Mail Delivery Delays


Jan 1, 2003
Who all had no mail deliveries when your roads were clear and access to the mail box was accessible?
How many days did you not get mail?
Is the Fern Creek Post Office in Louisville the only one who had problems?
In one week there was no mail in our subdivision on Monday (delivered on Tuesday) then got our Tuesday delivery LATE Tuesday night, Got mail on Wednesday, No mail again on Thursday (big snow day) Friday and Saturday. Finally got mail on Monday but it wasn't delivered until 6:35pm, 5 hours late. A reporter talked to a USPS management person who told them that the mail carriers didn't have to deliver if the streets were unsafe to drive on. That is a true statement. But when I talked to a person at the USPS distribution center the response was they didn't have enough drivers. Pretty odd when 1/2 of our subdivision got mail and the other half didn't. All streets were plowed Thursday night and again Friday morning.
Other than tax bills, and the occasional formal invitation, who even GETS any real mail anymore? Honestly can't remember the last time I even bought a stamp.

Mail is pretty much for poors...
Through rain, sleet, snow, hail....
Originally posted by HymanKaplan:

Other than tax bills, and the occasional formal invitation, who even GETS any real mail anymore? Honestly can't remember the last time I even bought a stamp.

Mail is pretty much for poors...
Pretty much. Except UPS gets USPS to deliver about half its small packages around here, which is awesome. Add an extra day and a half to delivery time, ftl. But I guess it adds a few dollars to that idiot mailman dude who posts in all the union threads' pension though, so it's all good.

This post was edited on 3/10 2:44 PM by Beavis606
I'll give the USPS credit for stepping up to handle Amazon Prime Sunday deliveries. My mailman hated it, but it made Christmas shopping incredibly easy.
I'm wondering how long it would take for me to notice that I didn't get any mail. Pretty sure I could go quite a while without my ValPak coupons and other junk that I get. They could bring my mail once a week and I'd be fine with that.