequent posts.

So here's my question: Do you think we live up to those compliments on here to our brethren UK fans? Seems to be a lot of bickering. I could be wrong, though.
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Compared to say the UL board this place is Shangri-la. You would have been banned there for asking.
Some posters here live up to that, yes. Others, not so much. But that is to be expected when you consider the number of people who post here.
There is such a wide range of of posters here(age, background and reason for being here) that the question has a different answer from day to day. There is quite a bit of basketball knowledge football knowledge and sports knowledge in general within these posts. This board is probably more active than most boards and therefore more entertaining than others.
Generally speaking, I think that most of our fans who post here are pretty cool about the visitors. But, like any other fanbase, we have a fringe who will crap all over them no matter how reasonable or respectable they are. Unfortunately, because the BBN is so huge, we tend to have a larger number of fans like that.
As @docholiday51 said - your question has a different answer day to day; we do tend to be a little less hospitable after a loss - and sometimes a little too pompous after a major win.
I honestly think the infighting is worse, though - the way some UK fans go at each other is crazy
I think that most of the posters on here, especially the regulars, are fairly knowledgeable and generally not looking for controversy. I think most are willing to discuss topics with visitors, as long as they come in peace, and discuss things intelligently. It is when morons come from other boards, to talk smack, that the BBN becomes antagonistic. I can't say that I blame them, and I sometimes do, myself, but at least they have the chance to be civil, on this site. Most sites, like UL, bans any opposing fan, whether they want to be civil, or not.
I know Nut Ting, Nut Ting....and I mean that now...
I try to stay civil until a Looserville poster comes here trying to instigate or justify their existence. Lol. Why let them do things on our board they will not let happen on theirs.

We're pretty tame to visitors (even tards) compared to the name calling, ridiculing and hate they spew to UK fans on their board.
Because we are a parnoid, schitzo fanbase that lives and breathes with each basket and dies a little with each defeat?
It's entertaining to say the least. I've always noticed how you never take part in a pile-on too, Bev. Very diplomatic.
I've seen her come close. You could tell she wanted too. But, the First Lady has too much class for those shenanigans. :smiley:
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Talk about the brown nosenist bunch I've ever seen....sigh....