POLL: More attractive? Morgan Smith or Milana Vayntrub??

new era cat

Apr 7, 2007
I'll let you figure out where you see them on TV it is pretty obvious. This is not clutter. Thank you.


I love Milana. Her videos "Let's talk about something more interesting" are pretty funny sometimes. She's way hotter than she appears in those commercials too.
Commercial girls? Jana Kramer in the Nationwide Insurance commercials! Gorgeous.

This post was edited on 3/13 9:41 PM by #1Wildcatfan4life
There's a dancer at Cowboys in Lexington who looks just like the Wendy's girl. Not the same body type, but the same face and hair.
Doesn't matter to be honest. Though something tells me that red head smells like ass.
More red in the hair means more pink in the lips....and im not talking about the ones on her face.
Originally posted by #1Wildcatfan4life:
Commercial girls? Jana Kramer in the Nationwide Insurance commercials! Gorgeous.

This post was edited on 3/13 9:41 PM by #1Wildcatfan4life
^ Here's the correct answer. She's smokin' hot in a black leather body suit. 9.5!

From the "Did you know?" department....she's a singer and it's her voice at the very end of those commercials singing the Nationwide jingle. I'm sure she has other amazing talents as well!!!
Originally posted by WonderBrow:
More red in the hair means more pink in the lips....and im not talking about the ones on her face.
Which ones are you talking about Captain?
I like the recent AT & T one with Mark Cuban where that cute little leg spreader says "I don't have any angles".

That sounds like dirty talk to me and gets me excited.
Milana by a huge margin. She has a sense of humor.

I have nothing for Wendy's or Morgan. They made commercials with the real Wendy but dropped her for a skinny fake Wendy.
Originally posted by UK3K:
There's a dancer at Cowboys in Lexington who looks just like the Wendy's girl. Not the same body type, but the same face and hair.
Cowboy's is still in business? I got a few $5 table dances there way back in the day.