Practice is going to be a war.

Cal used to do a yearly coaches clinic. Anyone could go and it was very cheap (insert joke here). Ran through practice with a tour and all.

Pope may do the same. It would be cool to see the difference in practices.
Matchups should be interesting:

G Butler vs. Kriisa- defense vs. offense. Kriisa better tighten up his handles. Butler will turn him over. Edge: Butler.
G Robinson vs. Oweh- I’m putting a defensive hound on the go to guy. That would be fun to watch. Edge: Robinson.
G Brea vs. Chandler- Chandler better shake the rust off quick, he will be guarding the nation’s best 3 point shooter. Edge: Brea.
F Carr vs. Almonor- both can shoot, Almonor is better defensively, but Carr is better posting up. Edge: Carr.
F Williams vs. Garrison- the veteran against the young talent. This is probably the closest to even of the matchups. Edge: Williams.

Noah and Perry might have a tough time getting into the scrimmages let alone the games.
Matchups should be interesting:

G Butler vs. Kriisa- defense vs. offense. Kriisa better tighten up his handles. Butler will turn him over. Edge: Butler.
G Robinson vs. Oweh- I’m putting a defensive hound on the go to guy. That would be fun to watch. Edge: Robinson.
G Brea vs. Chandler- Chandler better shake the rust off quick, he will be guarding the nation’s best 3 point shooter. Edge: Brea.
F Carr vs. Almonor- both can shoot, Almonor is better defensively, but Carr is better posting up. Edge: Carr.
F Williams vs. Garrison- the veteran against the young talent. This is probably the closest to even of the matchups. Edge: Williams.

Noah and Perry might have a tough time getting into the scrimmages let alone the games.
Brea oweh chandler will be fighting for whatever minutes are left after you log 35 min for Robinson between 2/3. I feel like brea is gonna be very difficult to keep off the floor. So give him 27-30 min at least.
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Matchups should be interesting:

G Butler vs. Kriisa- defense vs. offense. Kriisa better tighten up his handles. Butler will turn him over. Edge: Butler.
G Robinson vs. Oweh- I’m putting a defensive hound on the go to guy. That would be fun to watch. Edge: Robinson.
G Brea vs. Chandler- Chandler better shake the rust off quick, he will be guarding the nation’s best 3 point shooter. Edge: Brea.
F Carr vs. Almonor- both can shoot, Almonor is better defensively, but Carr is better posting up. Edge: Carr.
F Williams vs. Garrison- the veteran against the young talent. This is probably the closest to even of the matchups. Edge: Williams.

Noah and Perry might have a tough time getting into the scrimmages let alone the games.

Noah will be hard to take off the court once he gets on with his physical presence and shooting.

Some forget that a physically overmatched 7th grader Perry still found a way to score 20 plus a game versus bigger and stronger players. He will be mentally ready for the challenge. He doesn’t back down.
Brea oweh chandler will be fighting for whatever minutes are left after you log 35 min for Robinson between 2/3. I feel like brea is gonna be very difficult to keep off the floor. So give him 27-30 min at least.
I don’t think anyone is going to get 35 min/game in Pope’s system. He just doesn’t operate that way based on his system of “Video Game” basketball. He wants players fresh. That is why it is so important he has really good, if not great 10 deep. Most will play significant minutes. He will likely get between 28-30/game. We have plenty of talent around him. He doesn’t need to get more than that.
The conf games in football kinda got me worried... Like we are usually good enough to win 7, 8 games in a season but its gonna take some strategy and good play calling.

Im not saying Im more excited for basketball, but we got a new coach. That's got me excited again for basketball.
Does Cal actually think that we fans think he tried to win games???

I think if he does a 180 at arkansas....its just some internal thing that he was mad at somebody at UK while he was here.
Right now, the talent is there and it’s all a question of whether or not they come together in a short time.

They should all be mature, hard working young men. They should be focused on winning as a team. They have all been a part of winning teams.

Hopefully the maturity will get them past any personality issues they may have. Hopefully little things won’t stand in the way of developing chemistry. Hopefully they all get along and if they don’t, they don’t let off court issues get in the way of their on court success. The maturity they all should have from being in college for 3-5 years will lessen the impact of individual personality conflicts.

It might take a while to develop chemistry on and off the court and there is no guarantee that they will develop chemistry, but with six fifth year Seniors and a fourth year Senior on the squad, I would expect that they approach the game as their job, especially since they are actually getting paid to do it.

Professionalism should push these men to achieve at a high level. And these are men. It is so refreshing not to have to listen to, “we’re young” as an excuse. The average age of this team is probably 22-23, I would think. Most of us were working full time by that age, some of us probably had started families by that age. These are men going to work. That should translate to effort on the floor.

Whatever happens, this should be a hard working team. These guys have earned their PT over the years. So I suspect the issue will not be effort.

So as the OP said, these practices are going to be war. I like the idea of having veterans fighting it out day after day. Should be refreshing after watching year after year of a bunch of Freshmen just trying to find their way.
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Mature, closely-matched guys at every position. Definitely not a place for the faint of heart.
Don’t take offense because I love you like the brother I never had but someone posted this every year after Cal had secured his new roster. I know, I know we have a new sheriff and different team build w elders on it. But I gotta see how it works w Pope.