Little League vs. NCAA/UNCheats


Dec 9, 2007
I see that a Chicago Little League team has been stripped of its title for using players outside its defined borders -- basically a city team allowed suburban kids to play.

Is that really worse than keeping players eligible at a university by giving them As in classes they did not attend and for papers they did not write? Did this little league team act less ethically than the 2005 NCAA champions that had an entire line-up which received fraudulent grades?

What kind of sports world exists today when the Little League has a higher ethical standard that the association policing college sports?

Upholding the rules
Unc cheat fans don't care about the rules. The only thing they are concerned about is recruiting at this point. They can't understand why Roy has no top recruits? Many of them are posting that the ncaa has no jurisdiction in the academic scandal. This is after the school's chancellor admitted to wrong doing. There seems to be a lot of talk that the cheats are trying to negotiate penalties with the ncaa. Cuse at least self imposed after a 5 year investigation. Unc *** is contributing to killing the Carolina way by delaying punishments. Cant win without getting the top talent. GBB
Originally posted by MdWIldcat55:
I see that a Chicago Little League team has been stripped of its title for using players outside its defined borders -- basically a city team allowed suburban kids to play.

Is that really worse than keeping players eligible at a university by giving them As in classes they did not attend and for papers they did not write? Did this little league team act less ethically than the 2005 NCAA champions that had an entire line-up which received fraudulent grades?

What kind of sports world exists today when the Little League has a higher ethical standard that the association policing college sports?
Great point! I keep hearing about all these "stupid rules" from last night's game. You want to know what is a "stupid rule"? This one about players having to be within certain borders in order to be eligible. Why? I can understand there being age restrictions but borders? The only problem I would expect there to be with a "outside border" player would be whether the school (or school system) used funds to allow said family to move within their borders to make it legit. If they did that...I could see a real problem. The problem to me is...what is the big deal about having to be inside a certain border? It's a stupid rule.

What UNC did is far worse and it isn't even debatable.
Originally posted by SLONER67:

Originally posted by MdWIldcat55:
I see that a Chicago Little League team has been stripped of its title for using players outside its defined borders -- basically a city team allowed suburban kids to play.

Is that really worse than keeping players eligible at a university by giving them As in classes they did not attend and for papers they did not write? Did this little league team act less ethically than the 2005 NCAA champions that had an entire line-up which received fraudulent grades?

What kind of sports world exists today when the Little League has a higher ethical standard that the association policing college sports?
Great point! I keep hearing about all these "stupid rules" from last night's game. You want to know what is a "stupid rule"? This one about players having to be within certain borders in order to be eligible. Why? I can understand there being age restrictions but borders? The only problem I would expect there to be with a "outside border" player would be whether the school (or school system) used funds to allow said family to move within their borders to make it legit. If they did that...I could see a real problem. The problem to me is...what is the big deal about having to be inside a certain border? It's a stupid rule.

What UNC did is far worse and it isn't even debatable.
I'm not sure I understand your point. If you eliminate borders, Little League becomes AAU ball. The charm of Little League is that the kids who play for a team represent their community and aren't recruited in to win championships.
Well said preacher. Rules are rules and should be obeyed by all. Little League has always had these rules this isn't a new thing.
Originally posted by preacherfan:
Originally posted by SLONER67:

Originally posted by MdWIldcat55:
I see that a Chicago Little League team has been stripped of its title for using players outside its defined borders -- basically a city team allowed suburban kids to play.

Is that really worse than keeping players eligible at a university by giving them As in classes they did not attend and for papers they did not write? Did this little league team act less ethically than the 2005 NCAA champions that had an entire line-up which received fraudulent grades?

What kind of sports world exists today when the Little League has a higher ethical standard that the association policing college sports?
Great point! I keep hearing about all these "stupid rules" from last night's game. You want to know what is a "stupid rule"? This one about players having to be within certain borders in order to be eligible. Why? I can understand there being age restrictions but borders? The only problem I would expect there to be with a "outside border" player would be whether the school (or school system) used funds to allow said family to move within their borders to make it legit. If they did that...I could see a real problem. The problem to me is...what is the big deal about having to be inside a certain border? It's a stupid rule.

What UNC did is far worse and it isn't even debatable.
I'm not sure I understand your point. If you eliminate borders, Little League becomes AAU ball. The charm of Little League is that the kids who play for a team represent their community and aren't recruited in to win championships.
Totally agree, Preacher. To allow what this team does just destroys what Little League has been all about all these years. NCAA could/should learn a big lesson from what they did to this team but they won't.
Originally posted by preacherfan:

Originally posted by SLONER67:

Originally posted by MdWIldcat55:
I see that a Chicago Little League team has been stripped of its title for using players outside its defined borders -- basically a city team allowed suburban kids to play.

Is that really worse than keeping players eligible at a university by giving them As in classes they did not attend and for papers they did not write? Did this little league team act less ethically than the 2005 NCAA champions that had an entire line-up which received fraudulent grades?

What kind of sports world exists today when the Little League has a higher ethical standard that the association policing college sports?
Great point! I keep hearing about all these "stupid rules" from last night's game. You want to know what is a "stupid rule"? This one about players having to be within certain borders in order to be eligible. Why? I can understand there being age restrictions but borders? The only problem I would expect there to be with a "outside border" player would be whether the school (or school system) used funds to allow said family to move within their borders to make it legit. If they did that...I could see a real problem. The problem to me is...what is the big deal about having to be inside a certain border? It's a stupid rule.

What UNC did is far worse and it isn't even debatable.
I'm not sure I understand your point. If you eliminate borders, Little League becomes AAU ball. The charm of Little League is that the kids who play for a team represent their community and aren't recruited in to win championships.
My point was simply that UNC is getting away with murder in comparison to what this team is being nailed for. They broke the rules yes and there are consequences so be it.

But I don't think what the Little League team did was nearly as reprehensible as what UNC did. That was my main point...sorry if I muddied it up.

Point well taken though that the NCAA could learn something about leveling punishment to teams that break the rules and more so for 20+ years for crying out loud.
The Little League has rules, but they do not apply to teams from Chicago. To suggest the team from Chicago cheated is the highest form of racism.
Originally posted by rodgerblue:
The Little League has rules, but they do not apply to teams from Chicago. To suggest the team from Chicago cheated is the highest form of racism.
How anyone can excuse this is beyond me. There really are only two ways to cheat in kids sports: lying on birth certificates and pulling kids from outside districts. If you break either of these rules you are most certainly DQ'd. I don't see how race even factors into it.
Originally posted by WayneDougan:
Originally posted by rodgerblue:
The Little League has rules, but they do not apply to teams from Chicago. To suggest the team from Chicago cheated is the highest form of racism.
How anyone can excuse this is beyond me. There really are only two ways to cheat in kids sports: lying on birth certificates and pulling kids from outside districts. If you break either of these rules you are most certainly DQ'd. I don't see how race even factors into it.
So,what about county city schools that do it in ky for football and basketball....we all now of teams that have done it even todayalso do,you believe Buckner , Barnes, victor, all were catholic and deserved to play Podunk high for a title
This post was edited on 2/12 11:53 PM by W2R
I saw where Jessie Jackson was on tv talking about this subject. I was at the gym with headphones on so I didn't hear what was said, but judging by his appearance, I am afraid racism will be blamed and not cheating. It seems like Jackson and Sharpton only get involved when they want to use the racism card. I hope I am wrong, but not holding my breath.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
The biggest surpise is that this didn't happen sooner. People know which leagues kids belong in. Kids know each other. Families. Schools.

If they broke the rules, they should have been stripped. LL/Cal Ripken are about the local little leagues, NOT putting together an all star team of however you see fit. I'm sure the Louisville Valley Sports team that won several years back could have been even better if they got rid of a few of their lesser players, and added some kids that were the best in their respective leagues.

I really enjoyed watching that Chicago team, they were a lot of fun.
Now it has turned into a racial thing (suprised?).

The coaches broke the rules and knowingly did so. It is terrible for the kids, but instead of these idiots running around claiming legal action they should be issuing a lifetime ban to the coaches for putting the kids in the situation.
Here's what burns me up. When the Tark died, rest his soul, I think it was him who said something like, when the NCAA gets mad at KY., they put Cleveland State on 3 yr probation. Jalen Rose quoted that the other night when they went around the table to pay respects to the Tark. It pissed me off. UNC should have been mentioned in some way to the same effect but worse. Do you get what I'm saying? FCC.
Originally posted by FutureCityCats:
Here's what burns me up. When the Tark died, rest his soul, I think it was him who said something like, when the NCAA gets mad at KY., they put Cleveland State on 3 yr probation. Jalen Rose quoted that the other night when they went around the table to pay respects to the Tark. It pissed me off. UNC should have been mentioned in some way to the same effect but worse. Do you get what I'm saying? FCC.
No, I don't get what you're saying. The show was about paying respect to Tark. Tark made that quote about UK; he did not make it about UNC.
Originally posted by KyCatFan:
I saw where Jessie Jackson was on tv talking about this subject. I was at the gym with headphones on so I didn't hear what was said, but judging by his appearance, I am afraid racism will be blamed and not cheating. It seems like Jackson and Sharpton only get involved when they want to use the racism card. I hope I am wrong, but not holding my breath.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Unfortunately my assumption was right. I did a search and he says something about "is this about boundaries or race?" I put a link to it if you want to read the story. Maybe one of these days Jackson and Sharpton will realize they cause more issues than they help. There was a time for guys like that, but I believe their time has past.
That's an interesting theory on Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. You really think they only get involved when there's an opportunity to race bait? That's a pretty strong accusation.
They used 4 to 5 ineligible you know how good of a team you can make if you snag 4/5 ringers from out of the district?...

On top of that, they beat their cross town rivals it up on a team who can look into where everyone lives and can actually hear (in person) the rumors. Also, they recruited a player that ended up being on this team that took the 42-3 beating
Originally posted by CatsFanGG24:

They used 4 to 5 ineligible you know how good of a team you can make if you snag 4/5 ringers from out of the district?...

On top of that, they beat their cross town rivals it up on a team who can look into where everyone lives and can actually hear (in person) the rumors. Also, they recruited a player that ended up being on this team that took the 42-3 beating
Yep. I'm already tired of "those poor kids shouldn't be punished" blah blah blah. They wouldn't have won if they didn't cheat, period.
Originally posted by BlueKel:
The biggest surpise is that this didn't happen sooner. People know which leagues kids belong in. Kids know each other. Families. Schools.

If they broke the rules, they should have been stripped. LL/Cal Ripken are about the local little leagues, NOT putting together an all star team of however you see fit. I'm sure the Louisville Valley Sports team that won several years back could have been even better if they got rid of a few of their lesser players, and added some kids that were the best in their respective leagues.

I really enjoyed watching that Chicago team, they were a lot of fun.
I think you would be surprised at the politics involved in putting together those all-star teams. Yes, they may be defined by districts, but those kids often are on AAU teams put together by their coaches and play on 2-3 teams simultaneously while playing Rec League ball. It's not uncommon for a lot of those kids to miss half of their rec league games to play in tournaments on weekends, yet still be the face of the leagues national all-star teams. Those kids literally play hundreds of games together in one form or another. They aren't just thrown together at the end of a rec league season.