Off topic, but we need something to discuss; Betting in sports?


Mar 23, 2014
Louisville, KY
While I was going thru ESPN today, I was reading how the NFL was suspending some players for betting and baseball has had its share of betting, the NBA has had issues, but I would like other thoughts on why is it bad for players to bet on a sport they play but our politicians, both parties, bet on stocks that they regulate and oversee?
While I was going thru ESPN today, I was reading how the NFL was suspending some players for betting and baseball has had its share of betting, the NBA has had issues, but I would like other thoughts on why is it bad for players to bet on a sport they play but our politicians, both parties, bet on stocks that they regulate and oversee?

Well.........neither of it is good or should be happening lol.
I am a daily player. Have been for over a decade.
I am proof that it can be done without losing your shirt.

But Money corrupts. It's ruining college sports (conferences...NIL...etc)
And it will stain the integrity of pro sports. It is inevitable.
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I’m of the opinion that no sport is totally ‘clean’ nowadays. Y’all really don’t think officials and players are betting and fixing games?

Is it happening? Yeah sure.
Is it to a significant extent? That's a little bit less clear in my mind.
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