OT: Texas vs A&M Ticket Prices this fall


Nov 14, 2017

There have also been rumor of a couple of tickets going for 105K. But that's supposedly for VIPs.

Regular seats going for 16k though.

Are sports going to be priced out of the average fan's reach soon?

These are insane prices.

Nosebleeds going for nearly 650 bucks.

With tickets nearly sold out, the cheapest seats Aggie fans can get from Ticketmaster are $630 in one of the last rows of the corner section at the top of the stadium. As you get closer, those prices get into the $800 range at the top deck.

A deck below, and one ticket is going for over $1,000. Prices vary depending on row and location, but getting even closer to the field has tickets going for over $3,000 each. And the most expensive available?

Section FB9, Row 7. Two tickets — a required mark — for a grand total of $16,094.
Nah there will always be games you can splurge a bit for... but it may not be the marquee ranked game.

There will be a correction one day
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It's called the Roman Circus.

Yea we’re headed into a really bad situation. The system is fine but the current elite have lost all sense of reality. It’s intended to respect the system and today it’s not happening. There was a time when everyone understood how lucky we are as a society to be able to have immense wealth. Now most pretty much see it as a right and don’t even acknowledge many times over it’s just good fortune from a great system. So eventually, as has happened in nearly every democratic society, the poor masses rise up and collapse the system. And we’ve already seen what mega wealthy people do when they face reality, they’re called the jumpers of 1929.

One of the biggest problems this country has is economic departments teach to maximize 100% regardless of impact. And it’s just not a good thing to teach people who already have a lack of empathy (money has a way of numbing your outlook) that they are doing what they’re supposed to by maximizing regardless of what they already have. I’m a capitalist in principle but not how we’re approaching it today. We’ve essentially implemented a system that replaced 1 king with 500 of them. And eventually something with give history is clear in that regard.
How sustainable is this going forward? Because it seems pretty obvious that the common folk are being priced out in favor of the wealthy. They're knocking out seats to appease corporate suites at all of these new stadiums. You can't really afford to take a family to a game anymore.
Yea we’re headed into a really bad situation. The system is fine but the current elite have lost all sense of reality. It’s intended to respect the system and today it’s not happening. There was a time when everyone understood how lucky we are as a society to be able to have immense wealth. Now most pretty much see it as a right and don’t even acknowledge many times over it’s just good fortune from a great system. So eventually, as has happened in nearly every democratic society, the poor masses rise up and collapse the system. And we’ve already seen what mega wealthy people do when they face reality, they’re called the jumpers of 1929.

One of the biggest problems this country has is economic departments teach to maximize 100% regardless of impact. And it’s just not a good thing to teach people who already have a lack of empathy (money has a way of numbing your outlook) that they are doing what they’re supposed to by maximizing regardless of what they already have. I’m a capitalist in principle but not how we’re approaching it today. We’ve essentially implemented a system that replaced 1 king with 500 of them. And eventually something with give history is clear in that regard.
The French had a solution for when the wealthy started sucking up all the resources.

Oligarchies are terrible things. And Murica is one right now. No debating it really. I may LOOK and ACT like a republic, but the very wealthy are steering the ship.
The French had a solution for when the wealthy started sucking up all the resources.

Oligarchies are terrible things. And Murica is one right now. No debating it really. I may LOOK and ACT like a republic, but the very wealthy are steering the ship.
They aren’t exactly starving in the streets down in Texas. And I’m not sure how this is about oligarchy (that discussion should be about how people in Congress can become multimillionaires on public servant salaries).

There are some tremendously wealthy people in this country, and this a big game. If the market will command a certain price, then that’s what they’re worth.
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College football is religion in TX. You should see what their top tier HS games look like as far as stadium sizes and attendance.
They aren’t exactly starving in the streets down in Texas. And I’m not sure how this is about oligarchy (that discussion should be about how people in Congress can become multimillionaires on public servant salaries).

There are some tremendously wealthy people in this country, and this a big game. If the market will command a certain price, then that’s what they’re worth.
Where does that end though? 45k tickets on average? I understand they aren't starving in the streets in Texas. But Houston floods every time someone sneezes and didn't they just have struggles with power and providing reliable energy a couple of winters ago?

Look at the housing market. We're not head in a great direction.
Our priorities are effed up is my point.
“Average” fans were priced out long ago. Making the average salary in this country means you are really struggling right now.
But everything is fine! The market is soaring! People just aren't working hard enough and don't want to work! Meanwhile Lowe's and Walmart keep slashing front end jobs and "entry level" positions are requiring 5 years of experience to MAYBE make 32k.

It's ridiculous.
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Where does that end though? 45k tickets on average? I understand they aren't starving in the streets in Texas. But Houston floods every time someone sneezes and didn't they just have struggles with power and providing reliable energy a couple of winters ago?

Look at the housing market. We're not head in a great direction.
Our priorities are effed up is my point.
I think you’re right. I just think that given that it’s Texas and it’s a unique game, it’s going to be a big draw.

Yes about things like housing. I worry all the time about younger couples and how they can ever get started.
For the right game and seats, people will pay above that. Even at the HS level. Same at a lot of UK fans will pay outrageous prices to attend UK basketball games.
And it's not the majority of people, even amongst our fan base. That's why when people actually get to go to Rupp for most it's very special. That's why a lot of people get sick of the blue hairs sitting on their hands.
And it's not the majority of people, even amongst our fan base. That's why when people actually get to go to Rupp for most it's very special. That's why a lot of people get sick of the blue hairs sitting on their hands.
It's likely not a majority, but it's still a very high number willing to pay it. Just look at how many fans we have that will pay high dollar amounts to travel around the country to watch them play.

Fact of the matter, there is a huge market of people willing to pay top dollar for their entertainment. Whether that be sports, music (Taylor Swift concerts), or even cosplay/comic- con events.
I think you’re right. I just think that given that it’s Texas and it’s a unique game, it’s going to be a big draw.

Yes about things like housing. I worry all the time about younger couples and how they can ever get started.

Idk how anyone is gonna be able to afford to get started now. My son is 5.5 and I fully expect him to be stuck here n my house until he finds some lawyer or doctor to marry.

In all seriousness, he can probably get an apartment with another couple of people maybe but hard to do that and go to college. Even with roommates you can't afford 1/3 of expenses working part time nowadays IMO. We are near Nashville though so maybe not so bad in more rural areas.
Idk how anyone is gonna be able to afford to get started now. My son is 5.5 and I fully expect him to be stuck here n my house until he finds some lawyer or doctor to marry.

In all seriousness, he can probably get an apartment with another couple of people maybe but hard to do that and go to college. Even with roommates you can't afford 1/3 of expenses working part time nowadays IMO. We are near Nashville though so maybe not so bad in more rural areas.
People also make more now than they ever have. Even part-time workers are paid about twice the national minimum wage anymore. And in some places they make well over that. However, a part-time income alone really isn't designed to fully support someone's living expenses.

While the costs of basically everything has risen, if people manage their expenses correctly, they should still be able to live in most areas of the country on a single, full-time income.
They aren’t exactly starving in the streets down in Texas. And I’m not sure how this is about oligarchy (that discussion should be about how people in Congress can become multimillionaires on public servant salaries).

There are some tremendously wealthy people in this country, and this a big game. If the market will command a certain price, then that’s what they’re worth.
There’s a lot more to say than can really be said in this forum. Suffice it to say that you and I acting alone can’t immediately alter the entire social order. But we can do what we can do. What I’ve done is just stopped going to the damn games. The in person experience no longer adds enough value to warrant the overall cost of attendance so I just consume on the television or radio for free. When I’m no longer able to do that I’ll just find something else to do - which, at my age, some would say I probably should do anyway. But nobody can make us pay those ticket prices. We’re totally free to opt out.
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People also make more now than they ever have. Even part-time workers are paid about twice the national minimum wage anymore. And in some places they make well over that. However, a part-time income alone really isn't designed to fully support someone's living expenses.

While the costs of basically everything has risen, if people manage their expenses correctly, they should still be able to live in most areas of the country on a single, full-time income.
The average rent in America is now 1584/month. Based on the 30% recommend monthly expense for that, you'd need 63k or so to live comfortably. You could do it on 40lk, but it would be tight. The average individual income in the US is roughly 37,585.

The average home price in the US is now nearly 500k. and on a 15 year mortgage that's 33k/yr (with NO interest just to simplify the math). Making the monthly payment or "rent", $2750 meaning you'd need on average 110k/year to afford that home. And that's not factoring interest. The avg household income in the US is 75k. The math just doesn't work out. And that's not even considering insurance, maintenance costs, or God-forbid you have a major medical issue.

America has a housing cost issue. And if it doesn't correct, it's going to get even uglier.
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The average rent in America is now 1584/month. Based on the 30% recommend monthly expense for that, you'd need 63k or so to live comfortably. You could do it on 40lk, but it would be tight. The average individual income in the US is roughly 37,585.

The average home price in the US is now nearly 500k. and on a 15 year mortgage that's 33k/yr (with NO interest just to simplify the math). Making the monthly payment or "rent", $2750 meaning you'd need on average 110k/year to afford that home. And that's not factoring interest. The avg household income in the US is 75k. The math just doesn't work out. And that's not even considering insurance, maintenance costs, or God-forbid you have a major medical issue.

America has a housing cost issue. And if it doesn't correct, it's going to get even uglier.
It's dependent on where you live. In larger cities, the rent is obviously going to be substantially higher, but the average salary there is also usually higher.

Same goes for houses.

But people all over the country do manage it just fine. The ones that don't tend to have unrealistic expectations for what they can afford. It may require that you live farther away from major cities and commute more. You may have to work a second job at times and considering buying smaller than what they may like, but it can be done. They also have to manage their other expenses better.

I don’t really see any greater housing crisis than what has generally always existed. Not to mention, there are countless subsidized housing communities and programs all over.

And, seeing as how there is obviously a solid enough market for sporting event tickets to sell at prices this high, I think things are going pretty well for a lot of people.
Going to have to heavily disagree there.

The issue is that yes, the wealthy are spending just fine. The middle class however.....
From reading the article, it sure seems like the majority still feel okay about things. Or are you saying 58% of Americans are wealthy?

"More than half of Americans (58%) report being able to live within their means and not worry about making ends meet, while fewer than half (40%) feel they are in good or great financial shape, and one in four (23%) say they are in poor shape. What’s more, almost half (44%) report having more debt than they feel comfortable with, and one in three (31%) report spending more than they can afford each month."

Corporations are sure raking in record revenue and profits for the masses to not still be spending quite well.
From reading the article, it sure seems like the majority still feel okay about things. Or are you saying 58% of Americans are wealthy?

"More than half of Americans (58%) report being able to live within their means and not worry about making ends meet, while fewer than half (40%) feel they are in good or great financial shape, and one in four (23%) say they are in poor shape. What’s more, almost half (44%) report having more debt than they feel comfortable with, and one in three (31%) report spending more than they can afford each month."

Corporations are sure raking in record revenue and profits for the masses to not still be spending quite well.
Because prices are higher?

Living check to check is not the same as making headway. Read the sentence you just quoted. Almost half have more debt they feel than are comfortable. Nearly 40% are financially worried.

Inflation is getting better, but prices are still very high, especially on commodities like food and maintenance.
Because prices are higher?

Living check to check is not the same as making headway. Read the sentence you just quoted. Almost half have more debt they feel than are comfortable. Nearly 40% are financially worried.

Inflation is getting better, but prices are still very high, especially on commodities like food and maintenance.
What do you mean by "because prices are higher?"

But it doesn't appear those 58% are living check to check. Otherwise, they wouldn't say they feel good about making ends meet.

The 44% don't say they can't afford to live or are stretched beyond their means, they simply confirm they have more debt than they would like to have. Having any debt is more than I like to have, but having it doesn't equate to me being in financial trouble.

If only 31% feel they are spending over what they can afford, that isn't really anything beyond historical figures.

Again, costs are rising, but so are wages and earning opportunities. Costs have always risen. My parents bought their first home for 27k in the mid 70's. That sold it in the late 90s for 120k. It's life.

The markets will all balance out as they always do.