New Rupp court unveiled tonight

I am good with the new and I am glad in a better design way that they keep "Rupp" and "Central Bank." on the floor. Luther Deaton and his bank are owed a tremendous thanks for stepping in and making sure that Coach Rupp's name would remain as the name as the facility. Had he not stepped in, the radicals who know nothing but what the smear machine has to say would have removed Coach's name. Those people know NOTHING and/or didn't want to know the TRUTH. Thank you Mr. Deaton.
I am good with the new and I am glad in a better design way that they keep "Rupp" and "Central Bank." on the floor. Luther Deaton and his bank are owed a tremendous thanks for stepping in and making sure that Coach Rupp's name would remain as the name as the facility. Had he not stepped in, the radicals who know nothing but what the smear machine has to say would have removed Coach's name. Those people know NOTHING and/or didn't want to know the TRUTH. Thank you Mr. Deaton.
Totally agree
Coach Rupp's name should always be associated with UK basketball
Any concerns about the playing surface? Seeing some reports of slipperiness on the new NBA courts used in the in season tournament.
* No jinx