Panic Attacks


Dec 2, 2004
Anyone had one? Those things are no joke. Always been pretty even keel with no real issues with managing stress. A few instances where I was maybe jittery or nervous but nothing major. BAM, felt it coming up from my gut through my chest, shoulders and into my head. Light headed, tunnel vision. Crazy. Any experience? Have them often since? Just kind of curious.
I had a string of them a few years back, they do indeed suck very much.

Mine were stress related. I had to learn how to not let shit get to me, which is easier said than done.
Need to keep some xanax with you for any future instances. It's a safety net and i would say try to get through it until you just absolutely have to have one. It's nice mentally to have that safety net and if you get through a few without using xanax then you are kind of teaching yourself how to control them. Buit if you absolutely have to have it it's there to help you get through it.
Never had one, but when I served as an EMT several years ago, I went to a call that was reported as a heart attack. When we got on the scene, it looked like a heart attack. Got the guy into the ambulance and took him to the hospital. Turned out that it was a panic attack.

It has got to be scary.
Originally posted by UKGrad93:

Never had one, but when I served as an EMT several years ago, I went to a call that was reported as a heart attack. When we got on the scene, it looked like a heart attack. Got the guy into the ambulance and took him to the hospital. Turned out that it was a panic attack.

It has got to be scary.
Yeah, the one I had last week had all the makings of a heart attack. I'm not the type that really gets too worked up or let anyone know what's going on but I caled my wife and went to the Dr. It was some scary business. I've had gun put up in my face a d it pales in comparison to this. Nothing like it.
Not fun at all. Had my first one my senior year of college. Thought I was dying and went to the hospital. They took my pulse and it was sky high. Admitted me, gave me a xanax and I was all set. Still have attacks to this day. Been prescribed Klonopin, helps out a lot.
If it worked for this guy, it will work for you.



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My doc once told me there are thousands of people in this country effectively and safely self medicating panic attacks and anxiety disorders with weed. I would have no problem talking to a doctor about it.
Had one last year driving. Really scared me and I was basically freaking out trying to keep it together and drive.. don't know how I managed it. Thankfully I was close to home when it happened and got a couple of green lights.

It's all mental and it's all stress. Fortunately I haven't had one since then. It's awful going through one though. So damn overwhelming.
I've always had anxiety issues and I've had a couple panic attacks. Usually they were related to stress at work or some big trauma with my family. I haven't needed medication, but I did go see a counselor at one point in my life. It helped a lot.

Panic attacks are scary. I know first hand.

One thing I noticed that helped me is to take a weekend every quarter of the year and totally unplug from the internet, phone, everything and just dive into something I enjoy doing. It can be little things like hiking and fishing or even a hobby. I know my stress level goes down when I do this and I'm ready to tackle work.

It also helps that I got a new job that is much lower stress, but I know that's not an option for most folks.
I lost my mom and dad within 9 months. Almost immediately after started having them. They tend to come and go depending on how much stress I am under. Sometimes are worse than others though. I tend to get the fight or flight feeling when one comes on.
Originally posted by meeksfor3:

I lost my mom and dad within 9 months. Almost immediately after started having them. They tend to come and go depending on how much stress I am under. Sometimes are worse than others though. I tend to get the fight or flight feeling when one comes on.
Mine happened in a Panera, which I hate those places because they are so busy. Trying to get away from the office for some 1x1 review, people start rolling in and it hit. I told the guy with me that I was about to throw up and that I needed to leave and got the hell out of dodge. He never said anything to me but I am sure he was like "WTF??" Driving home was the worst experience of my life. I was seriously thinking I could be having a heart attack and worried I was going to pass out. Not sure why I even drove but I wasn't in a good state of mind. It's hard to explain how crazy I felt when it was all said and done. Ugh
Yep. I get them from time to time, wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy. Cawood has given good advice, always keep some anxiety meds with you as a "security blanket". It helps a lot knows that you can always take one and chill out, as well as being able to train yourself to get over them on your own.

The weed is an absolutely terrible idea. It induced panic attacks in me, really bad ones as well.
Originally posted by ukrjr1:

The weed is an absolutely terrible idea. It induced panic attacks in me, really bad ones as well.
For me a little reefer helps to settle down the daily stress and that keeps the anxiety down.

If I smoke too much at once it can cause a panic attack though, and if I'm feeling like a panic attack is imminent then toking up will make it worse.

Just like most other things, it's about moderation.
Weed obviously isn't for everyone.

It is a viable stress reducer if you're comfortable with it and it does help with anxiety management.

When ingested properly (i.e. not by combustion) it's likely healthier than whiskey or prescription pills, as well.
Yeah, well it probably isn't a good idea for the guy to start toking up without trying other means first.
I've had a few when I was high... It's absolutely awful, because you're already weirded out in the first place, and the panic attack is a multiplier. I'm too old now for anything other than a little reefer every now and again, but even then, I tread lightly.

I came within an eyelash of having a really bad one on an airplane. I was flying out of Boston not long after 9/11, and as we were ascending I suddenly remembered that a couple of the planes that crashed came out of Logan as well. It made the whole event extremely "real" and I freaked out- sweaty palms, shortness of breath, heart beating like a drum, mind racing to its worst parts, and all with nowhere to escape to. Luckily there was a little kid sitting across the aisle from me... He was worry-free, playing around like kids do, and it really helped calm me down. After a few minutes I was able to control my breathing and was fine once we started cruising. One thing I do when I get on planes to this day is look for a person sitting near me who I'd assume would be scared of flying, and if they're fine, I'm fine.
I haven't had one in a long time, but the one time I tried to take a couple tokes it was like using rocket fuel to put out a campfire. I used to have them quite frequently. I took caffeine out of my diet and found that if I felt an attack coming on I could do some push-ups or some form of exercise, that would help. But certainly you should see a physician. They're awful and there are options out there to alleviate them or at least ease them.
Originally posted by BigBlue98:
One thing I do when I get on planes to this day is look for a person sitting near me who I'd assume would be scared of flying, and if they're fine, I'm fine.
I usually look to the flight staff, if they aren't worri r d I have no reason to be.

Exercise definitely helps with anxiety.
Originally posted by 80 Proof:

Originally posted by BigBlue98:
One thing I do when I get on planes to this day is look for a person sitting near me who I'd assume would be scared of flying, and if they're fine, I'm fine.
I usually look to the flight staff, if they aren't worri r d I have no reason to be.

Exercise definitely helps with anxiety.
You sound like my wife

Seriously though, I am going to try to get after it a little more. I stay pretty active but never taken the time to take care of myself. It's time.
Originally posted by argubs2:
Weed obviously isn't for everyone.

It is a viable stress reducer if you're comfortable with it and it does help with anxiety management.

When ingested properly (i.e. not by combustion) it's likely healthier than whiskey or prescription pills, as well.
Hell, I have panic attacks without Medical Marijuana.

OP- You did a very good thing by listening to your body. Being aware of the physiological symptoms of anxiety is the first step. Now, I know it seems goofy. But deep breathing works. Why it works? If I have this right, deep breathing stimulates your Vagus nerve. Stimulating your Vagus nerve creates Acetylcholine which stimulates the Parasympathetic nerve to lower your heart beat.

Ever noticed why you can't think or stay focused during a panic attack? Brain has essentially shut down the ability to take in new information. So that is why deep breathing can help bring yourself back to alert and oriented.

Another thing you can do. Take a bell. Ring it. Just the ring dies off, strike it again. repeat for 5 times. Total mind eraser.
Originally posted by Willy4UK:

Originally posted by argubs2:
Weed obviously isn't for everyone.

It is a viable stress reducer if you're comfortable with it and it does help with anxiety management.

When ingested properly (i.e. not by combustion) it's likely healthier than whiskey or prescription pills, as well.
Hell, I have panic attacks without Medical Marijuana.

OP- You did a very good thing by listening to your body. Being aware of the physiological symptoms of anxiety is the first step. Now, I know it seems goofy. But deep breathing works. Why it works? If I have this right, deep breathing stimulates your Vagus nerve. Stimulating your Vagus nerve creates Acetylcholine which stimulates the Parasympathetic nerve to lower your heart beat.

Ever noticed why you can't think or stay focused during a panic attack? Brain has essentially shut down the ability to take in new information. So that is why deep breathing can help bring yourself back to alert and oriented.

Another thing you can do. Take a bell. Ring it. Just the ring dies off, strike it again. repeat for 5 times. Total mind eraser.
I am all in on the deep breathing. I was on the way home yesterday and got a call in my truck. Talking to a guy and I thought I was going to have another one so I got off the phone and started to take some deep breaths and felt better. It may not have been another, just my mind playing tricks on me, but I liked that I could control it.

Now, as for the bell trick I am not so sure. I would hate to be "that guy carrying a bell around". Ha ha
Originally posted by 8titles:

I am all in on the deep breathing. I was on the way home yesterday and got a call in my truck. Talking to a guy and I thought I was going to have another one so I got off the phone and started to take some deep breaths and felt better. It may not have been another, just my mind playing tricks on me, but I liked that I could control it.

Now, as for the bell trick I am not so sure. I would hate to be "that guy carrying a bell around". Ha ha
So does the perception of a work related call tend you heighten your anxiety? Knowing your body is one thing, knowing your other environmental triggers is another.

Yeah, kinda difficult to carry a bell around. haha That's more for home use. Another trick to try is to count by 3s from 100. 97, 94, 91, 88, 85, 82 etc etc.....

Also I think we avg about 20-24 breaths per minute. Try taking 1 to 2 breaths per 30 seconds. Long inhale (15 seconds) and then long exhale (15 seconds). Takes practice. I tried it my first time and got 6 breaths. next time it was 3 breaths and then I learned how to get it to 1 breath.

Plus I have halitosis, so it helps.
Another thing that helps me is a cold rag on the back of my neck. Don't know if there is a scientific reason behind it, but helps relax me.
Originally posted by ctharris07:
Another thing that helps me is a cold rag on the back of my neck. Don't know if there is a scientific reason behind it, but helps relax me.
There's is a scientific reason. The coldness has a shocking ability that slows the heart beat. Which is the name of the game. Slowing down the heart beat.
Originally posted by Willy4UK:

Originally posted by 8titles:

I am all in on the deep breathing. I was on the way home yesterday and got a call in my truck. Talking to a guy and I thought I was going to have another one so I got off the phone and started to take some deep breaths and felt better. It may not have been another, just my mind playing tricks on me, but I liked that I could control it.

Now, as for the bell trick I am not so sure. I would hate to be "that guy carrying a bell around". Ha ha
So does the perception of a work related call tend you heighten your anxiety? Knowing your body is one thing, knowing your other environmental triggers is another.

Yeah, kinda difficult to carry a bell around. haha That's more for home use. Another trick to try is to count by 3s from 100. 97, 94, 91, 88, 85, 82 etc etc.....

Also I think we avg about 20-24 breaths per minute. Try taking 1 to 2 breaths per 30 seconds. Long inhale (15 seconds) and then long exhale (15 seconds). Takes practice. I tried it my first time and got 6 breaths. next time it was 3 breaths and then I learned how to get it to 1 breath.

Plus I have halitosis, so it helps.
I told my wife that the Dr. recommended that I receive a hummer every time one starts up. She isn't buying it but I'm gonna keep trying. Any Dr's on here that can give me a Dr's note?
Originally posted by 8titles:
Originally posted by 80 Proof:

Originally posted by BigBlue98:
One thing I do when I get on planes to this day is look for a person sitting near me who I'd assume would be scared of flying, and if they're fine, I'm fine.
I usually look to the flight staff, if they aren't worri r d I have no reason to be.

Exercise definitely helps with anxiety.
You sound like my wife

Seriously though, I am going to try to get after it a little more. I stay pretty active but never taken the time to take care of myself. It's time.
No, she doesn't. She has a more sultry voice.

Ok, now I'll get serious. Both my children have panic attacks and they are 37 and 26 yrs old. My wife and I have never experienced one, but it must have come down the linage on one side or the other.

There is usually no issue that leads to an attack on both of them. It doesn't happen often, but usually once every couple months. My son says it feels like what a heart attack he thinks would feel like. After a few trips to the ER because he feels he's going to die, now his wife will drive him to the ER and he will sit in the waiting room (just in case) until it passes. My daughter gets so scared she starts crying and becomes inconsolable. It usually last 30 minutes or so even if they take Xanax.

It really is frightening to watch them during one.

This post was edited on 3/30 9:47 AM by Chuckinden
Almost had one just reading this post. I had my first one a few months before my daughter was born 2.5 years ago. I was driving and one sec I was fine and the next I felt like I was going to pass out and tunnel vision. Came out of nowhere. Pulled over and walked into a eye doctor store and sat down. Shaking and all. They called the ambulance for me and took me to the hospital. All thought it was a heart attack. Got to the hospital and nurse was giving me a hard time since she thought I was stressed out w/ my first kid on the way. Wanted to tell her t F off. I didn't feel stressed. I was actually on my way to play golf.

Ways I deal w/ it is to pinch myself on my leg or behind my knee where not a lot of skin and hurts like hell. Takes your mind towards the pain. Also keeping mints in my pockets help me b/c mentally I think I am feeling that way due to low blood sugar. When driving and one creeps up, I roll down the window if cold and that usually helps. If not, blast cold air.

Great post. Almost exact stories to mine....makes me feel better.