Madness campout started last night and it was crazy to see how much the campus has changed. New buildings everywhere, both temporary and permanent. Also, due to construction there was only about half the normal camping spots and its already full. Camping in the front and sides was relatively unchanged but in the back of memorial/joe craft center, there is/was only one small line and its all full. The blue courts are gone, replaced by a temporary bookstore, Also, the overflow camping spots that are usually across the street in front of memorial are not there this year. They only had 4 very small lines. Basically due to construction, ALL of the camping spots are full, and they are not accepting anymore campers.
It rained about 5 hours and was very muddy, accompanied by the straw from construction. They announced to the crowd just prior to start, that Ticketmaster will have a tone of tickets Friday night at 10:00, much more than normal because not as many will be handed out at the campout.
It rained about 5 hours and was very muddy, accompanied by the straw from construction. They announced to the crowd just prior to start, that Ticketmaster will have a tone of tickets Friday night at 10:00, much more than normal because not as many will be handed out at the campout.