I see that a Chicago Little League team has been stripped of its title for using players outside its defined borders -- basically a city team allowed suburban kids to play.
Is that really worse than keeping players eligible at a university by giving them As in classes they did not attend and for papers they did not write? Did this little league team act less ethically than the 2005 NCAA champions that had an entire line-up which received fraudulent grades?
What kind of sports world exists today when the Little League has a higher ethical standard that the association policing college sports?
Upholding the rules
Is that really worse than keeping players eligible at a university by giving them As in classes they did not attend and for papers they did not write? Did this little league team act less ethically than the 2005 NCAA champions that had an entire line-up which received fraudulent grades?
What kind of sports world exists today when the Little League has a higher ethical standard that the association policing college sports?
Upholding the rules