Meet the Cats: From Australia to Kentucky, Humphries lured by Cal's snow-nonsense tactics Read more

Really excited to see this guy play. Love the comparison to a second year Josh. Thanks for posting preacher.
Excited to see him play, but I'm not gonna lie, I got a chuckle when he asked how big a foot is. Of course, I'm not as quick with the metric system as I am feet/inches/Fahrenheit, etc.

Also, what a cool story that the weather was really bad, but Cal still came to see him play when no other coaches would.
Being compared to a bigger Josh Harrelson is never a bad thing. If Josh had just a little more size, he would be on a roster in the NBA for a long time. Cal turned Josh into a NBA guy in pretty much one year. This kid might not stay all four years, but Cal has more time with this one. As good of a shooter this big guy is, I can't wait to see him play in a game.