Good.Rivals’ TJ Walker spoke with Briscoe’s father, who said the extent of his son’s injury is still unknown, but he is “fine” and in good spirits. He’ll be evaluated tomorrow.
I dunno. Some say he's the next Jesus. Jesus Shuttlesworth, that is. He got game, no doubt.How about prayers for Briscoe. I don't think praying to him will do much good.
Find me one instance where a concussion just *poof* disappeared because of prayer, and I will pray for him.
Different strokes for different folks but with everything going on in the world today , mass killings in churches , people dying of cancer every day , terminally ill chidren , and american soldiers on foreign soil with their lives in danger , a basketball player missing a tournament because of a concussion just doesn't seem important enough to call on the big guy . I don't want to be like the little boy that cried wolf .
Ullis won't be playing at UK this year.
Damn. I am an idiotUllis won't be playing at UK this year.