Online Tax filing

Jun 2, 2005
I have always used TaxAct in the past, but thinking about switching it up this year. Anyone tried out TurboTax or other places?
I used two years in a row with no issues. It was listed on the IRS website as one of the ones they recommended.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I've been using TaxSlayer for years. Started because it was free for military, and now I use it because it's just easier when all my earlier information is in there. It's fine for simple returns with few deductions, but I haven't had to rely on it for more complicated stuff.
didn't Turbotax have a big data breach/stolen info situation last month? of course there are so many of these in current times it is hard to keep track.

What freaks me out about online tax filing are the stories you read of people who have stolen/obtained SS#'s and can just use that, plus some fake invented income & tax numbers, and score a huge refund from the IRS by direct deposit or prepaid credit cards. how do you stop that from happening too you, other than getting your real return in to the IRS before an identity theft? and how do they catch people who do that and are successful? scary stuff.
I've used TaxSlayer. It seems fine, although I haven't tried any other options, so I can't compare.
always used TurboTax, but not the online version. I only wish my taxes were simple enough to where I could do that.
Have used Turbotax for several years. Good program. My taxes are not overly complicated so it works well for me.

They did have a data breach but who hasn't these days... Come to the realization that it is impossible to keep your information private anymore.
Originally posted by JHB4UK:

What freaks me out about online tax filing are the stories you read of people who have stolen/obtained SS#'s and can just use that, plus some fake invented income & tax numbers, and score a huge refund from the IRS by direct deposit or prepaid credit cards. how do you stop that from happening too you, other than getting your real return in to the IRS before an identity theft? and how do they catch people who do that and are successful? scary stuff.
Practically speeking, you can't. They don't.

I honestly think the IRS would prefer everyone's identities get stolen so they can blame congress cutting their budget.

Even if you're freaked out by online filing, paper filing your return does absolutely nothing to stop the ID theft. The only thing that happens when you paper file your return is you may get a letter from the IRS like a client did the other day that says, "We have record that we recevied your return on [date] however, we cannot find the return. Please resend your return."

We paper filed his return because someone else already had filed a return using his SSN. Luckily he wasn't expecting a refund.
This post was edited on 2/11 3:08 PM by Bill Cosby
Been using TurboTax online for probably 15 years. No problems with it, except the company stock shares/options part can be a bit confusing (never matches the forms I get from Morgan Stanley).
I have been using the TurboTax program for nearly 25 years, since it first came out. I have never had any problems. I also file taxes for about 6 family members. For some odd reason, the IRS will only let you e-file a maximum of 5 returns, so I have to print out two returns for mailing.