Our bigs were really bad


Sep 3, 2002
Can't finish at all..can't make free throws..can't hold on to ball on put backs. Total BS saying we didn't go inside. Watch the game ... Outside of Towns jump hook early... Who finished at the rim

This post was edited on 1/6 7:54 PM by rolaid
Re: Are bigs were really bad

"Are". "Our". Either way. The Cats big men are getting punked.
Re: Are bigs were really bad

Originally posted by rodgerblue:
"Are". "Our". Either way. The Cats big men are getting punked.
Very poor play by the big guys, someone needs to finish..

Johnson is slow in making his moves, has to get a dribble down to set himself.
Re: Are bigs were really bad

Originally posted by jslash1:
I believe you are looking for "Our".
Nice addition to the discussion; what you wrote is also incorrect. You should have written "I believe THAT you are looking for 'Our'". If you are going to correct another one's grammar, your post which contains the correction should be grammatically flawless, especially when the post only contains one sentence. I don't understand the point of correcting another one's grammar, except to be an ass and to waste everyone's time.

Anyway, the bigs are playing like garbage tonight, but other than hitting some early threes, EVERYONE is playing like trash on both ends of the floor. I fully expect Kentucky to win, but this game is going to be closer than anyone was expecting it to be. Every team will play like it's the championship; Kentucky has to be ready for it. Ole Miss' intensity is much higher than Kentucky's. If Kentucky wants to win, the intensity level needs to increase by a few levels.
Re: Are bigs were really bad

Dakari is one of my favorite players but he's really starting to piss me off. He takes it soooo weak to the basket. It's why he's always blocked and can't finish thru contact anymore. He was great late last year and early this year but he's turned soft. Nobody can stop him when he goes to the basket hard.
Re: Are bigs were really bad

Lyles is having a tough night so far, could someone please finish a move inside.
Lyles just had a brutal sequence - - miss, give up two offensive rebounds, and then make a crappy pass for another turnover.