North Carolina - have they lost their title of "team of the state"?

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Jul 8, 2014
Is North Carolina now a blue devil state? Coach K appears to have taken the perception, hardware, and even fans away from UNC. While Kentucky drove a space in between itself and unc the size of the Andromeda Galaxy, as well as taken their perception as "place where the pros play"; Duke steadily chipped away at the state's fans and records.

If UNC misses the FF this year, that will have them going on year 7 with no final fours. A decade without a final four is looking like a very reasonable chance.

With the rise of Duke and the current state at UNC, is UNC now over as the team that represents that state?
Wow, it doesn't seem like it's been seven years since their last Final Four. I wish some of our fans who see last year as a failure would look at UNC's drought and realize how good we've had it.

I think Duke past UNC a long time ago. Carolina's recruiting has been way down. They got lucky with a few four star guys panning out that have kept them relevant, but Ole' Roy no longer pulls in the monster classes that Duke does. They also need to look out for NC State who might become a threat for the number two program in the state.
duke could win the next 10 titles and NC State could win the next 10 after that and North Carolina will still be a Tar Heel state. To assert anything else shows a lack of understanding of the schools and how they're viewed in the state. But even if in some fantasy land that were to happen, it would be short lived. Coach K will leave and duke will remain a decent program but certainly nothing like they've been. Carolina has withstood the test of time.
Wow, it doesn't seem like it's been seven years since their last Final Four. I wish some of our fans who see last year as a failure would look at UNC's drought and realize how good we've had it.

I think Duke past UNC a long time ago. Carolina's recruiting has been way down. They got lucky with a few four star guys panning out that have kept them relevant, but Ole' Roy no longer pulls in the monster classes that Duke does. They also need to look out for NC State who might become a threat for the number two program in the state.

I actually think NCSTATE already has more fans than them in the state. UNC might have the 3rd most fans in their own STATE. Imagine the state of Kentucky having more support for Louisville and Western Ky than UK.

duke could win the next 10 titles and NC State could win the next 10 after that and North Carolina will still be a Tar Heel state. To assert anything else shows a lack of understanding of the schools and how they're viewed in the state. But even if in some fantasy land that were to happen, it would be short lived. Coach K will leave and duke will remain a decent program but certainly nothing like they've been. Carolina has withstood the test of time.

UNC*** stood the test of time with 20 years of cheating...
duke could win the next 10 titles and NC State could win the next 10 after that and North Carolina will still be a Tar Heel state. To assert anything else shows a lack of understanding of the schools and how they're viewed in the state. But even if in some fantasy land that were to happen, it would be short lived. Coach K will leave and duke will remain a decent program but certainly nothing like they've been. Carolina has withstood the test of time.

I'm glad UK never has to worry about Louisville in that regard.

"Just wait! That damn Louisville coach will leave one day, and then we will make a comeback for the state!!" LMAO

After the scandal I wouldn't be sure of that anyway.
duke could win the next 10 titles and NC State could win the next 10 after that and North Carolina will still be a Tar Heel state. To assert anything else shows a lack of understanding of the schools and how they're viewed in the state. But even if in some fantasy land that were to happen, it would be short lived. Coach K will leave and duke will remain a decent program but certainly nothing like they've been. Carolina has withstood the test of time.
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UNC*** stood the test of time with 20 years of cheating...

No UNC fan wants to admit that. very little success on the court or in recruiting since the scandal broke. Not cheating actually makes this shit hard. No jobs for the Tammy's . No guns for the PJ's. No pre written exams for Vince and the rest. No 100 hour practice week for Roy.

And if a banner comes down, damn.

I actually think the most impressive thing about Rat face isn't the gift wrapped championships. Cal would probably have 3 right now with that officiating and placement in the Tourament. It's the way he came into the state of North Carolina, at the time he did it, and took everything from them. That's amazing and it's his best accomplishment.
I actually think NCSTATE already has more fans than them in the state. UNC might have the 3rd most fans in their own STATE. Imagine the state of Kentucky having more support for Louisville and Western Ky than UK.


That's absurd and shows you have zero knowledge of college sports in North Carolina. I'm all for the back and forth, but c'mon now,...don't be ridiculous. Moo has a large fan base. That is true. But it's not what Carolina's is. And duke? Are you serious with that comment? They have less fans in North Carolina than they do in the state of New York...or Jersey...or even Alaska.
If the NCAA drags their decision out much longer it will hurt UNC*** and they will not see another FF for some time. I hope they have a really bad year this year! I agree that Duke passed UNC*** some years ago with fans in the state.
UNC*** stood the test of time with 20 years of cheating...

Maybe, maybe not. But that's not really the point. The point is that however you slice it, UNC's fan base is significantly larger than the other two schools. The reasons why can be debated. And if you're implying that this will ruin Carolina's reputation moving forward, thus decreasing the size of our fan base, I'd say you don't know too much about fandom...or society in general.
Duke has passed UNC as a more prestiges and honorable program , it's their state now .

If you want to argue that, fine. I'd disagree but I can certainly see that argument. But again, nevertheless, that doesn't change the sizes of the fan bases in the state - which is what the OP was addressing.
I know that's not gunslingerdick from the propaganda board is it?

I'll give you duke, but unc and ns state have similar fan bases in size.

Have you been asleep when unc pulls 14,000 in the dead dome? Their fan base isn't that large anymore, and never was much larger than NCSTATE IF at all.
If you want to argue that, fine. I'd disagree but I can certainly see that argument. But again, nevertheless, that doesn't change the sizes of the fan bases in the state - which is what the OP was addressing.

Wrong again.

The thread was about Duke surpassing UNC in several aspects, not just fans. Not even close.

Nice try.
If you want to argue that, fine. I'd disagree but I can certainly see that argument. But again, nevertheless, that doesn't change the sizes of the fan bases in the state - which is what the OP was addressing.
Wait, you disagree that Duke is the more honorable program?

These people have no idea that the current athletic scandal of DECADES completely disqualifies them as being honorable. It's actually the anti-honorable.

It's quite unbelievable.
Wrong again.

The thread was about Duke surpassing UNC in several aspects, not just fans. Not even close.

Nice try.

I can't speak for all Carolina fans, but me personally, I'm not all that concerned with how duke and Carolina measure up. I didn't choose Carolina because they were great. I was born there so it was natural. Them being great only made my growing up experience better. But that was when I was a kid...and I cared about that kind of thing - how we measured up against other programs and whatnot. But that is of little consequence to me. I'm not going to bail on the Heels now if they don't return to glory. I guess I'll just see them lose more. It won't kill me. Sure, I hate duke (sports-hate). But after they won the title, my kids and I said a few curse words and then we turned on MarioKart. And the next day, I kind of forgot about it.
If you want to argue that, fine. I'd disagree but I can certainly see that argument. But again, nevertheless, that doesn't change the sizes of the fan bases in the state - which is what the OP was addressing.
I'm in a position to make an assessment about the Carolina brand in the mid-Atlantic region, on the edge of ACC territory (until quite recently) in suburban Maryland. I have a high school kid with lots of friends who are sports fans and another kid heavily involved in AAU basketball, where youths are making their selections of team loyalty. I'm a frequent attendee of local high school and NBA (Wizards) basketball games where people wear sports gear. And I have a fairly large circle of college basketball loving friends from many years in the work place.

What I've observed over the past several years is that the number of fans wearing Carolina blue has plummeted. When I was first in this area, and all through the Michael Jordan hey day it was inescapable. Now it is rare. AAU ballers in particular don't care about MJ anymore. The drumbeat of the cheating scandal has definitely influenced casual fans, and driven them away from embracing a program that had some vague veneer of being a premium brand. That cachet is gone and it ain't coming back. Even in casual conversations with college fans from Georgetown, Maryland or some of the smaller programs in the area, UNC is seen as a rogue program. Everyone expects they'll skate, but everyone thinks of them as dirty. You can go to a Wizards game now and you might not see a single Carolina blue shirt or sweatshirt.

The Duke brand is fairly strong up here, right now. It is big among the AAU ballers. You see casual fans wearing Duke garb at high school or college games fairly often. I'd say through 2010 or so UNC gear easily doubled Duke gear. Now Duke is decisively more prominent.

Kentucky is a hot brand in suburban Maryland, especially among AAU ball players. Because of John Wall, UK gear is very much on display at Wizard games. Right now, at an AAU game, a local high school game or a Wizards game, you are about equally as likely to see UK or Duke gear. UNC is a distant 3rd, and fading.
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I can't speak for all Carolina fans, but me personally, I'm not all that concerned with how duke and Carolina measure up. I didn't choose Carolina because they were great. I was born there so it was natural. Them being great only made my growing up experience better. But that was when I was a kid...and I cared about that kind of thing - how we measured up against other programs and whatnot. But that is of little consequence to me. I'm not going to bail on the Heels now if they don't return to glory. I guess I'll just see them lose more. It won't kill me. Sure, I hate duke (sports-hate). But after they won the title, my kids and I said a few curse words and then we turned on MarioKart. And the next day, I kind of forgot about it.

It's called coping. I hear this same thing from UNC fans all the time. You're just taking a passive approach toward something you have no control over; Duke being the team of the state now. "I never cared anyway". Sure. Unc cared enough to put up a fake banner because Duke was CLOSE. started cheating because Duke was CLOSE. Now of course, "it never mattered". Lol.

You cared enough to post on a thread about it while surfing a Kentucky message board. You're paying attention.

But nice having ya here. Unc fans have had their heads burried for 2 years now. I know some of you are coming out now because you believe you've loop holed and bamboozled your way out of the mess.

But rest assured, our mods don't run a nazi camp over here. You're free to post and free to express yourself. Coming from that "state ran" - propaganda filled board full of scum, I'm sure it feels more like America to you.
I'm in a position to make an assessment about the Carolina brand in the mid-Atlantic region, on the edge of ACC territory (until quite recently) in suburban Maryland. I have a high school kid with lots of friends who are sports fans and another kid heavily involved in AAU basketball, where youths are making their selections of team loyalty. I'm a frequent attendee of local high school and NBA (Wizards) basketball games where people wear sports gear. And I have a fairly large circle of college basketball loving friends from many years in the work place.

What I've observed over the past several years is that the number of fans wearing Carolina blue has plummeted. When I was first in this area, and all through the Michael Jordan hey day it was inescapable. Now it is rare. AAU ballers in particular don't care about MJ anymore. The drumbeat of the cheating scandal has definitely influenced casual fans, and driven them away from embracing a program that had some vague veneer of being a premium brand. That cachet is gone and it ain't coming back. Even in casual conversations with college fans from Georgetown, Maryland or some of the smaller programs in the area, UNC is seen as a rogue program. Everyone expects they'll skate, but everyone thinks of them as dirty. You can go to a Wizards game now and you might not see a single Carolina blue shirt or sweatshirt.

The Duke brand is fairly strong up here, right now. It is big among the AAU ballers. You see casual fans wearing Duke garb at high school or college games fairly often. I'd say through 2010 or so UNC gear easily doubled Duke gear. Now Duke is decisively more prominent.

Kentucky is a hot brand in suburban Maryland, especially among AAU ball players. Because of John Wall, UK gear is very much on display at Wizard games. Right now, at an AAU game, a local high school game or a Wizards game, you are about equally as likely to see UK or Duke gear. UNC is a distant 3rd, and fading.

I'm not sure I believe you. I mean, I believe that you believe you. But reality may be different. Because for every story like yours, I'm betting I could find 3 people that would disagree. But arguing over something so trivial, especially on your board, is not something I'm going to continue to do.

If any of you know me from previous posts here or at my home board, you'll know that I don't really care about that anyway. Like I said, if the day comes and I'm the only Carolina fan left standing, then so be it. How many fans we have is of of very little concern to me (although it will end my message board posting). If we lose every game over the next decade, then I guess I'll just watch a bunch of losers. It is what it is. But I'll still be a Carolina fan. I'll still think highly of the school and the majority of its student-athletes and I'll still feel I'm better than UK fans, duke fans, NCSU fans and whoever else because of my association with Carolina. I would be shocked if that's not how all of you felt about UK.
I'm in a position to make an assessment about the Carolina brand in the mid-Atlantic region, on the edge of ACC territory (until quite recently) in suburban Maryland. I have a high school kid with lots of friends who are sports fans and another kid heavily involved in AAU basketball, where youths are making their selections of team loyalty. I'm a frequent attendee of local high school and NBA (Wizards) basketball games where people wear sports gear. And I have a fairly large circle of college basketball loving friends from many years in the work place.

What I've observed over the past several years is that the number of fans wearing Carolina blue has plummeted. When I was first in this area, and all through the Michael Jordan hey day it was inescapable. Now it is rare. AAU ballers in particular don't care about MJ anymore. The drumbeat of the cheating scandal has definitely influenced casual fans, and driven them away from embracing a program that had some vague veneer of being a premium brand. That cachet is gone and it ain't coming back. Even in casual conversations with college fans from Georgetown, Maryland or some of the smaller programs in the area, UNC is seen as a rogue program. Everyone expects they'll skate, but everyone thinks of them as dirty. You can go to a Wizards game now and you might not see a single Carolina blue shirt or sweatshirt.

The Duke brand is fairly strong up here, right now. It is big among the AAU ballers. You see casual fans wearing Duke garb at high school or college games fairly often. I'd say through 2010 or so UNC gear easily doubled Duke gear. Now Duke is decisively more prominent.

Kentucky is a hot brand in suburban Maryland, especially among AAU ball players. Because of John Wall, UK gear is very much on display at Wizard games. Right now, at an AAU game, a local high school game or a Wizards game, you are about equally as likely to see UK or Duke gear. UNC is a distant 3rd, and fading.

These are facts.
I'm not sure I believe you. I mean, I believe that you believe you. But reality may be different. Because for every story like yours, I'm betting I could find 3 people that would disagree. But arguing over something so trivial, especially on your board, is not something I'm going to continue to do.

If any of you know me from previous posts here or at my home board, you'll know that I don't really care about that anyway. Like I said, if the day comes and I'm the only Carolina fan left standing, then so be it. How many fans we have is of of very little concern to me (although it will end my message board posting). If we lose every game over the next decade, then I guess I'll just watch a bunch of losers. It is what it is. But I'll still be a Carolina fan. I'll still think highly of the school and the majority of its student-athletes and I'll still feel I'm better than UK fans, duke fans, NCSU fans and whoever else because of my association with Carolina. I would be shocked if that's not how all of you felt about UK.

You are proud of your fake student athletes.

dude you've been academically cheating in sports for over 20 years. When will you exit the denial phase?
It's called coping. I hear this same thing from UNC fans all the time. You're just taking a passive approach toward something you have no control over; Duke being the team of the state now. "I never cared anyway". Sure. Unc cared enough to put up a fake banner because Duke was CLOSE. started cheating because Duke was CLOSE. Now of course, "it never mattered". Lol.

You cared enough to post on a thread about it while surfing a Kentucky message board. You're paying attention.

But nice having ya here. Unc fans have had their heads burried for 2 years now. I know some of you are coming out now because you believe you've loop holed and bamboozled your way out of the mess.

But rest assured, our mods don't run a nazi camp over here. You're free to post and free to express yourself. Coming from that "state ran" - propaganda filled board full of scum, I'm sure it feels more like America to you.

I think you're taking our discussion and this college sports thing a little too seriously. By your own account, there is no fan base that is as obsessed with college basketball as much as UK fans. So why is hard to believe that I don't care as much as you do?

I didn't put up the Helms banner. I didn't "start cheating". And like I said, I did care that much...when I was a teenager.

As far as what's happening on this message board as opposed to others, dude, seriously, it's a message board. If Heelbent was a prick to you, I'm sorry. But I'm sure it hasn't left mental scars. You'll be ok. But I do appreciate you and the mods here rolling out the welcome wagon for me. Your hospitality warms my heart.
Maybe, maybe not. But that's not really the point. The point is that however you slice it, UNC's fan base is significantly larger than the other two schools. The reasons why can be debated. And if you're implying that this will ruin Carolina's reputation moving forward, thus decreasing the size of our fan base, I'd say you don't know too much about fandom...or society in general.

What I am saying dick is that with 20 years of cheating you have 2-3 titles that are tainted. Without those titles how does UNC*** measure up to Duke? I wonder how the UNC*** fan base would be without those tainted titles. We can see that from the time spent by many in the UNC*** fan base denying their University is corrupt and throwing the Harvard of the South's academia under the bus. The fan base would happily trade their University's academic standing for national championships.

The UNC*** fan base has puffed out its chest and proclaimed how great their program is and how UNC*** does it the right way and dismissing Duke as a jonnie come lately and UK as a cheater. All the while the University propped up the UNC*** basketball program and the fan base by denying many young minority athletes an education.
These are facts.

A guy's opinion of how many Tar Heel shirts he saw in an arena during an NBA game is a fact?

You are proud of your fake student athletes.

dude you've been academically cheating in sports for over 20 years. When will you exit the denial phase?

Well, I don't really see it like that so I guess you would assume I'm still in denial. And I can say with confidence, that by your definition, I won't be leaving this stage anytime soon.
I'll give you UK fans are the driving force in college basketball. Thanks for pointing that out. I hope you didn't catch a ban from the propaganda Board.

Heelbent can get bent. He's a coward.

I couldn't root for a program like unc whether or not I grew up with them or not. Once you found out everything you had been told and taught was a lie, that should've been enough.

As long as you can admit you started an athletic scandal using an academic program for the sole purpose eligibility for athletes, I'll honestly say you have more honor than all of your fans combined. But none of you have the guts to let it come out.
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I'm not sure I believe you. I mean, I believe that you believe you. But reality may be different. Because for every story like yours, I'm betting I could find 3 people that would disagree. But arguing over something so trivial, especially on your board, is not something I'm going to continue to do.

If any of you know me from previous posts here or at my home board, you'll know that I don't really care about that anyway. Like I said, if the day comes and I'm the only Carolina fan left standing, then so be it. How many fans we have is of of very little concern to me (although it will end my message board posting). If we lose every game over the next decade, then I guess I'll just watch a bunch of losers. It is what it is. But I'll still be a Carolina fan. I'll still think highly of the school and the majority of its student-athletes and I'll still feel I'm better than UK fans, duke fans, NCSU fans and whoever else because of my association with Carolina. I would be shocked if that's not how all of you felt about UK.
Gee, I'm really upset that you don't believe me, especially since you and other UNC fans have shown such an inordinate capacity to face the truth squarely and accept it -- along with any consequences -- simply because it is the right thing to do; dare I say, the 'Carolina Way.'

As for 'reality may be different,' I guess that's so. In some universe, Rashad McCants is really a Dean's List student, Julius Peppers didn't cheat to stay eligible, Roy Williams brought an academic assistant with him all the way from Kansas but then ignored what he was doing, Roy was both intensely aware of what his players were doing but totally ignorant of the AF-Am scam, Tami Hansbrough got her job strictly on merit, that felon was lending cars out to UNC basketballers left and right because he needed them test driven, and Will Graves was in that house Roy owned without any knowledge of the owner when he was busted for illegal drugs. That's not reality. But it is YOUR reality.
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What I am saying dick is that with 20 years of cheating you have 2-3 titles that are tainted. Without those titles how does UNC*** measure up to Duke? I wonder how the UNC*** fan base would be without those tainted titles. We can see that from the time spent by many in the UNC*** fan base denying their University is corrupt and throwing the Harvard of the South's academia under the bus. The fan base would happily trade their University's academic standing for national championships.

The UNC*** fan base has puffed out its chest and proclaimed how great their program is and how UNC*** does it the right way and dismissing Duke as a jonnie come lately and UK as a cheater. All the while the University propped up the UNC*** basketball program and the fan base by denying many young minority athletes an education.

As I stated, I can't tell you how the entire fan base feels. I can only tell you how I feel. How I feel is that the number of titles for duke versus the number for Carolina is of little consequence to me. Good for duke, I guess...I don't know what you're looking for here.

But I will continue to "puff out my chest". If other Carolina fans don't anymore, then that's on them (that's if we still have any fans and they haven't all changed their affiliation as S&C suggests).
duke could win the next 10 titles and NC State could win the next 10 after that and North Carolina will still be a Tar Heel state. To assert anything else shows a lack of understanding of the schools and how they're viewed in the state. But even if in some fantasy land that were to happen, it would be short lived. Coach K will leave and duke will remain a decent program but certainly nothing like they've been. Carolina has withstood the test of time.
Exactly. And I ought to know since I've lived in this mess for 25 years. The Old North State is Tar Heel by a landslide.
I'll give you UK fans are the driving force in college basketball. Thanks for pointing that out. I hope you didn't catch a ban from the propaganda Board.

I didn't point that out. You claimed it. I used your quote to strengthen my argument at the time. And no, I don't think I'm banned at my home board. I'm a legend there.

Heelbent can get bent. He's a coward.

I like Heelbent. But then again, I'm a Carolina fan. He sure does hate your ilk though. I think you should fight him.

I couldn't root for a program like unc whether or not I grew up with them or not. Once you found out everything you had been told and taught was a lie, that should've been enough.

Well then it's a good thing you're not a UNC fan. By your personality, I could tell that it would about ruin you.

As long as you can admit you started an athletic scandal using an academic program for the sole purpose eligibility for athletes, I'll honestly say you have more honor than all of your fans combined. .

I won't admit that because I just don't see it that way. So you'll have to save your glowing remarks for the next Carolina fan...or at least someone that cares.
Gee, I'm really upset that you don't believe me, especially since you and other UNC fans have shown such an inordinate capacity to face the truth squarely and accept it -- along with any consequences -- simply because it is the right thing to do; dare I say, the 'Carolina Way.'


So, to recap, I don't believe what you posted and you don't care that I don't believe what you posted.

Yep, this is a message board alright.
As I stated, I can't tell you how the entire fan base feels. I can only tell you how I feel. How I feel is that the number of titles for duke versus the number for Carolina is of little consequence to me. Good for duke, I guess...I don't know what you're looking for here.

But I will continue to "puff out my chest". If other Carolina fans don't anymore, then that's on them (that's if we still have any fans and they haven't all changed their affiliation as S&C suggests).

I find it interesting that you would continue to be a fan with all of the corruption at UNC over the last 20 years and then UNC*** spending millions of dollars over a 5 year period to cover it up. Also you stated the UNC*** fan base would still be number one no matter what. If the rest of the ACC had been crushing UNC*** over the last 20 years the UNC*** fan base most likely would have shrunk.

How does one puff out their chest when they know what they have been cheering for is a corrupt fantasy?
Exactly. And I ought to know since I've lived in this mess for 25 years. The Old North State is Tar Heel by a landslide.

I think Nc State has an argument for most fans in the state do they not? When I stayed in North Carolina for a year, i seemed to see as many State fans as UNC fans.

As for Dick, he's just doing typical Dick. Ignore everything, claim ignorance, claim he doesn't care.

Meanwhile he's on a UK message board responding every 5 seconds to posters about the UNC state of things.

He does care, it's eating him, and UNC is an afterthought. I don't give a chit what he tries to claim.

And Heel is a coward, just like most UNC fans and their school.
So, to recap, I don't believe what you posted and you don't care that I don't believe what you posted.

Yep, this is a message board alright.
You are a little off on your recap. Here is an accurate one:

You came on a Kentucky board and said you don't believe my post. I pointed out that not believing anything critical about UNC is consistent with ignoring the avalanche of evidence of cheating, lying, taking improper benefits, loss of institutional control, stonewalling and evading responsibility, and then I listed some documented highlights of that behavior. Then you made a nonsensical response ignoring the disgraceful litany of abuses that characterize the UNC athletic programs.
There's no doubt North Carolina is a Duke state now. Also, it's clear recruits think more of Duke now as well.

I'm sure some UNC fans are in denial, but clearly they're not that bright or they wouldn't be in the academic mess have been involved in for years now.
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I think Nc State has an argument for most fans in the state do they not? When I stayed in North Carolina for a year, i seemed to see as many State fans as UNC fans.

As for Dick, he's just doing typical Dick. Ignore everything, claim ignorance, claim he doesn't care.

Meanwhile he's on a UK message board responding every 5 seconds to posters about the UNC state of things.

He does care, it's eating him, and UNC is an afterthought. I don't give a chit what he tries to claim.

And Heel is a coward, just like most UNC fans and their school.

I am not a big fan of talking about posters instead of the topic itself, but I do always find it comical when someone says "But arguing over something so trivial, especially on your board, is not something I'm going to continue to do.", and then continue to post a half a dozen more times.

I agree with everyone here that has posted in this thread except the guy in denial.
I'm not sure I believe you. I mean, I believe that you believe you. But reality may be different. Because for every story like yours, I'm betting I could find 3 people that would disagree. But arguing over something so trivial, especially on your board, is not something I'm going to continue to do.

If any of you know me from previous posts here or at my home board, you'll know that I don't really care about that anyway. Like I said, if the day comes and I'm the only Carolina fan left standing, then so be it. How many fans we have is of of very little concern to me (although it will end my message board posting). If we lose every game over the next decade, then I guess I'll just watch a bunch of losers. It is what it is. But I'll still be a Carolina fan. I'll still think highly of the school and the majority of its student-athletes and I'll still feel I'm better than UK fans, duke fans, NCSU fans and whoever else because of my association with Carolina. I would be shocked if that's not how all of you felt about UK.

Nice to see you're proud of 18 years of cheating.
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