I'm in a position to make an assessment about the Carolina brand in the mid-Atlantic region, on the edge of ACC territory (until quite recently) in suburban Maryland. I have a high school kid with lots of friends who are sports fans and another kid heavily involved in AAU basketball, where youths are making their selections of team loyalty. I'm a frequent attendee of local high school and NBA (Wizards) basketball games where people wear sports gear. And I have a fairly large circle of college basketball loving friends from many years in the work place.
What I've observed over the past several years is that the number of fans wearing Carolina blue has plummeted. When I was first in this area, and all through the Michael Jordan hey day it was inescapable. Now it is rare. AAU ballers in particular don't care about MJ anymore. The drumbeat of the cheating scandal has definitely influenced casual fans, and driven them away from embracing a program that had some vague veneer of being a premium brand. That cachet is gone and it ain't coming back. Even in casual conversations with college fans from Georgetown, Maryland or some of the smaller programs in the area, UNC is seen as a rogue program. Everyone expects they'll skate, but everyone thinks of them as dirty. You can go to a Wizards game now and you might not see a single Carolina blue shirt or sweatshirt.
The Duke brand is fairly strong up here, right now. It is big among the AAU ballers. You see casual fans wearing Duke garb at high school or college games fairly often. I'd say through 2010 or so UNC gear easily doubled Duke gear. Now Duke is decisively more prominent.
Kentucky is a hot brand in suburban Maryland, especially among AAU ball players. Because of John Wall, UK gear is very much on display at Wizard games. Right now, at an AAU game, a local high school game or a Wizards game, you are about equally as likely to see UK or Duke gear. UNC is a distant 3rd, and fading.