Platoon vs Full Metal Jacket vs We Were Soldiers


Feb 15, 2013
I know others want different movies but between these 3 rank them first to last. Any answers would be appreciated.

Edit- I choose Platoon because it shows the chaos of battle incredibly well. Dad was a two tour Vietnam Veteran and he said Platoon got the closest.

Edit 2- I didn't include Apocalypse now because it's simply set in Vietnam. Great beautiful movie but I knew many people would choose it.
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I never have seen Platoon but have heard a lot of good reviews from friends. I've seen Full Metal Jacket but look at it more as a movie that is based in Vietnam. Of course Apocalypse Now and Deer Hunter are great. It took me several years to watch anything related to the war as I lost my father as a 12 year old, 6 weeks from his 40th birthday and about 3 months from his retirement eligibility.

Number 1 by a lot.
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1. We Were Soldiers
2. Platoon
3. Full Metal

All were very good movies. My dad went to Vietnam. Said that Platoon and WWS were very close but that WWS was the closest. He said that Platoon made the drinking, marijuana, and the conflict with Barnes too much. He couldn’t get into Full Metal. Said it was so over the top that it was like it was making fun too much.
In defense of FMJ.. its by Kubrick, so it's gonna be out-there for sure. And while it's accuracy in terms of a war movie may put it behind, it's still beautifully made, shot and acted.

Curious as to why Apocalypse Now isn't included here. Watched the extended version for the first time a few weeks ago. What a fantastic movie. And it looks great for something that came out in the 70s.
^ Correct. WWS didn’t impress me the one time I saw it. FMJ is legendary because of one actor and one half of the film. Gonna be hard-pressed to find many who love the movie as a whole without saying there’s a drop off once we’re in Vietnam. Out of the three, it’s Platoon. Beautifully shot, well acted, and shows both sides of the coin ie why are we here/we’ve been kicking ass for so long I figure it’s time we got ours kicked vs politicians getting in the way/get the job done by any means necessary.

Apocalypse Now beats all three however and should’ve been included.
No movie shows the real horror of war. If it did politicians wouldn’t be so quick to send your kids to fight to give the military industrial complex more profits.
I beg to differ. As I said Platoon shows the chaos of battle. I mean SPR has a very accurate Omaha beach scene. But in a sense you're right. The Pentagon wouldn't help with Platoon but they did with Top Gun.
Platoon goes beyond being a war film. It's a beautifully made film period, Oliver Stone's best by far. And I'm not an Oliver Stone fan.
Have never watched WWS, but have watched the other two. The boot camp segment of FMJ is riveting, but the story kinda goes downhill from there. Platoon is the better movie from start to finish IMO.
As soon as the Drill Sergeant was killed in FMJ I walked out of the theater (was on status at the time) and did not see the rest of it.