Poythress returning per Cal

That took WAY too long. I was starting to think Alex was gonna do something crazy and jump to the league anyway. Welcome back #22! I finally get to break back out my celebratory Poythress dunk dance.
Alex returning along with Skal = dishing out PAIN in the front court.

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His defense will be highly needed this year. Super psyched. I thought he was our 2nd best defender before he went down.
This is the best recruiting news by far. A junior Poythress is the best recruit we could have landed. We will need that leadership and someone for these freshman to look up to. He will keep this team in line and he also knows first hand what can happen in a season if you don't bring it every practice and game. A lot of experience you can't teach is suiting up to be a cat again. Great, great, news BBN.
Officially, he's a senior. You apply for a medical redshirt once your eligibility expires. Class-wise, I believe he's set to graduate next month.

So while technically he could be a senior here again next year, he's still a senior this year too and likely to go pro, which makes it all moot.

Either way, great to have him back. I think most expected this. Our four-spot is covered, now just get another scorer and maybe one more big for depth and let's make a run at it.
Cool news. I didn't expect anything differently, so I'm not surprised.

Dear Cal, keep him away from the perimeter.
Awesome news! Welcome back Alex, now show us what you've got next year. It will be great to have an actual Senior on Senior Night for a change.
I'm euphoric. I actually want to see Poy improve his ball handling and shooting, and see Diallo sign up. Poythress has potential to be as legit of a small forward as there is in college basketball. Bring in Diallo and have Poy at the 3, and we may be able to contend with this previous year's defense. I expect the offense to be faster and more fluid (Due to the athleticism and speed all over the floor, plus Ulis being a quick decision maker and having the ability to execute plays pretty quickly).
He will not play the 3. He needs to work on his ball handling and out side shot this summer. Hope the best for Alex.
LOL @ Kermit and Daffy Duck those two gifs never get old and I die laughing everytime I see them
this is obviously big. we got a senior leader now, with ff experience.

i see lee as the 6th man, maybe mulder starts right now, but lee more minutes subbing at multiple positions, backing up the 4 and the 3. depending on what cal does, and how our perimeter shapes up. our core of ulis, lee, poythress, hawkins and willis is pretty strong. skal and briscoe are studs. matthews, mulder are solid, and cal's not done. am super excited by the news. as expected as it may have been. poy is going to feel the love.
He's not a junior, but assuming he gets the medical redshirt (did he already get it/apply for it? I'm not sure how that works) he will be in his 3rd year of eligibility, not his 4th and final.

He will be a master's student! Congratulations to him.