"Message board ***holes"


Blue Chip Prospect
Apr 2, 2013
Lex Vegas
I don't know if you guys care that much (probably not) but it seems that KSR has really ramped up the discussion about this board on their show. Matt has always taken shots at specific posters (usually those tin-foil hat types) and today Drew Franklin made the following comment on their website:

"It shouldn’t be long before the University of Kentucky releases its 2015-16 non-conference basketball schedule to the public, for message board ***holes to complain about irrationally. We already know of 12 of UK’s upcoming opponents and nine of those games are set in stone with dates and venues."

In my opinion, if these message boards irritate these guys so much they should steer clear. I just find it hilarious that Matt Jones and/or Drew Franklin lurk on this board for information to post on a slow day but we are "message board ***holes". I think that the majority of posters here have some sort of basketball knowledge and simply enjoy the discussions. There will always be a (or several) crazies in the bunch.

P.S. This is no way is a reflection of my views on their show as a whole. I love it and I listen everyday. Just seems petty to me. (Try to take it easy on me guys OK hahaha)
Saw that. Franklin and BTI are worthless. I can sympathize with having to create content during the offseason, but those two suck at their jobs.
Because letting "fake Barney" sing a song live on air is so much better than message board ***holes discussing UK BB schedule...

Might want to check your business plan KSR...
There is one reason, and one reason only, that any of those people at KSR have a job, and it isn't any discernible talent. It is the 'irrational' fanaticism of people who follow Kentucky basketball and thus will support anything associated with it. That intense interest is a host that any number of parasitic life forms feed upon. Fair enough. But don't bite the fan you feed on.

1) Very few other websites/forms of media have made it to the level of KSR, so there likely is some talent there
2) A lot message board posters would probably relate with the a*** comment because they won't think of themselves as the a****, but will think of others on the site that they regard as that.
Why so defensive? I'm certain Drew didn't mean everyone over here is an A-hole. He must have hit a little close to home with a few.

Not me, although I can be an asshole I've never gotten worked up over the schedule. ;)

Drew has a point but why bite the hands that feed you.
I'm a casual UK football fan so what makes someone an asshole in regards to discussing the football schedule?
Drew is talking about the few people on here bitching about the OOC schedule every year. It is usually those bitching about "not playing enough tough teams at Rupp" that are always whining each year. It is a minority of the board, but I think most can agree they are annoying and need to get over it.
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All I'll say, is some of his callers are far worse than anything I see on here. yes, plenty of crazies are on here but my feeling is the crazies here don't stop here, they go on KSR radio.

The show has KY Joe who's a goof and Chester who thinks the Mob is after him bc he thinks the refs were against UK and he talked about it on KSR
Didn't see where he specifically targeted Rupp Rafters. Contrary to popular belief, there are other UK basketball messageboards. Either way, no need to get bent out of shape.
Jones has taken something that is a hobby for most of us and turned it into a very profitable venture, I think that creates a lot of jealousy and vile from a portion of the fan base who wishes they were in the same position. I will never understand the hate for Jones that shows up on these boards.

That being said, some of the callers on that show are pure garbage and on par with the worst message board posters. Pretty unfair to group message board posters as a-holes...every platform that allows people to speak without being seen is going to have their fair share of crazies.
can we get the ubiquitous, idiot driven, throat poaker, "I've never heard of him," please? That completes the thread.
Jones has taken something that is a hobby for most of us and turned it into a very profitable venture, I think that creates a lot of jealousy and vile from a portion of the fan base who wishes they were in the same position. I will never understand the hate for Jones that shows up on these boards.

That being said, some of the callers on that show are pure garbage and on par with the worst message board posters. Pretty unfair to group message board posters as a-holes...every platform that allows people to speak without being seen is going to have their fair share of crazies.

Exactly my point. It just seems like they go out of their way to paint these discussion boards in a bad light. Its the same as when people say every UK fan is nuts. I just don't appreciate being roped into a group Like I said I have nothing against them or the show and I will be tuning in again today as I do everyday.
Jones has taken something that is a hobby for most of us and turned it into a very profitable venture, I think that creates a lot of jealousy and vile from a portion of the fan base who wishes they were in the same position. I will never understand the hate for Jones that shows up on these boards.

That being said, some of the callers on that show are pure garbage and on par with the worst message board posters. Pretty unfair to group message board posters as a-holes...every platform that allows people to speak without being seen is going to have their fair share of crazies.

I wholeheartedly agree, but Franklin calling out the messageboards for arguing about the schedule is the pot calling the kettle black. The schedule complaints I see on here mostly revolve around UK playing too many neutral court site games and the season ticket holders feel cheated. 100 bucks says if you started talking about it on there, you would get the same calls you see here. The luxury they have is they can cut off people or not put them on air if they sound like they will be too volatile.
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pretty easy to see that if you're not one of the ones complaining about the schedule then he's not talking about you. Don't get the point of the thread.

Just another reason to complain/bash KSR. Nothing more than that.
I don't know if you guys care that much (probably not) but it seems that KSR has really ramped up the discussion about this board on their show. Matt has always taken shots at specific posters (usually those tin-foil hat types) and today Drew Franklin made the following comment on their website:

"It shouldn’t be long before the University of Kentucky releases its 2015-16 non-conference basketball schedule to the public, for message board ***holes to complain about irrationally. We already know of 12 of UK’s upcoming opponents and nine of those games are set in stone with dates and venues."

In my opinion, if these message boards irritate these guys so much they should steer clear. I just find it hilarious that Matt Jones and/or Drew Franklin lurk on this board for information to post on a slow day but we are "message board ***holes". I think that the majority of posters here have some sort of basketball knowledge and simply enjoy the discussions. There will always be a (or several) crazies in the bunch.

P.S. This is no way is a reflection of my views on their show as a whole. I love it and I listen everyday. Just seems petty to me. (Try to take it easy on me guys OK hahaha)

How is that a jab at this site specifically? There are UK message board ***holes on LOTS of message boards, including their own ksr site.
Exactly my point. It just seems like they go out of their way to paint these discussion boards in a bad light. Its the same as when people say every UK fan is nuts. I just don't appreciate being roped into a group Like I said I have nothing against them or the show and I will be tuning in again today as I do everyday.

I go on the basic theory that 10% of fan bases are nuts. When you have a fan base as large as Kentucky's then there are simply more people that are nuts
Drew is talking about the few people on here bitching about the OOC schedule every year. It is usually those bitching about "not playing enough tough teams at Rupp" that are always whining each year. It is a minority of the board, but I think most can agree they are annoying and need to get over it.

When you have a large fan base there will be someone that will complain about EVERYTHING. It's sheer numbers. Some people just like to be the guy that points out what's wrong. Every fan base has them.
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Why is everyone who participates in social media-based interaction, so freaking hyper-sensitive? Literally every subject on every messageboard results in someone getting angry, defensive or outright hostile. Do we act this way in the real world? No way!
If you don't like KSR, then steer clear of the site and radio show. Pretty simple really.
Why is everyone who participates in social media-based interaction, so freaking hyper-sensitive? Literally every subject on every message board results in someone getting angry, defensive or outright hostile. Do we act this way in the real world? No way!
If you don't like KSR, then steer clear of the site and radio show. Pretty simple really.

I think the tone of the message is lost here. It's a discussion board. When people discuss things that they have a strong opinion on, things can get spirited. Hyper-sensitivity = passion. I'd have to say plenty of people get angry, defensive or outright hostile in the real world everyday. To say no one acts that way is silly and short-sighted. The original message is not about hating KSR. It is about KSR's depiction of these forums while they simultaneously use them as a resource. KSR always points out that the crazy UK fans the national media chooses to focus on are not indicative of the fanbase, that's the same thing I was trying to do with this thread. I have a pet peeve regarding generalizations, to me they are lazy.
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Jones has taken something that is a hobby for most of us and turned it into a very profitable venture, I think that creates a lot of jealousy and vile from a portion of the fan base who wishes they were in the same position. I will never understand the hate for Jones that shows up on these boards.

That being said, some of the callers on that show are pure garbage and on par with the worst message board posters. Pretty unfair to group message board posters as a-holes...every platform that allows people to speak without being seen is going to have their fair share of crazies.

What is it about matt jones that makes some of you post this. In every single matt jones thread, someone feels the need to write exactly what you wrote here.

"He took a hobby and made it profitable and now people are jealous??" That's just ridiculous. I have a great life, make great money, and could care less that he's profatable. It doesn't change the fact that he really has minimal connections and completely lies about lots of his info. Like I've said, the "platoons" comments should have completely shown some of you that he's FOS on a number of topics. One thing I miss about tbk was the asshole MM calling him out, putting false info out "on purpose" just to watch jones run with it and look like a fool. I saw it many times. I'm cool with jones pumping UK, but he's a lot like matt at the shiver. Just bs homer info that is more fluff than anything and half of it is for clicks and is garbage. If some of you are fine with that then you're fine with it, but stop assuming that everyone is just miserable and jealous that doesn't like his show. You have no basis for it and it's said far too often.
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Posters on this board criticize everything relentlessly yet expect to be coddled as BBN and are hyper sensitive to any criticism aimed at them .
This. If you're the kind of guy who spends all your time criticizing other people, then you should in theory be tough enough to take a message like what Drew said without getting riled up about it. He's welcome to his opinion like anybody else.

The whiners and nancies on this board are the thinnest skinned people in the BBN.
1) Very few other websites/forms of media have made it to the level of KSR, so there likely is some talent there
2) A lot message board posters would probably relate with the a*** comment because they won't think of themselves as the a****, but will think of others on the site that they regard as that.

Its quantity over quality over there...crapping out 10-15 posts per day is hustling for sure and a 7000 US Alexa ranking is killing it for a site like that. I could only imagine if they invested some real money on site features and functionality and actually brought in some decent writers especially a couple that actually knew anything at all about football. BBN is starved for a site like that and would blow it up. I could be SO much more, but hey if its not broken why fix it I guess.
I don't know if you guys care that much (probably not) but it seems that KSR has really ramped up the discussion about this board on their show. Matt has always taken shots at specific posters (usually those tin-foil hat types) and today Drew Franklin made the following comment on their website:

"It shouldn’t be long before the University of Kentucky releases its 2015-16 non-conference basketball schedule to the public, for message board ***holes to complain about irrationally. We already know of 12 of UK’s upcoming opponents and nine of those games are set in stone with dates and venues."

In my opinion, if these message boards irritate these guys so much they should steer clear. I just find it hilarious that Matt Jones and/or Drew Franklin lurk on this board for information to post on a slow day but we are "message board ***holes". I think that the majority of posters here have some sort of basketball knowledge and simply enjoy the discussions. There will always be a (or several) crazies in the bunch.

P.S. This is no way is a reflection of my views on their show as a whole. I love it and I listen everyday. Just seems petty to me. (Try to take it easy on me guys OK hahaha)
New groups, i.e. print, radio, t.v. have a certain amount of space/time every day to fill. If it is a slow news day, they just make it up or created a mountain out of a mole hill.
Posters on this board criticize everything relentlessly yet expect to be coddled as BBN and are hyper sensitive to any criticism aimed at them .
This right here is what I've been trying to say. Matt Jones and Drew Franklin are doing fine. All of you are cannibalistic and attack anyone that criticizes anything Kentucky related. Get over yourselves. Matt and Drew are making money because you/we are all fanatical. I really dislike the way people on this board are so territorial.
Jones has a nice gig,he gets to talk to the world about UK sports and evidently make enough money doing it to live on.Good for him

On the flip side he seems to think he is more important than he is,and he cheats playing golf,if he does that then there are probably other things he does that make him less than a wonderful person.

He doesn't seem like the type of person who treats everyone as he would like to be treated.
I've listened to KSR around 10 times total ever since the show has been on the air. Seems everytime I have listened to it the same people are calling in. Now is it that they give these guys the private numbers to call in? I don't know but they are the dumbest sob's I've ever heard call in. They could be posters on here and I've got a few ideas on which ones hmmm.

If im going to listen to a show I want it to be about intelligent discussion with people talking about whatever topics that know what they are talking about. Or have on guests talking about said topics for our entertainment.
Does MJ want the show to be modeled after the lunatics that call in and talk about Bama on Finbaum? I think that is the direction he wants it to go in and it's a discussion I want no part in.
Let me run the show and I would have writers on the show more often, different coaches even AAU coaches. Maybe even be friends with a few refs and have them on the show anonymously talking about how games were officiated. I could come up with a 100 different topics than have some backwoods brute ask when Richie is going to play.
To me Marc Maggard and Matt Jones are 2 guys with the same goal in mind. Both tried their best to draw fans of the bbn to their site for hits and revenue of some sort. Maggard failed miserably because he is just a grade A asshole and would kick off his paying members who even questioned any info he put out. That info was stolen from other sites and charged with money. He routinely made crap up and stole a couple info providers over here. Think one guy was named Dave Kersey for example. Matt didn't charged and is a like able guy and they would also steal info or ideas from various boards regularly. I used to go their often but not any more because of the worthless drivel that I talked about in another thread that fills space for em. Ie tweets

So I just refuse to listen to the show and rarely go to their site. That solved that but it still casts bbn in a bad light by their worthless callers calling in.
I've listened to KSR around 10 times total ever since the show has been on the air. Seems everytime I have listened to it the same people are calling in. Now is it that they give these guys the private numbers to call in? I don't know but they are the dumbest sob's I've ever heard call in. They could be posters on here and I've got a few ideas on which ones hmmm.

If im going to listen to a show I want it to be about intelligent discussion with people talking about whatever topics that know what they are talking about. Or have on guests talking about said topics for our entertainment.
Does MJ want the show to be modeled after the lunatics that call in and talk about Bama on Finbaum? I think that is the direction he wants it to go in and it's a discussion I want no part in.
Let me run the show and I would have writers on the show more often, different coaches even AAU coaches. Maybe even be friends with a few refs and have them on the show anonymously talking about how games were officiated. I could come up with a 100 different topics than have some backwoods brute ask when Richie is going to play.
To me Marc Maggard and Matt Jones are 2 guys with the same goal in mind. Both tried their best to draw fans of the bbn to their site for hits and revenue of some sort. Maggard failed miserably because he is just a grade A asshole and would kick off his paying members who even questioned any info he put out. That info was stolen from other sites and charged with money. He routinely made crap up and stole a couple info providers over here. Think one guy was named Dave Kersey for example. Matt didn't charged and is a like able guy and they would also steal info or ideas from various boards regularly. I used to go their often but not any more because of the worthless drivel that I talked about in another thread that fills space for em. Ie tweets

So I just refuse to listen to the show and rarely go to their site. That solved that but it still casts bbn in a bad light by their worthless callers calling in.
I mean you say all this, but the guy has the biggest independent college sports blog in the country. They get unprecedented numbers for what they do. What do you think the odds are that the style of show you would run would be more successful than KSR, which gets 5x bigger numbers than anyone ever thought possible in that format, leading the ratings in every demographic (unheard of for a sports radio broadcast), etc?

and if you say, well it's not about the numbers - who cares if it's popular or not? That's easy for you to say when it's not your income.
I don't know if you guys care that much (probably not) but it seems that KSR has really ramped up the discussion about this board on their show. Matt has always taken shots at specific posters (usually those tin-foil hat types) and today Drew Franklin made the following comment on their website:

"It shouldn’t be long before the University of Kentucky releases its 2015-16 non-conference basketball schedule to the public, for message board ***holes to complain about irrationally. We already know of 12 of UK’s upcoming opponents and nine of those games are set in stone with dates and venues."

In my opinion, if these message boards irritate these guys so much they should steer clear. I just find it hilarious that Matt Jones and/or Drew Franklin lurk on this board for information to post on a slow day but we are "message board ***holes". I think that the majority of posters here have some sort of basketball knowledge and simply enjoy the discussions. There will always be a (or several) crazies in the bunch.

P.S. This is no way is a reflection of my views on their show as a whole. I love it and I listen everyday. Just seems petty to me. (Try to take it easy on me guys OK hahaha)

You just made their point actually. Like you said, the majority of posters have bball knowledge but there are also crazies on here. Well, those crazies are the ones they're referring to on their show. They aren't speaking about all of us, just the idiots on here. Also, there is alot of unwarranted butthurt around here for Matt Jones and KSR. I've never really understood it. People forget what kind of site they run and act like they're CNN or MSNBC. I won't say FoxNews cause that's the craziest channel of all.