Pres. Obama at the UK/Ole Miss game tonight?

Are you guys goofing or just trying to maintain plausible deniability?

The ultimate band wagon jumper?

Obama's in Rupp for other reasons..............he's having dinner with Mitch and Rand.
Originally posted by UKWildcats#8:
I hope not. We do not need the distraction.
It wouldn't matter if Jimmy Hoffa showed up with Amelia Earhart and sat right behind the UK bench.
This team is big, bad and focused.
Originally posted by AlbanyWildCat:

I'm sure Cal and the players would be honored to host Obama...

There might be a place for him at the kiddie table.
There is a rumor going around on twitter that he was seen near the eruption zone.

He's in Hawaii golfing, not at a UK game..Beside he would attend a UNC game not ours.
Our ships' sensors, even detecting a momentary and fluctuating tertiary spike in the E.M. band, indicating Theleron radiation (of which a microscopic amount could be lethal to every living organic thing at the cellular level in Rupp Arena) could stop the Cats' this year.

Keep up the good work, Mr. LaForge. See if we can find something else that would qualify as "clutter" that the Romulans could use as a weapon against us.

Picard OUT.


(sorry Sam, I just couldn't resist)
Originally posted by Desperado_1955:

Originally posted by 1977 Cat:
Originally posted by Desperado_1955:
Heard Michelle was a walk on with Ole Miss.
Possibly. Not a tight end, but heard was a wide receiver.
Feel sorry for the team...they'll probably be made to eat her school lunch menu.
Love the Prez my 401K is doing well, gas is low, my house has bounced back to pre 2007 levels, my employer(fortune 100) company is hiring like crazy, unemployment is low, Go Obama!

This post was edited on 1/6 7:59 PM by sosoblue

Originally posted by sosoblue:
Love the Prez my 401K is doing well, gas is low, my house has bounced back to pre 2007 levels, my employer(fortune 100) company is hiring like crazy, unemployment is low, what not to like go Obama!
^ wow people really have no clue what Obama is actually responsible for. It's hilarious.

Please tell me he's not. I don't want to see his face
Low unemployment HAHAHAHAHA

The rest of the country hates his newly created 28 hour work week and part time jobs. The misleading unemployment numbers take into account PART TIME. Please get a damn clue. The country is OUT of work everywhere with crap jobs. LOL! What a damn joke.
Originally posted by Ugoff:
Nah, Shepard Smith wouldn't surprise me though.
Met him outside Rupp in '09, he's actually a pretty down to earth dude surprisingly.
Originally posted by .S&C.:
^ wow people really have no clue what Obama is actually responsible for. It's hilarious.

Please tell me he's not. I don't want to see his face
.S&C, you have to admit he is good for a diet. Everytime I see or hear him, I lose my appetite.

Originally posted by Hjack:
Originally posted by .S&C.:
^ wow people really have no clue what Obama is actually responsible for. It's hilarious.

Please tell me he's not. I don't want to see his face
.S&C, you have to admit he is good for a diet. Everytime I see or hear him, I lose my appetite.
Considering everything he manages to touch turns to crap, keep him away from my beloved Wildcats! Let him root for UNCheat or something.