Please help! Suggestions on Kentucky autograph giveaways.


Jul 8, 2014
ok so I've been wanting to do this for a while and still can't come up with a good way of doing it. Random UK questions don't work because of Google and JohnScott's site. Lol. My pops and I have an extensive collection, and I'd like to help out some in BBN get some nice stuff.

Anyone have any creative ideas on how I could go about doing an autograph giveaway every month or so on the board? I'm open to suggestions.

Haha. That would be a fantastic way

I'd like to get a few more involved though.
Maybe have a UK fan take a few pics in a rivals (UL, UNC, Duke, KU, etc) building throwing up three goggles decked out in UK gear.
You just already have that pic :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Of course that might work for this month but it would need a #gimmegraphs so I know it's not an old pic.

Hmm. What else? If some can agree on a method I'll roll with it. Maybe change it up month to month or something.
You could do something similar to what Old Red was doing (and I hope he still does) with a game contest. Pick the winner and a point spread with a tie breaker.
Prediction on UK football scores. Closest guess wins. That's one way but cats192 idea ain't all that bad. Lol

What kind of UK stuff we talking?
Prediction on UK football scores. Closest guess wins. That's one way but cats192 idea ain't all that bad. Lol

What kind of UK stuff we talking?

Something like that is probably the best way.

As far as stuff man, could be anything. Signed football mini helmets to Anthony Davis to Scott Padgett signed rookies to game used stuff to, well, anything and everything. Sometimes it will be better than others I'm sure. But it will be free in the mail.
I suggest the score prediction. Just as long as it isn't like the tickets that are given away, I feel like a lot of the stories are made up. No offense to any of the BBN, but people will do terrible things to get tickets.
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I am a big collector of UK memorbillia. I appreciate you doing this sort of thing. Hopefully I am fortunate enough to win some free gold.
I am a big collector of UK memorbillia. I appreciate you doing this sort of thing. Hopefully I am fortunate enough to win some free gold.

Hey great. I am going to start one for football this week on the football board. You guys look for it.

I guess I will do it the only way I know how, through something game related. I'm still open for some new suggestions. Something besides "scores".
Well, that's generous, truly.

Just a thought, if you want to highlight a poster, have the board admins nominate and select a winner or perhaps nominate and have the board vote on a winner via poll or various combinations of that. They are footing the bill after all. Also, we have posters pass away on the forum from time to time. Might want to name an award or two in their honor. Or maybe give an item to their family, from the board so to speak.

Your stuff to do with as you like. That's just a couple of ideas.
Well, that's generous, truly.

Just a thought, if you want to highlight a poster, have the board admins nominate and select a winner or perhaps nominate and have the board vote on a winner via poll or various combinations of that. They are footing the bill after all. Also, we have posters pass away on the forum from time to time. Might want to name an award or two in their honor. Or maybe give an item to their family, from the board so to speak.

Your stuff to do with as you like. That's just a couple of ideas.

Excellent suggestions I appreciate that kybass. That gives me something to think about. I might just let some of you decide the best way in this thread.

Keep suggestions coming.
Do it like bradyjames does for tickets.

Have everyone that's interested state their case why they want the item. Every item you have to give away might be more special to one individual and maybe not so much to another.

The winner could be a grandparent, parent, brother, sister, child or friend.

I'm 45 and have several autographed items. Most though, have been in the last six years. But I have accumulated a ish load of memorabila over my life.

So a MKG autographed ball(in which I have) would not make me interested when someone else here could enjoy one.

But something as a simple Kyle Macy poster or Andre Riddick signed poster would add to my collection that I probably never will get. That's just examples people;)

Let people state their case and have our fanbase give you opinions and then you decide.

Either way, it's a awesome thing you're doing and you'll make a lot of UK fans happy.

Two thumbs up my friend.
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If you can get blood samples of the former players. You could sell their DNA on a slide with their autograph on it.
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Do it like bradyjames does for tickets.

Have everyone that's interested state their case why they want the item. Every item you have to give away might be more special to one individual and maybe not so much to another.

The winner could be a grandparent, parent, brother, sister, child or friend.

I'm 45 and have several autographed items. Most though, have been in the last six years. But I have accumulated a ish load of memorabila over my life.

So a MKG autographed ball(in which I have) would not make me interested when someone else here could enjoy one.

But something as a simple Kyle Macy poster or Andre Riddick signed poster would add to my collection that I probably never will get. That's just examples people;)

Let people state their case and have our fanbase give you opinions and then you decide.

Either way, it's a awesome thing you're doing and you'll make a lot of UK fans happy.

Two thumbs up my friend.

As someone else pointed out, I think too many of those stories have been stretched to make them sound better. I don't know how you authenticate something like that as being legitimate. I'd prefer something clear cut so there are no doubt about the winner.
Would donate money to your favorite charity if you have an authenticated Rupp signature.

You may want to consider setting up an EBay account, auction off the memorabilia and give the proceeds to a charity.
Would donate money to your favorite charity if you have an authenticated Rupp signature.

You may want to consider setting up an EBay account, auction off the memorabilia and give the proceeds to a charity.

I have one that's JSA authenticated that looks like the man signed it yesterday. A Lexington dealer told me it was the best example he had ever seen. It's the centerpiece of my collection, lucked into it from a large sports memorabilia dealer down in Florida.
This is pretty awesome! I have a large collection of UK stuff that I plan to do my man cave in someday if I ever get one! I have one of those white face UK balls that has everyone from the Goose to Delk to Anthony Davis but the best thing I have is a framed and signed Anthony Davis jersey that I got him to sign! It's pretty neat!!!