Naughty teacher alert! (Covid-19 edition)


May 29, 2001
In the shadow of Bowman Field
EXCLUSIVE: Married Florida data scientist axed for refusing to alter COVID-19 stats was fired from university job for having affair with a student and charged with stalking, threatening him with revenge porn, writing a 342-page manifesto on their sex life
  • Rebekah Jones led a team of Florida Department of Health scientists and public health officers to create and design a comprehensive COVID-19 dashboard
  • The 30-year-old said in a May 5 email that she was fired for refusing to 'manually change data to drum up support for the plan to reopen'
  • can reveal that she was fired in 2017 from Florida State University when she was a PhD student and instructor for having an affair with her student
  • Jones was charged with three counts of cyberstalking her student Garrett Sweeterman, then 21, who filed a restraining order against her
  • She allegedly created a 'revenge porn' website called SurvivingGarrett and sent the link to online boards focusing on women's issues and the #metoo movement
  • Jones posted at least 60 pages of a 342-page manifesto with a narrative of the affair with Sweeterman, including screen grabs of sexts between the two
  • She claims in the essay that the fling with Sweeterman led to a pregnancy. She gave birth to a little girl in mid-2018 and shares an eight-year-old son with her husband

Neither Jones nor her husband Romer returned calls or responded to emails and
text messages asking for their comment
The crazy ones are great, but can be a little dangerous.

In this example, the crazy b got pregnant, got dumped, got fired, and raised the illegitimate child with her husband. Her crazy backfired big time.
And the husband took her back lmao. That is one super crazy woman. She will be problems for her poor loser husband until the day she wants a divorce. Also looks pretty bad without makeup on.
And the husband took her back lmao. That is one super crazy woman. She will be problems for her poor loser husband until the day she wants a divorce. Also looks pretty bad without makeup on.

Look at him. Do you honestly think he will ever do any better even if she is a cheater? I mean it's like Matt Jones and Drew Franklin had a baby.
That is not the same woman inthe article as OPs pic. No way. That is rough business in the article.

Former health department employee, Rebekah Jones, granted official whistleblower status

  • On Friday, the Office of the Inspector General informed Jones that “the information disclosed does meet the criteria for whistleblower status as described by ... Florida statutes.”

Rebekah Jones was responsible for building the COVID-19 data dashboard for the Florida Department of Health, was fired last year after raising concerns about “misleading data” being presented to the public. [ Miami Herald ]
  • Wow
Reactions: gobigbluebell
Note to horny students: Have occasional sex with them but do not date a bunny boiler.
Only a matter of time before Caveman finds this thread, mouth frothing, and starts screaming in a spittle-flecked rage at somebody and threatening to call the police because nobody posting in here has worked on a crisis hotline before.