The season hasn't started yet, those type teams will be there, we just don't know who they are yet.
I'm just waiting for the "this is a down year" comments to start up, it's about time for those.
From what I've read on this board it has been a down year for 18 straight years now. Maybe one of these days we can get CBB back to whatever level it's supposed to be at.
Every year there are 5 or 6 teams that are good enough to beat anybody, you just have to hope that your team doesn't run into any of the teams that are bad matchup. This years team might be better suited to beat 2015 Wisconsin but who knows, maybe Notre Dame would have picked this team off in the E8.
Sorry but I'm just not buying the thought that there aren't any teams in the 2015/16 season that will be as good as Wisconsin or Duke from last year.