He did what he was supposed to do against us. I don't hate him for it. Hate that Bogans had a sprained ankle. Hate that they called a charge on Barbour.
He did what he was supposed to do against us. I don't hate him for it. Hate that Bogans had a sprained ankle. Hate that they called a charge on Barbour.
We were losing that game no matter what. If you think Bogans could've stopped Wade we need an intervention.
No, but Bogans certainly could have slowed him down.
And mostly, Bogans could have worn Wade out because Wade would have had to play defense too. Defending Bogans was certainly no easy feat.
Come on, we're comparing an NBA superstar to a guy who barely made the league. Wade scored when he wanted. And I don't know if you've played college sports, but when the lights are on...if you can walk, the adrenaline is so high you don't feel pain. Sorry, we weren't meant to win that night regardless.
Bogans barely made the league? He's been in the league for quite some time. I don't consider that barely making the league if he has played in the nba especially if you have played more than 10 years. Must be doing something right.
Yeap, that is horrible.Yep, Bogans has played 11 seasons in the league
We were losing that game no matter what. If you think Bogans could've stopped Wade we need an intervention.
Probably the third best shooting guard in league history, but ok.Like Coach K, I've seen enough of DWade to last a lifetime. Without LeBron, Wade's not even in the playoffs. He and Bosh can now try to figure out how to lead a team to the playoffs.