Darn autocorrect. Ohio Co.
A really "hip" iphone. Must be a 6s.What device are you on that auto corrects "Ohio" to "Ohip"?
He is assistant boy's coach at Ohip County High School on Kentucky. Moved back to Ky. because of all the unrest in the Ukraine.)
he's somewhere letting Rondo have sex with his girlfriend... still screwing over that 2006 team.
Come again?
Come again?
That was a rumor (Rondo messing around with PS' girlfriend) floating around back when the UK team seemed to be in turmoil. I am SO glad those days are behind us now. This board is quite tame compared to what it was like then.
Only because we're in the midst of good times right now, nothing much to bitch, argue or feud about. It's during the bad times that this board really gets fun.
Rondo definitely knocked his Sparks' girl and forced her to have an abortion. I was there. I saw it. That's why the 2006 team sucked and Sparks got fat.
that aborted fetus was better at making layups than Bobby Perry.
Rondo definitely knocked his Sparks' girl and forced her to have an abortion. I was there. I saw it. That's why the 2006 team sucked and Sparks got fat.