Poll: How much do you care about players after they leave UK?

How much do you care about players after they leave UK?

  • A ton. I wish the guys well when they leave and tune into as many NBA games with them as I can.

    Votes: 10 7.4%
  • A lot. I wish the guys well when they leave and tune into a couple games with UK guys.

    Votes: 23 16.9%
  • A fair amount. I wish the guys well when they leave. I "root" for teams they're on but don't watch.

    Votes: 15 11.0%
  • Neutral. I wish the guys well when they leave but don't necessarily care how their NBA team does.

    Votes: 43 31.6%
  • Not much. I root for "legends" like AD and Oscar but couldn't care either way how the others do.

    Votes: 8 5.9%
  • Not at all. Once they leave UK, I don't care. I'm a UK fan, not an NBA fan.

    Votes: 22 16.2%
  • Other. I support guys who remain engaged with UK but dislike those who don't engage with UK.

    Votes: 7 5.1%
  • Other. I support guys who stayed here longer and loved UK rather than those who bolted.

    Votes: 11 8.1%

  • Total voters


Apr 28, 2019
Not North Carolina
Heyo, Cats fans. I'm trying to get some data for a friend who wants to know how connected this fanbase is to former players. I realize the answer options aren't all-encompassing, but pick what suits you the best.

When I say "care about their NBA team," I'm assuming that if you care about the former UK player, you'd want his team to do well. You may not like the franchise but want his team to win, if that makes sense.

When I say "engage with the program," I mean come back for BBM, send videos to the program, donate to UK/disaster relief, speak of UK frequently, etc.
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I'd say neutral here. I hope/care that the guys do well, but I don't necessarily follow along. I do seem to tune in more during the playoffs, though, and tend to root for teams that have UK players as opposed to other teams.
I'm probably a step below you. I wish the guys well, but as a Kentucky fan, I'm not becoming a Celtics fan just because Jim Bob got drafted there. I'm not really rooting for teams I know nothing about aside that they have some former UK players.
Heyo, Cats fans. I'm trying to get some data for a friend who wants to know how connected this fanbase is to former players. I realize the answer options aren't all-encompassing, but pick what suits you the best.

When I say "care about their NBA team," I'm assuming that if you care about the former UK player, you'd want his team to do well. You may not like the franchise but want his team to win, if that makes sense.

When I say "engage with the program," I mean come back for BBM, send videos to the program, donate to UK/disaster relief, speak of UK frequently, etc.
You need an option that is based on how long they stay in the program. For instance did they stay 3-4 years? Did they love UK? Did they come to UK and play some maybe poorly then bolt? Every situation and player is different. The answer could vary based on player and their contributions from a ton to not at all.
You need an option that is based on how long they stay in the program. For instance did they stay 3-4 years? Did they love UK? Did they come to UK and play some maybe poorly then bolt? Every situation and player is different. The answer could vary based on player and their contributions from a ton to not at all.
Added another "other" option with this in mind.
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Unless the UK player lands on my Lakers my give a sh** is just box score watching. It's literally limited to "oh John Wall had a good game" then I move on LOL
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It’s not that I don’t care it’s more that I don’t watch NBA (for several reasons). I preferred the college basketball mentality of “for the love of the game”. That motto seems as old as me now. Now days it’s more about getting paid. Maybe I need to change my name to Old school.
You need an option that is based on how long they stay in the program. For instance did they stay 3-4 years? Did they love UK? Did they come to UK and play some maybe poorly then bolt? Every situation and player is different. The answer could vary based on player and their contributions from a ton to not at all.
I agree with this, but there’s been several 3-4 year players that left and never looked back while some of the 1 year players have represented UK pretty well since leaving.
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I'll "root" for them to do well. And if there's a couple of the on the team, I might even pull for that team but only if they get in the playoffs.

I'll always pull for our guys though.
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For me, it's hard to care about guys once they leave when all we see them is 1 year, well actually 5 months because the season is from November-March technically. I hope they all do well however, whether they make it to the league or not. Some of my favorite players are guys who couldn't even play in the NBA and Calipari doesn't have many of those guys, but a guy like Dom Hawkins for instance I hope he is doing just as well.

I don't care for NBA ball anymore. I don't really have time to keep up with what dudes are doing just because they stopped in Lexington for a few months to play here and kill some time, but Im glad to see those guys who do make it to the NBA able bring their families out of poverty or do well for themselves.

So yeah I do care about em, but probably not as much most. I care more about whether ppl are genuinely good ppl and how they treat folks.
Depends on how good they are. Brandon Stockton, Bobby Perry, and Sheray Thomas types are paying for every beer they drink in this state. Most fans only care about players for the entertainment value they provide to them.
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I voted neutral. Part of it is probably age related...I'm only 43 but when you are older than the players they kind of lose that "hero" factor that they may have carried when I was a kid.

I remember when Mashburn left, I followed him as closely as possible for several years in NBA. Now, meh...doesn't really matter.

Wish the best for them but that's about it.
Depends on how good they are. Brandon Stockton, Bobby Perry, and Sheray Thomas types are paying for every beer they drink in this state. Most fans only care about players for the entertainment value they provide to them.
When they buy me a round of Boilermakers, I'll buy them a round right back 😂 but I'm tight with my money that I work too hard for. I love UK basketball and 100% for supporting guys on a good cause or charity type things, but if those guys have a college degree they should be able to buy their own damn beer.

And, don't take it the wrong way because I'm not trying to be smug.. I'm just saying we supported them for 4 yrs here. Thats sports. They never supported me In anything so I don't feel responsible for them the rest of their lives.

Most of these guys have lived a nice life already, or most likely had some great opportunities to do so. I appreciate all of them, but to think a man don't never have to buy a beer in the state again is just crazy to me unless you're Goose.. Goose would buy ya one back, though and he'd enjoy doing it.

That's prob why many of them feel so entitled and do things like run for office and take from taxpayers is because they have ppl out here doing all this shit for them that they wouldn't do in return for you or me in most cases. I hate to be the one mention that case btw.
Fair amount to neutral.

I hope they all do well (indifferent to Sharpe. I don’t consider him an ex Cat), and if I’m watching a game with a former Cat, I usually want his team to win. I don’t watch a ton of NBA until the playoffs and don’t have a favorite team, so I just pull for our guys.
Heyo, Cats fans. I'm trying to get some data for a friend who wants to know how connected this fanbase is to former players. I realize the answer options aren't all-encompassing, but pick what suits you the best.

When I say "care about their NBA team," I'm assuming that if you care about the former UK player, you'd want his team to do well. You may not like the franchise but want his team to win, if that makes sense.

When I say "engage with the program," I mean come back for BBM, send videos to the program, donate to UK/disaster relief, speak of UK frequently, etc.
Well you picked the wrong place to judge this for the " fanbase". Just about everyone on here could guess this pole would turn out exactly as it has.
I don't think the majority of fans care about the NBA ,but I do think most fans still care about our former players. Always
How much blood, sweat and tears did they invest while they were here? That's my barometer. It's hard for them to invest enough in just one season for me to care too much about their UK after-life. And a couple of them I absolutely detest for the way they used the program and gave little to nothing in return.
If you don’t care about the players at all after they leave, you never cared for them while they were here. I understand not watching the woke NBA but to not care at all?

Not all players go to the NBA. Do you care more about the guys that don’t make it to the NBA? If you answered yes, then you are actually jealous they make more money than you.
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I chose the "a lot" and "support guys who remain engaged with UK", but I wouldn't really say I care a lot. It's more than none, but it definitely isn't a lot.
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Heyo, Cats fans. I'm trying to get some data for a friend who wants to know how connected this fanbase is to former players. I realize the answer options aren't all-encompassing, but pick what suits you the best.

When I say "care about their NBA team," I'm assuming that if you care about the former UK player, you'd want his team to do well. You may not like the franchise but want his team to win, if that makes sense.

When I say "engage with the program," I mean come back for BBM, send videos to the program, donate to UK/disaster relief, speak of UK frequently, etc.
Both 6-7 really
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I casually follow the NBA these days ever since Dirk retired but have always found myself rooting for UK players' success and whatever team they are on. I like to follow their careers.
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Per your descriptions, somewhere between neutral and a fair amount although I’m not really a big NBA fan. And I there are some I don’t really care about or root against if they are on a team I don’t like or give me a reason to not like their personality after leaving here. But then there are the Fox/Monk/Wall/Cuz/Murray/Bam/KAT(and Knight when he was still fighting to maintain a roster spot) types that I pull for their success and their teams success due to them.
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I don’t really follow the NBA so I don’t really care that much after they leave simply because I don’t watch them. I mean I wish them well but I’m not actively watching or following them. And it’s typically only the ones I actually enjoyed watching. Like I dont care how BJ Boston or Skal do.
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I love watching our guys succeed at the next level. Considering we produce some of the best players in the association, it gives me a sense of pride when they are crushing it. Probably in the minority.
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Really depends on the player. Love Murray, Fox, AD, Monk, Quick, Maxey, Bam, and SGA. I follow them pretty close. Can't say that much for the rest currently in the league. Herro is annoying to me for some reason and he had success here. Mash is my favorite UK player of all time, and I still keep up with him as much as possible.

But I base my following them on experiences or games that mean something to me. Murray killing Duke made me a fan of his for life. Maxey's 3 against MSU, Monk and AD against UNC, Fox against UCLA, etc. EJ Floreal (sp) was great with my kid. As was Bam. UK has had some great players and individuals over the years. It's difficult not to be fans of theirs.
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A fair amount I would say. I will root for them all do to well and hope one of them wins the NBA Championship like this past NBA Finals, Wildcats on both Denver & Miami. I don't follow the league with a passion though like Kentucky Basketball but will definitely watch if I see their games on TNT, NBA TV or ESPN/ABC.
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