Need more help/info about this board

May 23, 2002
1. Why do I have 2 avatar pics, even after deleting ? How is that fixed
2, What are the binoculars in the topic line? Only see them in my posts.
3. What happened to the pinned messages? Are they just gone?
The binoculars mean youre on a government watch list so every thread you post in is now being watched.

Beware of black vans when you're on the street
The binoculars mean if you look at that thread through binoculars, you will see a secret message.

Also, "bi" is a prefix for "two", hence two avatar pictures.

Hope this helped!
Thanks for the info. I have donned my tinfoil hat and now will go off the grid (donned means put on/wearing). :rolleyes:
1. Why do I have 2 avatar pics, even after deleting ? How is that fixed
2, What are the binoculars in the topic line? Only see them in my posts.
3. What happened to the pinned messages? Are they just gone?

Don't see two avatars for you.
Means you are following/watching the thread. That is set up under your preferences, or at the top of the thread.
I unpinned a few/all of them for now.