Pope's Levity and the Return of Greats


Jul 24, 2013

Light-hearted and giving props to an all-time UK great. For those who can't see tweets, it's Pope bringing the guys together after practice and telling them that the guy beside him (Jack "Goose" Givens) would've cooked all of them in his prime. The joke elicited laughs and the team broke the huddle to "Goose!"

Two things:
1. Pope is rebuilding rapport between UK and its historic players.
2. Pope is bringing in great historic minds to (ostensibly) instill the mentality and wisdom in this crop of athletes that they had when they themselves were part of great teams.

It's great to see. Hoping to see tons of other UK all-timers soon as well.
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Cal did this when he first started too. All the players were so glad because billy apparently locked them out. He even had that massive celebration where he brought all those guys back to rupp.

Then somewhere along the line it became my team, my guys, and cal u.

Not sure how it all happened but i think it was so incremental we didn't notice it until we hired pope and finally saw someone who wanted to connect with the program and fans again.

Light-hearted and giving props to an all-time UK great. For those who can't see tweets, it's Pope bringing the guys together after practice and telling them that the guy beside him (Jack "Goose" Givens) would've cooked all of them in his prime. The joke elicited laughs and the team broke the huddle to "Goose!"

Two things:
1. Pope is rebuilding rapport between UK and its historic players.
2. Pope is bringing in great historic minds to (ostensibly) instill the mentality and wisdom in this crop of athletes that they had when they themselves were part of great teams.

It's great to see. Hoping to see tons of other UK all-timers soon as well.
Thank you! I could not see the tweet!

Light-hearted and giving props to an all-time UK great. For those who can't see tweets, it's Pope bringing the guys together after practice and telling them that the guy beside him (Jack "Goose" Givens) would've cooked all of them in his prime. The joke elicited laughs and the team broke the huddle to "Goose!"

Two things:
1. Pope is rebuilding rapport between UK and its historic players.
2. Pope is bringing in great historic minds to (ostensibly) instill the mentality and wisdom in this crop of athletes that they had when they themselves were part of great teams.

It's great to see. Hoping to see tons of other UK all-timers soon as well.

As a kid who grew up becoming a fan with my father in the 90’s, it’s absolutely incredible to see this. I ranted for days about the lack of support for our guys during the last era. My father never warmed up to the last era at all even when we were winning due to what he found to be a lapse of our traditions. When Issel was shunned and ended up at Kansas that just about sent me off the rails.

I think it’s obvious people weren’t making it up either, Pope had been clear, and Barnharts comments were clear, that we need to get back to our place and who we are. Our past fans, administrators, and players are the reason we love this program and it should always be respected as such. Some of us are too young to have seen the 40’s - 80’s guys, but we grew up learning everything about them. I cannot take any disrespect toward their direction and to me we allowed way too much.

I always say we don’t have time to give Pope years and years to get it right. We’re in a fickle spot and have to uphold our records quickly (to respect the accomplishments of the past guys records have to be maintained). But this hire had to be done either way. Even if pope doesn’t live up to the job how we need it. I will always think this hire was necessary for reasons like this. We had to get back.
Pope does all the right things. Pope says all the right things. I just hope Pope wins all the right games.

For sure. Like I said part of respecting our past fans and players is to uphold these records. No more “so and so” game doesn’t matter. They ALL matter. ALL of our record matter. ALL of our head to heads, tournaments, and games matter. That’s how you respect the past you carry on their accomplishments. I always say the Kentucky jersey must be respected at all times in every way. And Mark Pope understands the situation better than anyone I’ve seen.

I think he knows more than anyone his job, as he said, js to uphold these records. But again, we can rest for the moment knowing even if he doesn’t make it and has to be replaced, this hire will be impossible to be a failure given what he’s re-establishing. It was the right hire regardless
Cal did this when he first started too. All the players were so glad because billy apparently locked them out. He even had that massive celebration where he brought all those guys back to rupp.

Then somewhere along the line it became my team, my guys, and cal u.

Not sure how it all happened but i think it was so incremental we didn't notice it until we hired pope and finally saw someone who wanted to connect with the program and fans again.
I can’t say how or when that process of shifting focus off the old players started. But I take it it was pretty much complete by May 2015. That’s when I tried to help a starry-eyed Albert Cummins (‘47 and’48 guard) meet Cal at Keeneland and Cal blew off that 89 year old man.
I can’t say how or when that process of shifting focus off the old players started. But I take it it was pretty much complete by May 2015. That’s when I tried to help a starry-eyed Albert Cummins (‘47 and’48 guard) meet Cal at Keeneland and Cal blew off that 89 year old man.

The thing is, it's a very demanding job. At some point, Pope is going to HAVE to blow off someone somewhere, because he is behind schedule for something, and thats when that person goes "Hey I don't like that guy very much". I can't imagine Cal had anything against Albert Cummins (although I wasnt there, of course).

I think all coaches start off great like this. But the second something DOESN'T go well, then the opinions come out. And then the naysayers. You watch, that 1st game we lose, there will be some portion of this fanbase and even past UK greats that will go "See, I knew this wasn't the best hire".

I think there comes a point in time where the coach just has to do their job. You can't make everyone happy, and if you try to, it's going to consume your life. I'm sure Coach K has blown off plenty of people over time.
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The thing is, it's a very demanding job. At some point, Pope is going to HAVE to blow off someone somewhere, because he is behind schedule for something, and thats when that person goes "Hey I don't like that guy very much". I can't imagine Cal had anything against Albert Cummins (although I wasnt there, of course).

I think all coaches start off great like this. But the second something DOESN'T go well, then the opinions come out. And then the naysayers. You watch, that 1st game we lose, there will be some portion of this fanbase and even past UK greats that will go "See, I knew this wasn't the best hire".

I think there comes a point in time where the coach just has to do their job. You can't make everyone happy, and if you try to, it's going to consume your life. I'm sure Coach K has blown off plenty of people over time.
What if a coach doesn't " do his job" that he was hired for........and still blows off lifetime letterman that actually played for UK?????

Yeah, Cal was that guy.
What if a coach doesn't " do his job" that he was hired for........and still blows off lifetime letterman that actually played for UK?????

Yeah, Cal was that guy.

At the time of this story, it was 2015, and I'd say Cal was basically at the top.

You could shake hands with a million people, but that millionth and 1 person is going to feel jilted he didn't get his meet and greet. Obviously you hope Cal (or anyone) didn't just shun them or do it rudely. But again, this is going to happen to Pope, too. It will happen when we're winning games and losing games. I try not to look too much into what a coach is doing, other than his job as a coach. Which we know, Cal was NOT going well towards the end.
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Pope will need to win a title or two over a certain amount of years. Granted. But I'm going to give him more time to do this, not less. I'm so conditioned on Cal it is ridiculous. A coach playing multiple defenses, prioritizing shooting and passing, defending with zones on out-of-bounds plays under opponents baskets, actually respecting fans enough to communicate what is working and not working, replacing the NBA mantra with the name on the front, etc, has me so giddy that I'm like a kid in the candy store. I'm already planning with the wife which games we can see in person 🥳
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I just say give the guy some time. See what he can do. See how he grows into the job.

Unless the wheels totally fall off like they did for Payne at UofL (which I highly doubt but you never know) we should all have an idea of where this is heading by year 3.

Then please everyone feel free to lose your shit if things aren’t going well after that.
I just say give the guy some time. See what he can do. See how he grows into the job.

Unless the wheels totally fall off like they did for Payne at UofL (which I highly doubt but you never know) we should all have an idea of where this is heading by year 3.

Then please everyone feel free to lose your shit if things aren’t going well after that.
First of the user name
Secondly I agree completely
I just say give the guy some time. See what he can do. See how he grows into the job.

Unless the wheels totally fall off like they did for Payne at UofL (which I highly doubt but you never know) we should all have an idea of where this is heading by year 3.

Then please everyone feel free to lose your shit if things aren’t going well after that.

There’s no way the wheels will fall off like that. He’s not of the Calipari coaching tree, closer to the Pitino tree. He’s also already shown he’s a damn good head coach, Payne never even looked like a decent assistant to me and surely never looked good taking over games at UK. I actually knew Payne would tank at Louisville, there’s no comparison between Pope and Payne.

Pope has already shown he’s no Payne by taking BYU to wins at Kansas and Houston, also he’s taken BYU to as high as a 6 seed. Literally no chance at all he could be Payne. I think if anything he’ll have good teams but not win the SEC, not make too much noise in the tournament etc.

Personally I think we’ve got a modern goat up coming. Had he went straight into coaching at 25 I think we’d already know it.
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At the time of this story, it was 2015, and I'd say Cal was basically at the top.

You could shake hands with a million people, but that millionth and 1 person is going to feel jilted he didn't get his meet and greet. Obviously you hope Cal (or anyone) didn't just shun them or do it rudely. But again, this is going to happen to Pope, too. It will happen when we're winning games and losing games. I try not to look too much into what a coach is doing, other than his job as a coach. Which we know, Cal was NOT going well towards the end.
Good insight, and you're totally on point.

I served as a community leader for many years and I'm on sabbatical right now. "Gland handing" is one of the most annoying parts of the position, because people actually keep score on how often they have access to you. It totally burned me out in my other job. It's one thing to make people feel seen, which I've always done, but it's a totally different monster when you have to deal with the critique of "how long" you spoke with someone or "how" you spoke to them. Your insight about shaking a million hands, but the millionth-and-one feels slighted is good stuff, and it's so true. People have a horrible tendency to make it all about themselves. They become like little insecure children.

Pope would do well to just let his secretary handle all that BS, and he can have that person sign off on his letters to former players or fans. He's paid to win games, not be a door usher.
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The thing is, it's a very demanding job. At some point, Pope is going to HAVE to blow off someone somewhere, because he is behind schedule for something, and thats when that person goes "Hey I don't like that guy very much". I can't imagine Cal had anything against Albert Cummins (although I wasnt there, of course).

I think all coaches start off great like this. But the second something DOESN'T go well, then the opinions come out. And then the naysayers. You watch, that 1st game we lose, there will be some portion of this fanbase and even past UK greats that will go "See, I knew this wasn't the best hire".

I think there comes a point in time where the coach just has to do their job. You can't make everyone happy, and if you try to, it's going to consume your life. I'm sure Coach K has blown off plenty of people over time.
heck Pitino blew off almost every player and coach that did not play for him or worked for him
even JBH was not allowed at practices
heck Pitino blew off almost every player and coach that did not play for him or worked for him
even JBH was not allowed at practices
Winning is the best way to make the fans seen heard and seen. BBN largely would not care if Pope ignored their quests for photo ops and baby kissing if he won a few national titles here. Heck, we were willing to throw $12 million/year at the biggest prick in college basketball just three months ago.

Winning covers a multitude of perceived slights.
As a kid who grew up becoming a fan with my father in the 90’s, it’s absolutely incredible to see this. I ranted for days about the lack of support for our guys during the last era. My father never warmed up to the last era at all even when we were winning due to what he found to be a lapse of our traditions. When Issel was shunned and ended up at Kansas that just about sent me off the rails.

I think it’s obvious people weren’t making it up either, Pope had been clear, and Barnharts comments were clear, that we need to get back to our place and who we are. Our past fans, administrators, and players are the reason we love this program and it should always be respected as such. Some of us are too young to have seen the 40’s - 80’s guys, but we grew up learning everything about them. I cannot take any disrespect toward their direction and to me we allowed way too much.

I always say we don’t have time to give Pope years and years to get it right. We’re in a fickle spot and have to uphold our records quickly (to respect the accomplishments of the past guys records have to be maintained). But this hire had to be done either way. Even if pope doesn’t live up to the job how we need it. I will always think this hire was necessary for reasons like this. We had to get back.
We do have time to allow Pope time to return this program back to glory. It's not his fault or problem that Calipari destroyed everything that was part of UK's identity. Some are unwilling to acknowledge just how much damage was done by the piglet.
Pope will need to win a title or two over a certain amount of years. Granted. But I'm going to give him more time to do this, not less. I'm so conditioned on Cal it is ridiculous. A coach playing multiple defenses, prioritizing shooting and passing, defending with zones on out-of-bounds plays under opponents baskets, actually respecting fans enough to communicate what is working and not working, replacing the NBA mantra with the name on the front, etc, has me so giddy that I'm like a kid in the candy store. I'm already planning with the wife which games we can see in person 🥳
Excellent post.
Goose was pretty close to Calipari.

Think the biggest difference between Pope and Calipari in that regard is that Pope doesn't have to give a lot of effort to connect this program with past players because he is one. The biggest challenge there is reuniting the team & fanbase with the former Calipari guys, which is very similar situation to Calipari trying to re-connect with Pitino guys while Pitino was at Louisville. That schism will petter out eventually.
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heck Pitino blew off almost every player and coach that did not play for him or worked for him
even JBH was not allowed at practices
I met a retired dude at a neighborhood yard sale over a decade ago. Said he drove buses for UK. Pitino wouldn't give him the time of day. I think Pitino's asshole-ness is pretty well documented. Can't see Pope taking on those characteristics, tbh.
The thing is, it's a very demanding job. At some point, Pope is going to HAVE to blow off someone somewhere, because he is behind schedule for something, and thats when that person goes "Hey I don't like that guy very much". I can't imagine Cal had anything against Albert Cummins (although I wasnt there, of course).

I think all coaches start off great like this. But the second something DOESN'T go well, then the opinions come out. And then the naysayers. You watch, that 1st game we lose, there will be some portion of this fanbase and even past UK greats that will go "See, I knew this wasn't the best hire".

I think there comes a point in time where the coach just has to do their job. You can't make everyone happy, and if you try to, it's going to consume your life. I'm sure Coach K has blown off plenty of people over time.
Cal blew the guy off. And I was very complimentary in the way I reported it here. It was fairly cold blooded and totally unnecessary since the whole thing had been presented to Cal very humbly as something to consider in the future when he had time instead of imposing on him that day. You’ve spun it quite politically but I don’t go around imposing on people and I certainly didn’t stop liking Cal that day, as much as he was a dick to Al Cummins that day unnecessarily. I just figured Cal had a bad day and everyone deserves to be forgiven for having a bad day. It’s just something that happens to be very much in line with other personality traits that Cal revealed in later years.
There’s no way the wheels will fall off like that. He’s not of the Calipari coaching tree, closer to the Pitino tree. He’s also already shown he’s a damn good head coach, Payne never even looked like a decent assistant to me and surely never looked good taking over games at UK. I actually knew Payne would tank at Louisville, there’s no comparison between Pope and Payne.

Pope has already shown he’s no Payne by taking BYU to wins at Kansas and Houston, also he’s taken BYU to as high as a 6 seed. Literally no chance at all he could be Payne. I think if anything he’ll have good teams but not win the SEC, not make too much noise in the tournament etc.

Personally I think we’ve got a modern goat up coming. Had he went straight into coaching at 25 I think we’d already know it.

I don’t want to have some debate but personally I don’t care about Rick Pitino or John Calipari or coaching trees.

You rise and fall on your own merits.
I don’t want to have some debate but personally I don’t care about Rick Pitino or John Calipari or coaching trees.

You rise and fall on your own merits.

It matters when Pope comes from the tree of a very successful coach. It’s not going to be the end of the story but knowing he’s from Pitino’s tree and not Calipari’s tree, in regards to coaching, is actually huge. Pitino has one of the best and Calipari’s is probably the worst.

Not the end all but that’s certainly worthy to note.
The thing is, it's a very demanding job. At some point, Pope is going to HAVE to blow off someone somewhere, because he is behind schedule for something, and thats when that person goes "Hey I don't like that guy very much". I can't imagine Cal had anything against Albert Cummins (although I wasnt there, of course).

I think all coaches start off great like this. But the second something DOESN'T go well, then the opinions come out. And then the naysayers. You watch, that 1st game we lose, there will be some portion of this fanbase and even past UK greats that will go "See, I knew this wasn't the best hire".

I think there comes a point in time where the coach just has to do their job. You can't make everyone happy, and if you try to, it's going to consume your life. I'm sure Coach K has blown off plenty of people over time.
Eh, I was around Cal a few times. He always gave the vibe if you weren’t important to him or serving a purpose for him then you were a nuisance to him. I didn’t try to talk to him, just an observation from inside the room.
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It matters when Pope comes from the tree of a very successful coach. It’s not going to be the end of the story but knowing he’s from Pitino’s tree and not Calipari’s tree, in regards to coaching, is actually huge. Pitino has one of the best and Calipari’s is probably the worst.

Not the end all but that’s certainly worthy to note.

It’s not going to move me because I just don’t agree.

Some people are made to be head coaches and succeed. Some do not and fail.
Cal blew the guy off. And I was very complimentary in the way I reported it here. It was fairly cold blooded and totally unnecessary since the whole thing had been presented to Cal very humbly as something to consider in the future when he had time instead of imposing on him that day. You’ve spun it quite politically but I don’t go around imposing on people and I certainly didn’t stop liking Cal that day, as much as he was a dick to Al Cummins that day unnecessarily. I just figured Cal had a bad day and everyone deserves to be forgiven for having a bad day. It’s just something that happens to be very much in line with other personality traits that Cal revealed in later years.

You lost me when you compared "blowing someone off" to being "cold-blooded". I think this situation is a little exaggerated to say the least. Unless I'm missing some key detail in what happened? Did Cal kick his crutches out from under him?

IDK, I just don't think the current Kentucky coach is expected to just "kiss the ring" of any past player, especially guys that we're talking didn't play in nearly 50 years. And it's not like this was Groza or Beard. I find that stuff to be a little silly, IF all that happened was Cal didn't get around to shake his hand or talk to him, for whatever plausible reason might have been present.
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It’s not going to move me because I just don’t agree.

Some people are made to be head coaches and succeed. Some do not and fail.

You said he could be another Payne. That it’s possible. I said no it’s not because he’s already done more than Payne. I then said one also comes from a great coach and coaching tree the other does not.

he will have to win on his own merits. But there’s no chance of him being another Payne. None. That’s all this was about. Unless I’m mistaking you with someone else.
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You said he could be another Payne. That it’s possible. I said no it’s not because he’s already done more than Payne. I then said one also comes from a great coach and coaching tree the other does not.

he will have to win on his own merits. But there’s no chance of him being another Payne. None. That’s all this was about. Unless I’m mistaking you with someone else.
Any idea who you are debating??

Just joined yesterday.

New member on RR.......for the 57th time.
Only concern I have with Pope is I wish he was younger. That is just me being greedy I want him for 20-30 years :)
I hear that but he looks and acts 10 years younger than he is so I think he will be ok.

He’s not much older than me and you’d be surprised how us 50+ types still got a spring in our step and some hunger. My belly is proof of that.

But I was always with Joe B. This job is hard and 10 years at Kentucky’s probably 20 years at any other place in terms of the wear and tear. I think Coach Pope is more than capable of handling it even if he’s not a spring chicken!
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He’s not much older than me and you’d be surprised how us 50+ types still got a spring in our step and some hunger. My belly is proof of that.

But I was always with Joe B. This job is hard and 10 years at Kentucky’s probably 20 years at any other place in terms of the wear and tear. I think Coach Pope is more than capable of handling it even if he’s not a spring chicken!
You mean like having enough energy to create a new account every day and the hunger to do nothing but annoy message board posters? I hope he's nothing like you except for maybe having your persistence.
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I think there comes a point in time where the coach just has to do their job. You can't make everyone happy, and if you try to, it's going to consume your life. I'm sure Coach K has blown off plenty of people over time.

I'd say at least 9/10ths. of his teams....
