Mitch Misunderstood


Blue Chip Prospect
Mar 31, 2009
Much must have misunderstood the objective. That’s 2 out of 3 bad hires and the one good hire he made, he later made bad by offering unlimited money with no incentives.

You are telling me not one coach with post season success was interested?

Mitch should have never been allowed near the search.
My brother called me immediately last night and was livid. This morning he's all aboard. The hire shocked a lot of folks but when you put some thought into it, it makes a lot of sense and is pretty exciting.
Agreed. Think it just caught a lot of people off guard and their reactions were a result of that. Still seeing some on here that will not get on board but getting fewer and farther between. His hire never bothered me in the slightest albeit not what I expected but I think he will do quite well here.
Anyone see the title of this thread and start singing Mr. Misunderstood by Eric Church?

Now it's stuck in my head. Dammit..
I’m going to ride the Popemobile.
I Love You GIF
When we are struggling next year in the bottom half of the sec the reality will be back
Does it eat at you when you look in the mirror and have to be honest with yourself that you would've fired Dan hurley before he won back to back championships?

Who knows how Mark will do, but we all know the previous statement is 100% factual for a majority of this fan base
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Much must have misunderstood the objective. That’s 2 out of 3 bad hires and the one good hire he made, he later made bad by offering unlimited money with no incentives.

You are telling me not one coach with post season success was interested?

Mitch should have never been allowed near the search.
Is this you, Ellen?
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When we are struggling next year in the bottom half of the sec the reality will be back
Come on man at least give our man Pope a shot. Is it who we all wanted? I can say it isn’t. It’s not fair to a former player who has passion as much as the rest of us that hasn’t even yet assembled a coaching staff , a roster or even coached a game to be criticized. We should direct any anger toward the man that made the hire but until then get behind Pope give him all our support and see what our former Wildcat can do in the driver seat….
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Come on man at least give our man Pope a shot. Is it who we all wanted? I can say it isn’t. It’s not fair to a former player who has passion as much as the rest of us that hasn’t even yet assembled a coaching staff , a roster or even coached a game to be criticized. We should direct any anger toward the man that made the hire but until then get behind Pope give him all our support and see what our former Wildcat can do in the driver seat….
Of course I will. But Barney has to go. He doesn’t garner the respect to bring in an elite coach. Coaches know he’s not about the basketball program he’s destroyed uk basketball.

Listen man I went to and cheered every home game when Bcg was here. That’s not changing.
Groupthink taking over now. All rational thought is not allowed
For the life of me I just can’t see what there is to be excited about. I’m trying to I really am. I want Kentucky to win. But nobody on here has a good answer for why Pope is a good hire