Poythress reminds me of Brandon Bass


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2005
Bass has had a solid pro career. Undersized power forward but athletic with a decent jumper and good rebounder. Wouldn't surprise me if he has a similar career.
Bass was an outstanding 3-point shooter at LSU. I wish Alex had his touch.
HORRIBLE COMPARISON, IMO - Bass averaged 15 and 8, far cry from what Alex has done at UK so far, not even close - worlds apart in all actuality. I don't doubt Alex COULD have had numbers like this, though he doesn't.
Bass shot 37% from 3 while at LSU his 2 years...not considered outstanding. AP shot 33% from 3 in his first two years at UK. They are eerily similar 6'8" 245. 6'8" 240.
Originally posted by Philstat:
HORRIBLE COMPARISON, IMO - Bass averaged 15 and 8, far cry from what Alex has done at UK so far, not even close - worlds apart in all actuality. I don't doubt Alex COULD have had numbers like this, though he doesn't.
I wonder what Alex would average at a school like LSU where he would have been the focal point?. I bet the number would be comparable. He's been surrounded my 4 other great players at all times. All of Uk's players numbers will be less than other programs.
All they have in common is that they are similar sized players and both played in the SEC. Other than that, they are nothing alike. Not in terms of ability on the court or production.
If Alex gets back to form I just hope he doesn't disappear during some games like in the past. We need him to be a leader for sure with this team.
Poy's career is mirroring Dawson at Mich St.

Poy was 2nd in position, 8 overall; Dawson was 7/20.

In 4 years, Dawson has been a 10/7 guy.
In 3 years, Poythress has been a 8/5 guy.

Poythress came in as a PF, and I always thought Cal would change him to a face up player like Patterson.
Dawson had high expectations very similar, and is currently ranked #84 among draft prospects.

Sounds alot to me like Alex, who is ranked 50th among draft prospects. That is high IMO.

Since Alex is not highly ranked, he needs to come back and try to improve his draft standing. He'll be our Darius Miller for next year.
Originally posted by UK HEMINGWAY:

Bass shot 37% from 3 while at LSU his 2 years...not considered outstanding. AP shot 33% from 3 in his first two years at UK. They are eerily similar 6'8" 245. 6'8" 240.
Bass has REALLY worked hard on his shooting. I mean HARD, and he is much better at it than he was when he came into the NBA. That's why he is still playing. Absolutely no reason Alex cannot do the same.
Bass doesn't seem as long or athletic as Poythress. Bass has a much better shot and plays more like a true 4 instead of a tweener like Poythress. I don't see the comparison at all.

This post was edited on 4/20 12:22 PM by Oak_Hill
If healthy still, I don't think we have seen what Alex Poythress is totally capable of. I think he will shine, after the year of rehab and then reprogramming his skills. I would be surprised if he has not developed a decent jump shot.
As someone already mentioned the best comp is Branden Dawson and its one of the best comparisons all time in players being so similar. From hype, production, skill set, size, and injury, it's uncanny.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

Brandon Bass was a terrific offensive player that carried LSU for 2+ years. Great face-up game and he's continued to be a good scorer in the NBA.

This is about the furthest from a description of Alex Poythress.
