New Scout rankings for 2016


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2008
Sioux Falls, SD
Top 3 stay the same; no shocker there. Simmons is up to 5. Monk dropped to 7 which is surprising. His combination of shooting and athleticism is rare. Murray up to 12, until he reclassifies and joins us of course :sunglasses:. Jonathan Isaac jumped from 45 to 14. I know many of us have been hoping Cal can pull him in as a wing as opposed to Bridges. I was also surprised to see Azubuike drop a couple spot to 31. Anyway, here's the full list"Low"&start=0
And ESPN updated, here.

Simmons 6, Bridges 7, Isaac 12, Langford 13. And Marques Bolden, 6th by Scout, 15 by ESPN. More proof that Cal knows talent when he sees it, because these guys are all risers that Cal was either on early, or jumped on this spring before their rises in the rankings.
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This whole class is tweener central. Lots of combo guards, lots of wings that may actually be undersized 4's, etc.

Be interesting to see where they all go from a skill development standpoint, because a lot of the bodies are in place to be dangerous if they progress into the position they'll ultimately play.
Top 3 stay the same; no shocker there. Simmons is up to 5. Monk dropped to 7 which is surprising. His combination of shooting and athleticism is rare. Murray up to 12, until he reclassifies and joins us of course :sunglasses:. Jonathan Isaac jumped from 45 to 14. I know many of us have been hoping Cal can pull him in as a wing as opposed to Bridges. I was also surprised to see Azubuike drop a couple spot to 31. Anyway, here's the full list Recruiting&classYear=2016&minimumInterest="Low"&start=0
Monk is still rated #1 at his position. This is a talented class with a lot of talent at the top.
my wish list

pg - Simmons
sg - Monk
sf - Tatum
pf - Giles
c - Azubuike
Yeah I'd like my dog to poop gold too but it ain't gonna happen. I do think Simmons is just a matter of time. If we could get either Monk or Langford at the 2, Bridges or Isaac at the 3, and either Azubuike or Bolden at center, I'd be tickled pink. Giles and Tatum would be sweet but methinks they'll be wearing the wrong blue next year.
We'll get Kobi Simmons, we'll get Josh Langford, and we'll get one of Miles Bridges and Jonathan Isaac (I feel like it may be Bridges). At this point, I also fully expect to get Sacha Killeya-Jones. Not sure who we'll get after that.
This whole class is tweener central. Lots of combo guards, lots of wings that may actually be undersized 4's, etc.

Be interesting to see where they all go from a skill development standpoint, because a lot of the bodies are in place to be dangerous if they progress into the position they'll ultimately play.

which is why i wanted zimmerman bad. multi year year 2 at uk, would be tons better than all bigs from the 2016 class not named giles.
which is why i wanted zimmerman bad. multi year year 2 at uk, would be tons better than all bigs from the 2016 class not named giles.

Agreed. The comfort of home and developing away from the fishbowl was too strong a pull though. At least he went somewhere harmless.

I do think we'll be fine with Wynyard, a senior Lee and a 2016 like Bolden or a late riser. Especially because we could be as loaded on the perimeter/wing as ever.
Agreed. The comfort of home and developing away from the fishbowl was too strong a pull though. At least he went somewhere harmless.

I do think we'll be fine with Wynyard, a senior Lee and a 2016 like Bolden or a late riser. Especially because we could be as loaded on the perimeter/wing as ever.

skal scarred him off. no one was expecting him to be as good as he an up close view of him during the all star stuff. between him, lee, and poythress....zimmerman would get the least minutes. he will get tons at unlv. agreed with the comfort of home stuff.
You, sir, are in for a rude awakening. That has a chance to be Duke's lineup before ours.

Not really. About even odds, maybe slightly tilted towards UK. Simmons and Monk are much more likely to go to UK than Duke. Azubuike is most likely gonna go to Florida State, but UK is probably 2nd in his recruitment. Tatum and Giles are a sure thing for Duke though.
This past year has some people calling everybody for Duke now. Pick any recruit and someone will pipe in about how they are going to Duke and not UK.
my wish list

pg - Simmons
sg - Monk
sf - Tatum
pf - Giles
c - Azubuike
Why even bother making a wish list if you aren't going to put Josh Jackson on it? Or is he going to Duke? I get the impression that everyone is going to Duke.
My (realistic) wish list:

G Simmons- we are the favorite.
G Langford- Simmons' AAU teammate. Also the favorite.
F Isaac- 6'9 with guard skills, rising in the rankings.
F Wynyard- committed.
C Banks- rising in the rankings (ESPN has him at 48).

Hoping we get those guys and then Ulis, Lee, Mulder, and Matthews come back.

G Ulis/Hawkins
G Simmons/Mulder/Floreal
G Langford/Matthews
F Isaac/Wynyard/Willis
C Lee/Banks

That would be a fun team to watch.
Frank Jackson just keeps moving up. I hope Cal takes a look at this kid. He can ball.

Biggest concern with Jackson is that (based on what I have read) he is adamant that he is going to take a 2 year mission right after HS. That essentially moves him to the 2018 class or straight to the NBA.
Biggest concern with Jackson is that (based on what I have read) he is adamant that he is going to take a 2 year mission right after HS. That essentially moves him to the 2018 class or straight to the NBA.
The word here in Utah is that he is very unlikely to serve a 2 year mission at least per Josh Gershon.

Greg Wrubell ‏@gregwrubell Jun 8
.@JoshGershon projects "an increasingly realistic chance" that Frank Jackson will forego LDS mission and start his college career in '16-17.

If UK gets involved I will have to try and catch a Lone Peak game. A few years back they had one of the best teams in the country.... beat Aaron Gordon's team rather easily.
The word here in Utah is that he is very unlikely to serve a 2 year mission at least per Josh Gershon.

Greg Wrubell ‏@gregwrubell Jun 8
.@JoshGershon projects "an increasingly realistic chance" that Frank Jackson will forego LDS mission and start his college career in '16-17.

If UK gets involved I will have to try and catch a Lone Peak game. A few years back they had one of the best teams in the country.... beat Aaron Gordon's team rather easily.

I think UK has Simmons as their primary target at PG, so I don't think we will go after Jackson unless things go south with Simmons.
I think Cal pulls in Simmons, Bridges, and Langford for sure. Not sure about any of the big men in the class though.

I fully expect to see Matthews, Lee, and Ulis return along with Mulder, Wynyard, Willis, and Hawkins. We won't be in dire straits in the post because of Lee and Wynyard, but we could use at least one more big. Hopefully Azubuike.
Unless we get s superb talent at the 3, Matthews will start. Guy is too good of a defender and will have matured his offensive game.
you recruiting guys are crazy. I say that in a Cal kind of way. I know nothing about the '16 guys but appreciate those of you who are already talking about our needs and such. This would be a great thread to see about 1.5 years from now
I think Cal pulls in Simmons, Bridges, and Langford for sure. Not sure about any of the big men in the class though.

I fully expect to see Matthews, Lee, and Ulis return along with Mulder, Wynyard, Willis, and Hawkins. We won't be in dire straits in the post because of Lee and Wynyard, but we could use at least one more big. Hopefully Azubuike.

Will be hard to get Bridges out of Michigan. He likely ends up at MSU.

I think Isaac is a better fit and is rising in the rankings.
Honestly I wouldn't mind getting Bridges AND Isaac. Isaac is 6'9" after all. They'd be a fine set of forwards at the 3 and 4. Of course It would help if Isaac put on about 90 pounds.
Honestly I wouldn't mind getting Bridges AND Isaac. Isaac is 6'9" after all. They'd be a fine set of forwards at the 3 and 4. Of course It would help if Isaac put on about 90 pounds.

I think they could play together. Might be a good combo, especially if Bridges continues to improve his perimeter game and Isaac added a little muscle. They would be interchangeable at the 3 and 4 spots.

Simmons, Langford, Bridges, Isaac, and Wynyard would make for a great class.