UK will be all in again I believe in 2017. I'm not a fan of OSU but the more they win and recruit nationally the better for us. They already have 5 commits out of 2017 class from the state. Considering their roster is stocked and the sheer number of recruits in Ohio that sign power 5 conference letters next year will be open season for UK. We have the best college recruiter in state on our staff and a firm commitment to hit Ohio hard with Stoops calling the shots. I think we are going to have a good season with many Ohio kids playing prominent roles adding a Ohio flavor to SEC. With a little strategic recruiting,(OSU not gonna take many more RBs with quite a few on campus and a Ohio native already committed as a example) we will get our share of really good players . I don't know what our number of rides are next year but I bet 1/2 or 2/3 of our class will be from Ohio throw in our in state and we can be selective and full court press selected players in south . I think we have a smaller but very good class next year.