I think it's pretty telling that most people of the times in which these symbols were chosen were proud of them being chosen because of the reasons they were chosen, while mamy people of today look at them differently because they have been told and conditioned to think that way over decades in spite of the reasons why the symbols were chosen.
As a native american I always have been proud that my indigenous peoples and those related to them were chosen for their courage and fearlessness in the face of an enemy that was both superior in numbers and in weaponry. It is offensive to me and many others that people of today somehow believe that the peoples honored by these choices of symbols didn't know that many of their people were run off their land, murdered, brutalized, and had everything stolen from them in spite of treaties being signed in good faith with the government of this country. They knew that fully and had better knowledge of it than ANY of the people in the media moaning about it.
As for the Rebels symbology that so offends the charmin ultra soft with lotion types, they are the product of a diluted, national education system that doesn't care if they turn out intelligent or wise graduates. They teach to test and that's it. They don't teach that this country was founded BY REBELS. Kept alive BY REBELS. KEPT INTACT for over 100 yrs by REBELS that refused to let the national gov become federalized and omnipotent.
This entire country, a REPUBLIC, was created so that THE PEOPLE would be represented like they were and are no other place on this planet. REBELS against the political, religious, economic, and royal elite came together to give the people a voice and fought daily (even in Jefferson's day) for the people to have it. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to merely teach it. It wasn't enough to simply fight for it. It has failed because people ceased to stand up for their neighbor, their fellow citizen and human beings.
Many people won't testify against all criminals. They won't demand justice for all, but only for those "like" them. They refuse to take up arms against the people destroying their communities. It has become only about what they can get for themselves, however they can get it. They don't care if someone in another country is a slave in a polluted environment as long as they have their clothes, electric cars, shoes, phones, air pods, gaming platforms, social media, tvs, and junk food.
They don't care who is harmed by medical malpractice, medical errors, pharmaceutical drugs and treatments, harmful chemicals in our air, water, and food, food shortages, malnutrition, and starvation. As long as it ISN'T THEM, they're fine. THAT is why they project their own failures onto things that don't or can't fight back. That's why they change meanings and causes, rewrite history or ignore it when it suits them.
Most people think this country went to war because of this or that ideology when in fact it was simply because it was a politicial and financial boon to the rich and powerful that made money off of both sides hoping to control the side that was victorious. Vietnam, Korean "War," WW2, WW1, 7 Years War, US Civil War, Revolutionary War... The end result was always hoped to be the collapse of this country and feasting off of its remains, so that the world could return to the feudal days of not that long ago.
"Woke" is as empty a word as "cool," "hip," "down" and "square" were decades ago. Most noses can smell manure when they drive past a barn, but city folks would roll in it and call it "fresh" if they were told it would cure their ills and make them live longer. They're already ok with using aborted fetuses to make their skin look younger, and injecting toxins into their skin to eliminate wrinkles. Nobody wearing Nike products is "awake." Nobody using an iPhone or beats, or driving a hybrid is even "conscious." They are just FOS like the people at Woodstock that thought they were evolved and changing the world for the better because they were using drugs and being promiscuous.
For every year or two that people have shopped at BiggieMartUSA they've put a local shop out of business and made themselves or their future families slaves to mostly enslaved countries. When we all wake up tomorrow we will ALL still BE RESPONSIBLE for where we are and what we've done for better or worse for ourselves and others. No matter how we try to paint others and no matter how broad the brush we use, it won't change the fact that WE ARE OUR PROBLEM and no one else at whom we want to point fingers.