Mitch Barnhart's contract extended through 2028

I'll write this every time this topic come up. He is a university president's dream as an AD. I'm not sure there are any AD's out there that are more of a dream for a university president than Mitch. He will be here as long as he wants too, although I imagine this might be it as he will be 67 when his contract expires.
UK athletics is like US federal government....our own Ky-ish swamp behavior. Mitch does not deserve to be fired but he sure as heck does not deserve an extension. No reason to just punt a decision and go year to year for now....just like how feds behave.

1. UK basketball is a decent size mess to be blunt (not Billy G bad yet). Miss NCAA 3 years, worst first round loss in school history to St PEters 2 years ago and a very ho-hum 2nd round NCAA bounce last year with an experienced roster.
2. Cal has basically a "you can't fire me contract" that was 100% Mitch and is biting the program in the back right now.
3. UK football while in good shape overall under Stoops....had a pretty poor results last year. 7-6 is the worst season at UK since Stoops 3rd year. Lost to Vandy at home. Lost to USC at home. Tennessee embarrassed Ky and Music City Bowl was a disaster (worst bowl performance in UK history) And Mitch gave a silly contract extension to Stoops. Not that Stoops was on hot seat....but his current contract was fine and no need to be extended.
4. MItch's prized olymipic sports....not amazing as if it ever mattered. Kyra Elzy is a complete disaster for women b-ball. We're going to be one of the bottom 5 SEC teams while she is here. Men baseball has been on edge of do we get rid of Mangione or not for a while.

THe main positive for Mitch is Stoops looks like he'll get a statue for football which is a ton credit to Mitch. And maybe Cal will get a good year upcoming (but we thought that last year as well). But his main body of work at UK is not deserving but UK is about handing out money like a drunk politician now a days. And Mitch, Caliputo, etc are part of their own swamp in Lexington
Just more proof that football > basketball...even at the all-time winningest basketball program's school.
Funny how the non revenue sports don’t matter when they’re winning.
In any business no revenue means no business. However, I am one who thinks you do need to consider the total body of work. My problem with Barney is that he makes some really bad decisions.
In any business no revenue means no business. However, I am one who thinks you do need to consider the total body of work. My problem with Barney is that he makes some really bad decisions.
Everyone makes bad decisions, it’s called being human.
In any business no revenue means no business. However, I am one who thinks you do need to consider the total body of work. My problem with Barney is that he makes some really bad decisions.
Literally every AD in the country has made bad decisions tho. I’m not sure why people think that’s unique to Mitch Barnhart. Tom Jurich who was oddly worshipped by a large number of UK fans nearly destroyed his athletics program all while lining his and his families pockets. Who are these ADs who haven’t made huge mistakes?
So ultimately Eli the prez is the problem. It’s insanity the years cal and Barney have been given to squat on the job. At the very least let’s see how fall sports pan out before giving Barney even a second thought. Another mediocre fb season then what does Barney have?
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Literally every AD in the country has made bad decisions tho. I’m not sure why people think that’s unique to Mitch Barnhart. Tom Jurich who was oddly worshipped by a large number of UK fans nearly destroyed his athletics program all while lining his and his families pockets. Who are these ADs who haven’t made huge mistakes?
Do they get to make this many bad decisions though?

Cal lifetime
Billy G
Stoops extension after a poor year
Do they get to make this many bad decisions though?

Cal lifetime
Billy G
Stoops extension after a poor year
They do if they’re on the job as long as him and are as successful as him. Who are your top 3 candidates to replace him?
Literally every AD in the country has made bad decisions tho. I’m not sure why people think that’s unique to Mitch Barnhart. Tom Jurich who was oddly worshipped by a large number of UK fans nearly destroyed his athletics program all while lining his and his families pockets. Who are these ADs who haven’t made huge mistakes?
Oh, so now we are defending UK's dumb "A" decisions by comparing them to those made by others. If that is the best defense you have, you really don't have one.
Do they get to make this many bad decisions though?

Cal lifetime
Billy G
Stoops extension after a poor year
Jeremy Foley is looked at as a god among SEC AD’s for his time at Florida. During that time, he hired:

Ron Zook
Will Muschamp
Jim McElwain

He hired 4 coaches in football and 3 of them sucked. I’m sure he made sone other stupid mistakes too along the way.

Any AD who has been at a program for 20+ years is going to make bad hires and mistakes. Just as with any other field. We focus on Mitch, because we pay closer attention, but there are very, very few that don’t make bad decisions along the way.

He has some weaknesses (sucks at contracts, is way too conservative on decision making being two of them) but overall, he’s been a pretty good AD.
Literally every AD in the country has made bad decisions tho. I’m not sure why people think that’s unique to Mitch Barnhart. Tom Jurich who was oddly worshipped by a large number of UK fans nearly destroyed his athletics program all while lining his and his families pockets. Who are these ADs who haven’t made huge mistakes?

Nearly? 😉
Do they get to make this many bad decisions though?

Cal lifetime
Billy G
Stoops extension after a poor year

Cal lifetime- he would have been annihilated by BBN if he let Cal walk at the time.

Billy G- I am still one of the only people I know who didn't want BCG after Tubby

Stoops extension after a poor year- Stoops has taken this football program to places it has never been in my lifetime

Joker- mistake

elzy- mistake

Mangione- meh, he has been fine
Literally every AD in the country has made bad decisions tho. I’m not sure why people think that’s unique to Mitch Barnhart. Tom Jurich who was oddly worshipped by a large number of UK fans nearly destroyed his athletics program all while lining his and his families pockets. Who are these ADs who haven’t made huge mistakes?
Sure they make mistakes but how many handed out lifetime contracts.
Just more proof that football > basketball...even at the all-time winningest basketball program's school.
Basketball will win—on auto pilot (and not ho 9-16).

Football needs the attention and investment, and finally we are getting it. This is the SEC, and you have to spend like a so-called “Football school@ to get the respect.