NBA Playoff Predictions


Jul 17, 2003
Now that the Warriors Currys got screwed by the refs twice in a row, it's time to make predictions for the NBA playoffs:


(1) Philadelphia over (8) Washington in 6
(5) Atlanta over (4) New York in 7
(6) Miami over (3) Milwaukee in 6
(2) Brooklyn over (7) Boston in 5

(1) Philadelphia over (5) Atlanta in 6
(2) Brooklyn over (6) Miami in 7

(1) Philadelphia over (2) Brooklyn in 7


(1) Utah over (8)* Memphis in 5
(4) Los Angeles Clippers over (5) Dallas in 6
(6) Portland over (3) Denver in 6
(7) Los Angeles Lakers over (2) Phoenix in 5

(4) Los Angeles Clippers over (1) Utah in 6
(7) Los Angeles Lakers over (6) Portland in 5

(7) Los Angeles Lakers over (4) Los Angeles Clippers in 6


(7) Los Angeles Lakers over (1) Philadelphia in 6
Now that the Warriors Currys got screwed by the refs twice in a row, it's time to make predictions for the NBA playoffs:


(1) Philadelphia over (8) Washington in 6
(5) Atlanta over (4) New York in 7
(6) Miami over (3) Milwaukee in 6
(2) Brooklyn over (7) Boston in 5

(1) Philadelphia over (5) Atlanta in 6
(2) Brooklyn over (6) Miami in 7

(1) Philadelphia over (2) Brooklyn in 7


(1) Utah over (8)* Memphis in 5
(4) Los Angeles Clippers over (5) Dallas in 6
(6) Portland over (3) Denver in 6
(7) Los Angeles Lakers over (2) Phoenix in 5

(4) Los Angeles Clippers over (1) Utah in 6
(7) Los Angeles Lakers over (6) Portland in 5

(7) Los Angeles Lakers over (4) Los Angeles Clippers in 6


(7) Los Angeles Lakers over (1) Philadelphia in 6

(1) Philadelphia over (8) Washington in 5
(4) New York over (5) ATL in 7
(6) Miami over (3) Milwaukee in 6
(2) Brooklyn over (7) Boston in 4

(1) Philadelphia over (4) NY in 7
(2) Brooklyn over (6) Miami in 7

(2) Brooklyn over (1) PHL in 7


(1) Utah over (8)* Memphis in 6
(4) Los Angeles Clippers over (5) Dallas in 5
(3 DEN) over (6) Portland in 7
(7) Los Angeles Lakers over (2) Phoenix in 6

(1) Utah over (4) LAC in 7
(7) Los Angeles Lakers over (3) DEN in 5

(7) Los Angeles Lakers over (1) Utah in 7


(7) Los Angeles Lakers over (2) Brooklyn in 7

I would love to see PHX or NY go farther, but hard to see them winning more than 1 series if that with who they have to play. I think NY can beat ATL, but what crap luck for PHX after such a good season.
Crazy that I have no interest in watching. I used to love the NBA playoffs.

But I'll join in the fun and predict...

-bad reffing
-bad defense
-alot of shots taken 25ft away
-alot of theatrical flopping
-alot of crying about foul calls or no calls
-bad ratings in the US
-good ratings in China
-the NBA goes to whatever lengths necessary to put the Lakers and Nets in the finals to get a couple more American viewers.