One UK player to save your life...


Feb 8, 2004
Spin off from the Marcus Lee thread. You can pick 1 former or current Kentucky player to save your life. You're stuck down in an old well in the woods, in great pain due to your gangrenous broken legs, in need of urgent medical treatment at the hospital that is a few miles away over rough terrain. Essentially, you are picking the Lassie of UK basketball. No dribbling or shooting touch required. You just need the person who can get you out of the well and to the hospital the fastest.

Who ya got?
Just tell Cal and he can recruit somebody that can get you out and fix your injuries on the spot.
OK, I'll play.

Devin Booker because from what I read, he was in the best shape of anyone, ever.
What's that you say Lassie Timmy fell down the well.
Poy...he's super strong and very good at math. He could work out the shortest distance to the nearest hospital in his head using he Pythagorean theorem.
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I'm going with Anthony Davis. He has arms that could reach down 20 feet into a well and then take 2 or 3 steps to go 2 or 3 miles. If a stat flight is involved, he could also reach up into the air and hand me to the helicopter without it having to land in the woods.
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god bless him tayshaun prince blocked my falling into the well from behind.
Chuck Hayes could drag three men out of a well with one of his legs blown off.
That's who I was going to pick.

Favorite quote (and God help me,I think it came from Forde), "Chuck Hayes leads the nation in wantsitmore's."
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