Our inability to score in the tournament


Gold Member
Jul 14, 2001
Can anyone explain this to me?

After the first round, we scored 62 points every game during regulation. Looking back on the entire season, we only scored 62 points or less one time. One time. So how do we make it all the way to the tournament, and have 3 straight games of our lowest outputs of the season? That is a direct reflection of Cal. He doesn’t coach the same in the tournament. He just doesn’t.
Not sure if this was a problem in previous tournaments. IMO, they just hit a perfect storm: Herro not hitting, continued lack of production from anyone not named Washington or Reid.

They went through streaks of not scoring during the season. Numerous times, they had teams down by double digits only to let them back in the game. I hate watching that kind of crap. IMO, if you can be up by 15 at the half, keep the foot on the peddle and win by 30.
I like Cal and would not trade him but from the point of view of a 95% Football guy and a 5% bball guy, it appears our two coaches go through periods where we get conservative instead of trying to destroy the opponent.
Can anyone explain this to me?

After the first round, we scored 62 points every game during regulation. Looking back on the entire season, we only scored 62 points or less one time. One time. So how do we make it all the way to the tournament, and have 3 straight games of our lowest outputs of the season? That is a direct reflection of Cal. He doesn’t coach the same in the tournament. He just doesn’t.
Shooting 27 percent from behind the arc in the four NCAA games will do that.
Our rectums puckered up as tight as a snare drum, including Cals.

I don’t know how you can win 6 straight coaching like this unless you have Anthony Davis. Look at our 2013-14 team. Scored like 54 points in the title game. That was our “tweak” season. Cal just let them play in the tournament. He had to. Made it to the title game, and the same BS.
Teams took away our transition points, made it a half court game. Then denied Tyler the ball, who can’t create for himself if tightly guarded. PJ was doubled and couldn’t find the open man. The rest of our team couldn’t beat their man off the dribble or get open. It was a combination of events but let’s not blame Cal for something most teams experience.

Auburn certainly wasn’t scoring at their normal clip against us, it was an ugly defensive game that came down to Auburn having one guy who could create shots for himself. Our players were deer in headlights in the tournament, you could tell the moment was in their heads. Virginia lost to a 16 seed last year but are in the final four this year, explain that.
A lot of folks say that Cal slows it down but I don’t think you see that if you look at the number of possessions. Going off of memory only I would say that in our tournament losses, more often than not the opposing team has found a way to flummox our young point guards.

Also we lost at least one tournament game, probably more, because of that rat bastard Higgins.
Not sure if this was a problem in previous tournaments. IMO, they just hit a perfect storm: Herro not hitting, continued lack of production from anyone not named Washington or Reid.

They went through streaks of not scoring during the season. Numerous times, they had teams down by double digits only to let them back in the game. I hate watching that kind of crap. IMO, if you can be up by 15 at the half, keep the foot on the peddle and win by 30.
I like Cal and would not trade him but from the point of view of a 95% Football guy and a 5% bball guy, it appears our two coaches go through periods where we get conservative instead of trying to destroy the opponent.
In 2012 when we won it all, we ran every team out of the gym...
FG: 27-61 3 PT: 5-21 FT: 12-21

Shots weren’t dropping. I don’t think you can put it on Cal. Make one more basket in regulation or one more free throw and we win. One.
When a team gets fouling immunity for the last 9 minutes of a game, that can happen.

Also, Houston is a really good defensive team

Wofford just slowed us down and made it a grind fest.

Almost all team score less come tournament time because the game just slows down.

Its not that we scored less. , its HOW MUCH LESS .. great info on the other threads , check them out .. We are choosing to slow the game to a snails pace , it isn't Houston and their amazing D , it isn't powerhouse Wolford , Its Cal's choice . Period .
Teams took away our transition points, made it a half court game. Then denied Tyler the ball, who can’t create for himself if tightly guarded. PJ was doubled and couldn’t find the open man. The rest of our team couldn’t beat their man off the dribble or get open. It was a combination of events but let’s not blame Cal for something most teams experience.

Auburn certainly wasn’t scoring at their normal clip against us, it was an ugly defensive game that came down to Auburn having one guy who could create shots for himself. Our players were deer in headlights in the tournament, you could tell the moment was in their heads. Virginia lost to a 16 seed last year but are in the final four this year, explain that.

Every game we played was an ugly defensive game, I agree.
Its not that we scored less. , its HOW MUCH LESS .. great info on the other threads , check them out .. We are choosing to slow the game to a snails pace , it isn't Houston and their amazing D , it isn't powerhouse Wolford , Its Cal's choice . Period .

I agree. And it works a lot. But if someone told me we were gonna score 62 against Auburn in regulation, I wouldn’t have even watched. You aren’t beating Auburn like that. Yeah, we almost did minus one of their best players. But we still lost. Almost doesn’t count.
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Ir could be noted we lit Auburn up for 82 and 80 in the two previous games this season.
If we had shot the way we did in the game at Rupp we would have scored something like 91 points including overtime.

In regulation we took 54 shots on Sunday versus 55 at Rupp, and we shot more free throws in spite of the fact that we missed front ends of one and ones.

The pace wasn’t really slower. Just the effectiveness.
Can anyone explain this to me?

After the first round, we scored 62 points every game during regulation. Looking back on the entire season, we only scored 62 points or less one time. One time. So how do we make it all the way to the tournament, and have 3 straight games of our lowest outputs of the season? That is a direct reflection of Cal. He doesn’t coach the same in the tournament. He just doesn’t.
Kev has part of it, some teams (especially the favorites) can play tighter than the opponents in a one and done deal. Other guys have nothign to lose

IMO, the other part is in the tournament, again it's a one and done deal so you catch every team playing at a higher energy level where as in the regular season it's more hit and miss. Higher energy levels show up on the defensive side of the ball and when we or anybody else is guarded tighter their shooting and scoring drops off.

Now I do think our style of offense (less than opened up) plays into that some and we are prone to being slowed down in the tournament and I'd like to see us simplify things and open up the spacing and use our talent advantage to more one on one and two man games to drive and kick rather than trying to run sets that burn half the shot clock with useless passes to guys cutting away from the basket. Plus having guys drive more or take earlier open shots frees them up to play looser and make more shots.
Combination of coaching staff tightening up and maybe even over-coaching, and meeting hungry, better teams in the tournament.

Also likely that the committee brackets regions to pair up teams based on each team's strengths and weaknesses. I'm very doubtful these selection goons just go off of basic rankings, NET data and geo locations. I'd bet that 75% of their time is spent trying to figure out the best storylines and matchups, and UK always seems to be pitted against teams that have an offense that we struggle with (this year was 3-pointers - note the 3 % of the teams we faced), and almost all tend to have good rankings in defense.
Outside of the first game we had to play some legit defense.

Houston was the No. 1 overall in defensive efficiency I believe.

We didn’t score much against Wofford due to having to be play so hard on the defensive end. Their defense wasn’t awful either.

And Auburn is playing their best basketball of all time.

We had to play through two and a half buzz saws. Hard to score points that way.
Cal is an elite defensive coach. He recruits and builds teams around long, rangy athletes who can switch and guard wide areas in the halfcourt.

This doesn't always contribute to have great scoring teams. Many times there are non-shooters/scorers on floor. I think part of it is playing tight at tourney time, but also you're playing better defenses. UK doesn't run a lot of sets, so if you take away a pin down or the high ball screen, seems like they can't come up with good scoring options beyond that. Also, think UK often starts its offense really late in shot clock, so time for either one pass (or sometimes no pass). Would like to see them space floor better, start offense sooner, and move the ball faster and more frequently. Think that will get guys like Baker, Quickley, etc. better looks and more shots.

The one thing I'll give Cal credit for is that he's much more willing to adjust his offense to his personnel than he is his defense. He's had some really good offenses (2010, 2011 and 2017). But there does seem to be a trend (save for 2017) past few seasons of really struggling on offense, especially in tourney.
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The NCAA tournament is a grind it out game. Teams get back on defense and don't allow transition. They turn It over less, especially live ball turnovers, which makes it hard to score. I think the biggest issue we had this year was having that one guy you could give the ball to and he could create his own shot, create a shot for someone else and just scores. Tyler needs help with screens, I thought Keldon could be that person and he wasn't. P.J was good, but it is hard in today's game to do from the blocks. Auburn has two of those guys. Just give them the ball and they will do something and in the last three weeks, they have dominated.
If we had shot the way we did in the game at Rupp we would have scored something like 91 points including overtime.

In regulation we took 54 shots on Sunday versus 55 at Rupp, and we shot more free throws in spite of the fact that we missed front ends of one and ones.

The pace wasn’t really slower. Just the effectiveness.

Good points , I didnt realize that .
Somthing that kinda puzzles me is put 2 of your biggest guys around rim and rebound your misses. Unc won national champioship running this offense especially if you can't beat guys off dribble what's the use of spreading floor.
We didn’t score much against Wofford due to having to be play so hard on the defensive end. Their defense wasn’t awful either.

And Auburn is playing their best basketball of all time.

We had to play through two and a half buzz saws. Hard to score points that way.
1) You can play hard defensively and play well on the offensive end, to suggest playing hard D effects your offensive game isn't true.

2) Auburn guards were hitting shots and we weren't guarding them. IDT Auburns playing on some high level, UVA will shut them down.

3) At the end of the day this was just a middle of the road Cal team and no one wants to admit it
Why do people focus on one aspect of game?

We couldn't slow down their guards either.(Auburn)

To be honest, everyone talked about KJ being MKG and this is where the Gap is. mKG would have completely took one guard away from the game.
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Why do people focus on one aspect of game?

We couldn't slow down their guards either.(Auburn)

To be honest, everyone talked about KJ being MKG and this is where the Gap is. mKG would have completely took one guard away from the game.
We slowed them down plenty. That explosive offense only scored 60 in regulation. The execution was pretty brilliant in that regard.
I hate to even bring it up, but one thing Pitino stressed during tourney play was play freely and take more chances......I think he knew by conveying this, his guys would play looser and play to win and not to lose

I took a little time and dug up NCAAT scores for both....RP averaged 87 points in NCAAT games and Cal has averaged 69......of course not clamoring for RP by any means, but Cal needs to maybe take a similar approach come tourney time
Yes yes yes... you have to play offense freely can't worry about missing shots. Now of course if team is getting to loose with shot selection then get them back focused. With that said I fully trust coach cal and hope he stays another 10 years.
I hate to even bring it up, but one thing Pitino stressed during tourney play was play freely and take more chances......I think he knew by conveying this, his guys would play looser and play to win and not to lose

I took a little time and dug up NCAAT scores for both....RP averaged 87 points in NCAAT games and Cal has averaged 69......of course not clamoring for RP by any means, but Cal needs to maybe take a similar approach come tourney time

You will probably get crucified here for that statement but there’s some truth in there for sure
Not enough scorers...need to have multiple players with the ability to step up when others are having an off night. So many open looks against Auburn...
Yes that could be the problem we just don't have enough offensive minded guys that can knock down the open shot or create for others. But I think our future looks bright :pray:
1) You can play hard defensively and play well on the offensive end, to suggest playing hard D effects your offensive game isn't true.

2) Auburn guards were hitting shots and we weren't guarding them. IDT Auburns playing on some high level, UVA will shut them down.

3) At the end of the day this was just a middle of the road Cal team and no one wants to admit it

So how does a middle of the road team get one free throw away from the final four ?
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