Man I miss those days. 2014-2015 Fearless cats!!!


Jan 30, 2018
Louisville, Ky (Behind enemy lines)
I don't think we will ever see it again and that makes me sad. To have so many guys come here and not be afraid to compete with one another. Mot have their circles mess things up what a beautiful time it was. Thats what makes it hard for me with the Bradshaws and Reeves types.

It's still hard for me to watch this stuff knowing how it ends. If we just hadn't gotten Wisconsin the year before would they have been so motivated? Watching this I had forgotten about all the overtime games and the big wins over top 5 teams, the coaches we beat, routing KU, beating up on Billy Donovon, UCLA, UNC, top 5 undefeated UL on the road. I mean what a season, what a team, what a time. I miss it so badly.

I enjoyed watching this. It made me sad though. Our players were men, beasts, animals on the prowl...Wildcats!! Now, it's like our players seem afraid...of the competition, of getting hurt, getting in the mix. I know the players of today are strong, but to me, they even look weaker than the players in this clip...meaning muscular, and not having what I call, bird legs and arms. But hopefully our strength and conditioning program is better this season. I do think we have some excellent players this season. And especially adding Mitchell and if we can add Somto. I try not to, but I'm getting.a little tingley excited (lol) about this upcoming season! Go CATS!!!!!💙
I enjoyed watching this. It made me sad though. Our players were men, beasts, animals on the prowl...Wildcats!! Now, it's like our players seem afraid...of the competition, of getting hurt, getting in the mix. I know the players of today are strong, but to me, they even look weaker than the players in this clip...meaning muscular, and not having what I call, bird legs and arms. But hopefully our strength and conditioning program is better this season. I do think we have some excellent players this season. And especially adding Mitchell and if we can add Somto. I try not to, but I'm getting.a little tingley excited (lol) about this upcoming season! Go CATS!!!!!💙
I lived in the weight room for 2 years in HS went from 155 to 180 and was ripped. Holycrap Nowadays with what they know about nutrition and supplements these guys should be beast out of high school. I mean I was only 6ft but dam back then it was carb load and about everything different from today.

Alex Poytress and others showed you can do it. Sure some is genetics but a lot is flat out work. I lived in a gym as a scrawny kid. Until I was more muscular than most upper class man. Just different times. Before participation trophies.