Poll : Guns and booze

Should guns be handled while under the influence?

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Gold Member
Jan 29, 2004
Bob thinks it's acceptable that he brought out an assault rifle during a party where everyone was heavily intoxicated and gameday drunk. Regardless of intoxication level I don't think guns and booze should ever mix. So...
So you would trust a drunk and his competence with confirming the gun is unloaded? Serious question.

IMO, guns aren't toys. They're to be handled with respect and safety. Just don't see any reason to have them involved with a party full of drunks.
When I lived in Bowling Green, across the tracks there was a little strip mall that featured EZ Liquors right next to EZ Gun & Pawn, so it was kind of encouraged. Pawn your stolen stereos, buy cheap gun and bottle of Old Crow. Hell of a Tuesday evening.

I don't have the desire the be around someone drunk with a gun, but I don't want to infringe on others' rights, so I vote not sure.
If you can't think of a single good reason for having a loaded gun around drunk people, then it's pretty much a slam dunk that you shouldn't. There are zero positive things that can occur, except for an occasional "that's badass, bro" comment.
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Gun was allegedly unloaded.
Do you know what an open bolt with no clip looks like? It looks unloaded. Like there is literally no place a bullet could be in a firing position. Hence no one could be shot, and therefore about as dangerous as a baseball bat.
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Nothing I have stated is untrue either. It made you uncomfortable and I apologized for that. I didn't consider your feelings at the time. Guess I'm used to being around trained military people. So no, it was not a good idea.
Here in Texas you can strap your assault rifle to your shoulder and walk into a restaurant if you want to, and some are doing it. That's just what you want to see if you're out for a nice dinner with the family.
As long as the only people around are other drunk rednecks I don't mind. Maybe they would thin the heard and thereby not multiply as fast.

? Poll: Should cars be driven while under the influence?
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I've been too drunk to drive, too drunk to even walk, but never too drunk to unload my guns (never fooled with them when drunk btw). It's not hard to remove a clip ranch the bolt. I never leave a bullet in the chamber, never and always check visually to make sure no bullet is in the chamber

I also have a revolver, open cylinder and dump shells, easy to see if all came out and it won't fire with cylinder out.

I don't have a gun that I cannot completely dissemble.
I also treat them as though they are loaded even when empty, Just common sense.
I have no problems with guns. This isn't that debate. Question is: do you think it's acceptable to handle guns while under the influence. Don't care that anyone owns a gun. I own several guns.
How is it infringing on rights to ask that a person not play with guns while drunk?

If you're referring to me, I was being facetious.

Some of the more avid gun advocates think they should be able to carry one everywhere, in every situation no matter the circumstances.

(I am neither pro- or anti-gun.)
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I also treat them as though they are loaded even when empty, Just common sense.

Bingo. That's the first thing taught in every gun training I've been apart of. Been years since then but the first thing they taught. My point is why chance it? Even if people are trained and comfortable and you're positive it's unloaded. You obviously had to unload it when you retrieved it. Correct? That's your home defense. All I'm saying is meet them at buds the next day and have a blast.
Open bolt and no clip was your interpretation...after a couple drinks.

I personally don't trust my life with anyone's judgement if alcohol is involved in any way.

My friends that do like to have guns around while drinking/drunk are either (1)idiots who just enjoy pushing limits and making other people feel uncomfortable for the hell of it (I mean I love them, but they're just idiots) or (2) former military who think anyone who isn't ok with it is a pussy, and they're basically just doing it out of bravado.

Love ya drx, but completely disagree.
The funny thing is I had just bought the rifle and didn't even have any ammo yet. Guess that's one reason I wasn't too worried about it.

Enjoy your moral victory Anth. (Yes I still think you're a wuss:)
I never mixed alcohol and guns. I also check every gun someone shows me to check to be sure it's not loaded, habbit.

I mentioned in my first post guns and drunks don't mix

Sorry guys, back when I used to drink my buddies were sinceable, and all of them knew how to be safe with firearms. So my remarks were from my experience with my friends. All of them could be trusted to be careful. I'm not used to stupid gun owners. Sorry

Some people aren't safe to be around sober much less drunk. I avoided that crowd
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Not really sure how anyone is trying to justify it. I'm pro-gun, but like CB said, I wouldn't trust anyone when they're drunk and saying it's unloaded.
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I personally don't trust my life with anyone's judgement if alcohol is involved in any way.
this is the point.

*dumb broad pulls her daddy's handgun out of her purse, house guests freak out and start ducking* "Why are you guys scared of a gun? That's so dumb! Guns aren't dangerous as long as you know how to use them!"

"No sh!t, *****, and we have no idea whether you know what you're doing."
Not trying to argue it was a good idea. My point is it's pretty obvious that it wasn't loaded. Open bolt with no clip, and I didn't even have any ammo...I'd say the danger was slim to none...if you know what that looks like.
But I don't trust you to know what it looks like if you've had one single drink.

That's the point. I don't give a touch if it's got a giant ass neon sign and signs a song that it's unloaded, I don't trust your interpretation of that if you've had a single drop of alcohol.
But I don't trust you to know what it looks like if you've had one single drink.

That's the point. I don't give a touch if it's got a giant ass neon sign and signs a song that it's unloaded, I don't trust your interpretation of that if you've had a single drop of alcohol.

I get that, and I understand that's why Anth was uncomfortable. He hadn't just been in a war zone eating breakfast around these things for 6 months. He didn't know what to look for. It's pretty obvious to those that do.

My point, is that there was no danger. I didn't have any ammo. Drunk, sober, asleep...nothing was changing that.
Pretty much. Not looking for a moral victory. I give buddies that drink and drive similar grief but they always acknowledge the mistake rather than pawn it off.

The point has nothing to do with me being uncomfortable. I dont want a friend handling guns anytime they've been drinking.It's 100% that you're putting people's safety (life) in danger to show off. Period. There's no way around that.
Yeah, the problem is OP's lack of time on active duty, not the mix of alcohol and deadly weapons. Of course.
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Anth had no way of knowing I didn't have any ammo. You are not a warrior, although I guess I assumed you might know what was up being from the south end and all...

I agree with you it was not a good idea. This was 3 years ago, and nothing like it has happened (or will) since. Lesson learned. You are completely in the right for expressing concern, even if nobody else freaked out.
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For the record I love Anth too. I know he's as concerned about me not screwing up as much as his safety. In no way am I questioning his manhood, we've been in scraps together defending a lady's honor. My boys got stones. He's a pretty laid back dude but he will fight if you push him.

This is like one of those 80's montage where we all hug and the world is better. I think I just saw David Hasselhoff.
I served in Iraq as well and my weapon was either in Condition 3 or Condition 1 during my whole time there (usually Condition 1). Even after lugging around a rifle for 9-10 months and being a turret gunner...I was still cautious when my buddies would bring out a gun when we had been drinking after we had returned.

There's nothing wrong with erring on the side of caution, especially when the booze is flowing.