I thought we recruited him though? I welcome an educated, respectful response because I sincerely wonder why we wouldn't have any interest in him, he does not appear to be a one-and-done and could provide leadership on future teams. It's not always about the very next year (or 2).
I thought we recruited him though? I welcome an educated, respectful response because I sincerely wonder why we wouldn't have any interest in him, he does not appear to be a one-and-done and could provide leadership on future teams. It's not always about the very next year (or 2).
Yep. Shame too. Kid's pretty good player. Some guys don't really look out for a kid's best interest.His coach at Huntington Prep, Rob Fulford took an assistant coaching position at Mizzou. MGC followed him.
I was thinking the same thing, Mizzou used to have decent basketball. That program may be down for several more years.Man, I really thought Mizzou would help strengthen the basketball side of the SEC. Instead they've stunk up the joint and excelled in football.
No. He said MGC (Montague Gill-Ceasar) not MKG.C'mon, did someone just say Charles Matthews is better than MKG?
You can't say he's a multi-year kid who does what MKG does, but better?
If he transfer to another SEC school does he have to sit out 2 years or has that been changed ?
I think the current SEC rules still apply. If an athlete transfers from one SEC school to another SEC school, he sits out one year and loses another year of eligibility. So if he is a Freshman now, he sits out the 2015-16 season, plays the 2016-17 season as a Junior.
Na we don't need him with a 16 class that's stacked and loaded. Getting him would screw us out of getting a big 5star like Bridges or maybe Jackson if we have a shot at him. I'd rather have Bridges than MGC. If he wanted to come here he should have done it out of HS instead of going to Mizzou.
It amazes me how many people reply to a post without even reading the post they are replying to. Of course the dude aint saying the kid is better than MKG. That would be insane. Haha
Every time we think the SEC is about to step up and be a better conference, teams fail to meet those expectations and do stuff that keeps them where they are. Arkansas just took a hit as well. I doubt Florida gets back to where they were under Donovan for a while either. Just have to accept that it's a football conference and UK will have to get their challenges in the OOC schedule.