Question about JUCOs in KY

Apr 14, 2014
Why don't they have athletics at all? Tennessee may not have football, but they have the other major sports. I feel like this pipeline of athletes would be good for the programs of all the schools in the state, but especially baseball possibly football programs.
Several of the old community colleges, now KCTCS schools have had basketball and golf programs over the years but Title IX took care of all of that.
I may be wrong but I don't believe there are any jr colleges in the state that have student housing, thus all of their students are commuters.
JUCOs in TN don't have housing either the players just live together in local apartments. It's a shame there is some real talent out there that just needs a little extra time to develop or be showcased.
Why don't they have athletics at all? Tennessee may not have football, but they have the other major sports. I feel like this pipeline of athletes would be good for the programs of all the schools in the state, but especially baseball possibly football programs.

Back in the day most of the JUCO's in Georgia had men's basketball, a few had tennis, but best I can remember none had women's basketball. As the poster said, TitleIX said you have women's athletics if you have men's. The local JUCO here shut down the athletic program, AD/BB coach said not enough funds to run 2 programs and he wasn't going to run 2 half a$$ programs. Its now a 4 year school, with on campus housing, from old apartments that were next door, they have started up BB for men and volleyball for women, tennis, gold and CC. Won NAIA national championship 2nd year back. Old apartments are being replaced by shiny new dorms and an athletic dorm has been built called "THE BIRD NEST" mascot is a roadrunner.

But the only JUCO with football in Georgia is Georgia Military College, they usually have several players who sign with SEC/ACC programs every year. I don't think they are affiliated with the military, but with funding being cut lately its a low budget operation, most HS have more to work with. Rumor is their coach knows when UGA is getting rid of old gear and where it goes, and we still seldom sign a kid from there.