OT: Kansas really does suck

From USA Today, this was Band Director Frank Tracz's (bullcrap) attempt to explain:
"The chart below represents the drill from tonight’s show. There was absolutely no intent to display anything other than the Enterprise and the Jayhawk in battle. If I am guilty of anything it would be the inability to teach the drill in a manner that these young people could have succeeded. I do apologize for the misinterpretation and I assure you that I meant absolutely no disrespect or malice toward the University of Kansas."

Do you see the Kstate fans defending it on the youtube comments? LOL you dont need to defend that... that was awesome. Its in a fashion that the children wont understand or pay attention and only the adults would get it.

If it really was the enterprise and not a penis, they would of done the obviously simple shooting the jayhawk and it exploding.